Take the chakra test!!

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Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 161
Root: under-active (-38%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: open (50%)
Heart: under-active (6%)
Throat: open (44%)
Third Eye: open (56%)
Crown: open (31%)

Re: Take the chakra test!
Post # 162
Third Eye:under-active(-13%)

it's horrible>.>

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 163
Root: under-active (-69%)
Sacral: under-active (-31%)
Navel: under-active (-31%)
Heart: under-active (-63%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: open (13%)
Crown: under-active (-38%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 164
Root: open (56%)
Sacral: under-active (-44%)
Navel: open (44%)
Heart: open (65%)
Throat: open (29%)
Third Eye: open (38%)
Crown: over-active (83%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 165
Is this result good or bad?

Root: under-active (-6%)
Sacral: under-active (0%)
Navel: under-active (-44%)
Heart: under-active (-25%)
Throat: under-active (0%)
Third Eye: under-active (-31%)
Crown: open (38%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 166
Root: open (19%)
Sacral: under-active (-13%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: open (19%)
Throat: open (38%)
Third Eye: open (44%)
Crown: open (44%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
By: / Beginner
Post # 167
Well... I already knew all that xD

Root: open (31%)
Sacral: over-active (69%)
Navel: open (38%)
Heart: open (38%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: over-active (69%)
Crown: under-active (-13%)

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 168
Here are my results, and some questions.

Root: open (25%)
Sacral: open (38%)
Navel: open (31%)
Heart: under active (6%)
Throat: open (31%)
Third-eye: over active (69%)
Crown: open(50%)

What the heck?! My 3rd eye is over active, yet i dont see ghost! well maybe from the place where im in has no ghost or something?

But there is this situation, we moved to our second appartment that we lived 4 years ago, i see a somewhat ghost there, which looks like its face is just a skull, has afro hair, full white clothes i saw it near that houses sink, then disappeared quickly, then the 2nd time, my arm moved hit the mirror thats near the sink then i saw that ghost like thingie again, the mirror was moved strongly so after some few movements of the mirror the image disappeared again, but from what ive seen, i think thats just my imaginations, but... so yeah, any opinions out there? thanks

Re: Take the chakra test!!
Post # 169
Root: open (63%)
Sacral: open (25%)
Navel: over-active (75%)
Heart: open (63%)
Throat: over-active (81%)
Third Eye: over-active (81%)
Crown: over-active (75%)

Re: Take the chakra test!
Post # 170
Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: open (31%)
Navel: open (63%)
Heart: open (19%)
Throat: over-active (69%)
Third Eye: open (63%)
Crown: open (19%)

LOOL at my root chakra tehe

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