The Inner Beast

CovenBaron La Croix ► The Inner Beast
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The Inner Beast
Post # 1
Everyone has an alter ego... an ego that is the complete opposite of what they really are. Everyone who knows me knows my alter ego's name is "Mahogany". You have your alter ego's, and then you have the inner beast. The beast is that underlying lying side of everyone that is sadistic, caotic, and wants nothing but to destroy the world. Think of X-Men's Jean Grey. She had the "Dark Pheonix" (thats what they first called the "Pheonix during the earliar X-Men comic books), who was mad, and insane... a creature and in my opinion a ferocious beast. Again like the famous spider-man quote.."WITH POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILTY". Us witches,pagans,and etc were blessed with super-natural gifts, but what do we do when that inner beast is fighting its way to come out? So many things trigger mines... heart-break (always), abuse, so many things! Speaking of my experience, mines comes out mostly due to heart-break whether it caused by friends, family or men (especially). She wakes me up in the middle of the night, or won't allow me to sleep. When I feel that rage coming over me, I get really angry, and my body temperatures core heats up, and I end up opening all the windows, puting on air-conditioners... the works! So do all of you silence the rage and inner beast?

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 2
I never really thought of having an inner beast before, but I guess we all do. In the past I just dismissed it as being "angry", but I realize now that it is my inner beast (which I don't know the name of this beast, nor do I think I want to). At any rate, what I do now when my beast comes out (which usually takes a lot, unless its self defense) is ...and this may sound corny....but I try to put myself in a "happy place". Try meditating, I find that sometimes this is the best "medicine". I also work with crystals and stones, and there are some that can balance your emotions and keep them evenly balanced. Willa, if you would like to give it a try with crystals and stones, email me here, I will be happy to help.

Re: The Inner Beast
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Like lizze i have never thought of a inner beast before, but in some cases it makes sense.

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 4
i go literally insane in a fighitng frenzy i normally have to tire myself out which takes a few days to do, but like willa's mine is caused by heartbreak, abuse, and fights, but when mine starts to show even the slightest bit u better put me under lock and key and let me gain control because i can destroy almost anything when i am in a frenzy like that

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 5
Honestly when I look at the pictures of Storm, she is probably my closest if not accurate description of the beast living in me. Beautiful, yet scary and uncanny. If your an X-Men ffan like me, and watched the old school first cartoons of X-Men they had like 1 or 2 episodes where she started going a little caotic,and Rogue latched a hold of her to calm her down. That is totally me!

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 6
woah then your pretty sexy, (just pointing that out there) but to scary to make a move on

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 7
We have more than one alter ego, we have so many inner selves that are only small pieces of the whole that is the soul. Once you combine all of them then you may well have the inner you. Its best to get to know some of these pieces. You can even sort through them and make a new you. This is not often suggested and one should be careful when thinking of it.

The inner beast is different for each person and does not always only have the purpose of destruction, at least not in my opinion.

Re: The Inner Beast
Post # 8
greed i know of what you speak and yes it is dangerous because i myself have tried before

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