Morning Libations

CovenBaron La Croix ► Morning Libations
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Morning Libations
Post # 1
Morning Libations

Take your coffee into the bathroom with you in the morning and after each line sprinkle a bit of coffee into the sink

I have come here to present myself and these offerings to my ancestors with a pure heart and clean hands.
I salute those who are named
I salute those whose bones lie within and upon this land
I salute all those who throughout all times have been associated to my family line as friends, companions and mentors, remembered and forgotten, named and those who remained unomed.
I salute all those who have inspired me by their deeds throughout history
I salute all of my unknown ancestors
I salute all those who have come before and whose names are now forgotten, from all times, from all continents, from all walks of life and all spiritual paths.
For my ancestors who are not at rest I offer this special prayer so that their souls may now rest in peace through the intercession of the Loa

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 2
This is so cool.

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 3
Now this I really like! Great morning thanks to the Loa

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 4
This is very interesting. I do have a morning ritual that I do every day, a simple but very effective one. Let me know if anyone would like to hear it, I will gladly share.

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 5
Of course we would like t hear it Lizzie

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 6 is my morning ritual

This is a simplified version of an ancient magickal technique called "Invoking by Pentagram", where different energies can be summoned for different purposes.

Light your choice of incese or essential oils. Choose one that corresponds with your need.
Stand facing east in front of a window, in warm weather you can go outside. Take a few slow, deep breaths.
Make the sign of the pentagram on your body, following these steps:

Touch the fingertips of your right hand to your forehead saying
Touch the fingertips to your left hip saying
Fingertips to right shoulder saying
Fingertips to left shoulder saying
Fingertips to right hip saying
Fingertips to your forehead again saying
"I Now Seal My Affirmation!"

Inhale the fragrance.
(my personal choice is frankincense and myrrh)

Re: Morning Libations
Post # 7
I love this lizze, it is a wonderful contribution!!

Re: Morning Libations
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
There all very great methods!

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