Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou

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Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 1
I need a better known answer of were it originated. How it was formed and what types of practices can be used within hoodoo, voodoo, and Vodou
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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 2
Hoodoo originates from Africa and when the slaves were brought over to the Americas, they were forced to conform to Christian and Catholic beliefs to they hid their lwa (spirit gods) in Catholic and Christianity.

Some of the slaves went to U.S. and that started New Orleans Voodoo, and some went to Haiti and area where Vodou got started.

Voodoo, Vodou, and Hoodoo are some of the oldest forms of magick and because most of the time it was, and stil is, by those who live away from big populations so it is called Folk Magick.

Ceremonial Magick is the only practise I can think of right now that goes well with all three.

Hope I helped. :)

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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 3

Hoodoo is magic without the spirits like the lwa or what have you involved. It is the absense of those things. Hoodoo and Vodou don't go together. So they are seperate practices.

Vodou is from Haiti, and Voodoo is more of the New Orleans form of it. I wouldn't necessarily state that Hoodoo it is the oldest form of magick. It is way more recent compaired to Vodou.

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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 4

Sim in hoodoo we do believe in spirits we work with our ancestors or even saints (if catholic) instead of working with lwa. Hoodoo may not be a religion but we still have beliefs. We also belive in working with angels also as far as ive heard :)

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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
i (though not any of the 3) was told hoodoo was a practice, but voodoo was a religion.
but now thats much clearer!
i get it now- similar but different, and from different places. ill remember that. oh and find out why my voodoo loving friend said that :) knowing me i heared wrong or misunderstood
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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 6
Start with the basics. It is African in origin but it is also mixed with Catholicism. Look up Orisha in African Mythology. Those "gods" or Spirits are the basis of Voodoo (same if not similar names and attributes).
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Re: Hooodo, Voodoo, Vodou
Post # 7

Hoodoo does not work with spirits (saints or what have you). It is the absense, people tend to call themselves a rootworker, if so then they wouldn't work with spirits. And if they do call themselves that they don't understand the title of what that is or what Hoodoo is. Hoodoo does not rely on the help from spirits.

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