Weight Loss Spell

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Weight Loss Spell
Post # 1
I can currently come up with a good weight loss spell. Eating all I want even late at night (to test the spell) I have lost 10 pounds in one week without any exersise. Imagine what it could do if I stopped eating all the time. I only eat to test the spell. Anyway here it is: Imagine a white light coating your outside and inside your skin. (Inside too is very important for this spell to work) Then visualize your body weight coming off your body in the form of white energy. Do this for about 1-2 minutes every night before you go to bed. It is a very good spell. I made it up myself. Although it is kinda a transmutation spell. Your changing your body weight into energy and then returning that energy to the earth. Well leave your thoughts about this. But please be nice.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 2
*trying hard to be nice which is unusual*

psychological programming can work, however in this situation, i would be concerned about the health effects on the body, and since energy has no weight, i would doubt the "spell" is the cause of this weight loss.

besides, 10 pounds in a week? you need to see a doctor.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 3
No I don't. I am perfectly healthy. What I mean by that is I have no health issues. And besides all matter is energy. We are beings of energy. Even science says that. This spell is not that far fetched.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 4
Why can't people go gym or jog? There's loads of ways to lose weight, exercise, no wonder why the worlds getting fatter. A good healthy diet and exercise three times a week for three hours and there's no reason why you can't lose weight. Drink plenty of clean water six to eight glasses a day. Plus its also a way to keep hydration up .
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 5
Did you just call me fat??? Losing weight is NOT as easy as you think. Thousands of people have trouble with it. And people I meant do you have thoughts about the spell. Don't tell me about world events! Either comment on magic or the spell or don't comment at all.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 6

Hun, losing 10 pounds in a week is a sign of illness or a worm in your stomach. So, you probably should take Stone's advice and see a doctor.

Also, being comfortable in your own weight and working to change it physically is more helpful to you than magic-ing it away. It's the same as doing liposuction. Eventually you'll gain the weight back that you lost through the power of persuasion (or from a worm if that is what it is).

Also, while you can't just melt off pounds, you can have an increase in your metabolism due to your diet, exercise, and other factors. But I very much doubt you are converting the stored energy in the fat in your body into pure energy.

Also, to be healthy, the body needs a certain amount of fat.

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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 7

Seriously, I am just going to mention that exercize and hard work effort, and yes it can be repeated over and over until it is memorized and burned into someone mind. Nature people, enjoy it, live in it, play in it, stop spending all of your time indoors. Get as much exercize you can, especially outdoors. I am not saying the exercize has to be hardcore or intense... It can be simply walking somewhere instead of driving ten blocks to the store, ride your bike to work or school, and if you don't have one walk and take the bus if necessary.

Also watch the amount of food you eat, most people over eat without realizing it, people eat to feel full, but they are exceeding what there body needs. It is also important to watch the portions of certain food groups or categories, everything is okay in moderation for the most part but pay particular attention to high fat foods, complex carbohydrates, junk foods. etc.

Use common sense and use some self control, and loosing to much weight too fast is really unhealthy, and certain dieting and exercise methods can be dangerous, so don't be foolish, Anorexia and Bulemia are not the ansers.....

Blessings and Peace be with you,


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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 8
Enchanter18 I was not saying your fat just eat health and exercise, its common sense :)
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 9
well if it really works, I think alot of people would be interested and try your spell ;)
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 10
Thank you Zeizzie999. People just don't know how to listen huh? I say comment on magic and the spell and I get a post about exersising outdoors. People on this site can be boneheaded. I am not blaming everyone though only theillyrium. Please comment ONLY on the spell or the magical possibility of it. And to AdrianaW read this.

Human Intestinal Parasites Worms

Human intestinal parasites worms infection air food water cause constipation, stomach bloating, disease health problems. Other symptoms include anemia, asthma, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fatigue, low immune system, nervousness, skin rash. Most will not face this reality or even want to think about this subject and will continue in their suffering.

I have none of these symptoms. Therefore I cannot have this worm as you said. And almost any other kind of illness comes with baldness and weight loss. I assure you all I don't need a doctor.
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