What is a Witch?

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What is a Witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
I am a witch. I was trained by a witch. So, what is a witch? Originally we were simply called "wise ones". At the time when the modern medical profession did't exist, the wise ones were the healers. They knew the herbal remedies for many ailments. They could not cure cancer, of course, but they could ease the pain. The wise ones also studied the influences of the sun, and the moon, and the planets.A witch really does know healing. However, modern medicine is now so powerful that I have changed over the years. So now my healing is more "emotional" than physical. Easing the pain of the Mind, giving good counsel. I still make up herbal remedies if asked; but the same remedies can now be had from lots of Herbal stores, already made up, and with full instructions of how to use them. Witchcraft is not the answer to every ailment; but it can help a person accept the inevitable. Hospices do it every day for the terminally ill. They don't call it magic, of course, but it is the same magic I have practised all my life. Magic is not waving a wand about and changing somebody into a frog! My witch teacher never had a wand or a staff in the whole 91 years of her life. Magic is "knowledge", how to use what is there, how to focus energy; how to meditate; how to visualise your spell. That is all the magic. But be careful with spells. Maybe the threefold payback may not be exactly correct, But there is always a payback, "What you sow, so shall you reap". Can't be said any better than that!
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Re: What is a Witch?
Post # 2
Very well done Sir. I think your post is very positive and from the heart and rather straight to the point. I can certainly relate to what you said about healing and use of herbs.
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Re: What is a Witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
I believe that a witch is not just knowledgeable but one who is actually practicing the art of the craft. One may know much of what to do in theory but if they do not actually practice this on a daily basis then they are not a witch. I believe to be a witch one must be devoted to the craft in such a way that ones craft is reflected in all aspects of their life. Knowing how to cast a spell and actually casting on a regular basis are two different things. I am actually offended by those who are very much like the "Sunday Christians", one day of the week they are gods servant yet the other six days they are without without god.

Maybe I hold the term in too much respect, maybe the term witch is not a religious word, I just know to me the word witch is sacred.
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Re: What is a Witch?
Post # 4
Excellent post Brysing.

I'm sure that the "wise ones" of old did not just wake up one day and decide to cast spells. Back then, the craft was handed down from one generation to another, through the use of a Book of Shadows.

But somewhere along the line, something changed. No longer considered healers, witches were persecuted, hounded and murdered.

Now the craft is resurfacing, but not the old ways. Movies, books and television have made magick a fast get-rich-quick, cure all for everything. Not to mention the fact that many young ones (judging by the spell requests I have read), want to change into something that simply cannot be done on this plane.

Magick is more mental than physical, spells are never guaranteed (no matter who says otherwise), and requires life-long learning. Also, like you said Brysing, you need to accept the consequences of your actions.

Think first, then think again, and then finally speak.

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Re: What is a Witch?
Post # 5
Theres that word again, consquences. All acts whether they be magical or not has consequences. Rilke
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Re: What is a Witch?
Post # 6
One thing that I noticed that was left out was observant. To be a witch you must also observe your surroundings, and the people you come across. Back in the old days this was how the Elder Lady/Man knew who would end up with who, and financially where a person may have difficulty. I have to say though Brysing, I could not have put it any better ^_^
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Re: What is a Witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
Yes. kts, I do practise every day. Now that I am retired I have even more time to devote to the craft. I help my neighbours every day; from the 90year old very fit and active man, to the very disabled lady who lives opposite to me. And it can be practical help; with shopping etc. I have a permanent altar. and I meditate there at least once a day. I write to people in prison. I visit people in hospital. I, too, have no time for the theorists who do not practise.
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Re: What is a Witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
That is great we need more people who actually practice daily and are willing to share their knowledge. Just don't be discouraged when for every one person who is serious about learning that there are twelve others that want to swish and flick their way to greatness.
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Re: What is a Witch?
Post # 9
There is no greatness to swish and flick. A true Witch has no choice but to practice the Craft every day. It is who they are. I was taught to be in Service, to my Spirit, to my Coven, to people in need, in Service takes many forms, and one cannot do so by taking days off. Rilke
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Re: What is a Witch?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
I disagree even the best witches need time to themselves. A day off in the life of a witch happens when they can focus on what it is they need to do for themselves and nothing else. Like a sick day to heal the body a day off can heal the mind ;)
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