WaterSign's Profile

Member Info
Name: WaterSign
Location: Scotland
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 18 Jul 2011
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have been practising various forms of the craft since I was in my late teens (more than twenty years ago) and am always searching for new techniques and expanding my knowledge of the metaphysical world.
In some senses, my life is a dichotomy, or contradiction. Whereas I am drawn to the natural side of the world and natures own magickal sciences, I am also at home with technology around me, being a programmer.
I have never fully given myself over to a particular god or goddess, although I do respect them, and their followers, and acknowledge the existence of higher beings.
The majority of magick I have performed has been through energy manipulation, to help control my surroundings and bring my desires to manifestation, however, I also use more traditional spells and correspondences.