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Search Results for death
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Life..By Twisted Pig - Magic Forums
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...The reaper's traveling at full throttle, There's no escape form death, torn from the womb, And Dead on Arrival...Life is something to be cherished, Troubles come and Troubles pass. In life We have our possessions of Value and Sentimental attachment. But In the end if Death stood over you as you...
our own death - Magic Forums
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...should we fear our own death? i would be intrested to know what others think about life after death is there any thing els other than the hear and now? i know what i belive what do you think! Misc Topics our own death This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1...
Charge of the Dark God - Magic Forums
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...Version I: The Charge of the Dark God I am the fire within your heart - the yearning of your soul. I am the hunter of knowledge and the seeker of the Holy Quest. I - who stand in the Darkness of Light, am He whom you have called Death. I...
XxxCatboyxxX's Profile - Membership Area
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...comes without giving any Signals. but they are wrong. Because, before death or or something happens wrong. Nature gives us any signal or clue. But peoples do not pay any attention to.......
balcus's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile generation i hold the power now and my wand.i am the god god of death you may have seen my work in some places like. and i might just be a 13 year old god and wizard i still hold the power of death for all eternity! just 1 more...
Death spells - Magic Forums
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...How can I protect myself to make sure that the spell doesn't come back on me by three? Has anyone tried a death spell that worked? Site Spells Discussion death spells Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Death note - Magic Forums
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...Does the DEATH NOTE spell really work?? Site Spells Discussion death note Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Vamp fact or fake part 3
...Another way to weed out the real from the fluffy. Do Vampyres decompose rapidly upon death or turn to dust? Of course they don?t. If this were true, the papers and scientists would be all over it by now. Do Vampyres spontaneously combust upon death. While we have all heard of...
a reading about death? - Magic Forums
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...i have a friend who received multiple tarot readings and someone told her about her dying in a car crash and only the other male passenger living. she hasn't driven since she received those readings. and she'd like me to read her cards. she wants a ten card spread read. Any...
Death Essence? - Magic Forums
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...I am not curious about this for use on someone....but I saw in a death spell on here ''you will need death essence, and a lot of it.'' What is Death Essence, and how do you make/get it? General Info death Essence? Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start...
Death spells - Magic Forums
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.... As much as I want to cast one, I refrain because of this fear. I would never be able to live with myself if my son was killed because of me wanting the father dead. Site Spells Discussion death spells Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest newest Start...
death_flower's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: death_flower Location: brokeville, usa Gender: Female Last Seen: Wed, 06 May May 2009 Membership:.......
Angel of Death help - Magic Forums
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...Hey, I have started this thread asking a series of questions which will hopefully be answered and therefore hopefully shall rid my confusion. I've been studying and researching the Angel of Death, and here are my questions: In christian mythology, is his name Azrael? Once you have cheated death, will it...
Celtic Goddess of War: Ways to Work With The Morrigan
...The Phantom Queen on the battlefield. The crow that soars above the wreckage and ruin. The seeress, the warrior, the protector. Yet also the goddess of Summer, Love, and Fertility of the land. The Celtic Goddess of War, The Morrigan, has become a popular pagan deity in modern times. And with...
Ego Deaths and Past Lives
 Years ago while a member of this website, I was introduced to a form of ego deaths. Whether or not this is the same form as commonly referred to within the occult community, I don't know. It was never a point of much research for me during this time, and so...
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