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Search Results for death
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286 total matches
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 Death magics Death magics have been around for as long as humans have grasped the concept of using magic of any form. Even the most basic division of magics must include a segment for that which is known as Necromancy. Though Necromancy currently has a functional etymology to it, this was...
Ouiji Boards - Magic Forums
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...Question: Is the Ouija board dangerous? Answer: Most paranormal researchers advise against the casual use of the Ouija board, suggesting that it can be a doorway to unknown dimensions. ?The board itself is not dangerous, but the form of communication that you are attempting often is,'' says Ghost researcher Dale Kaczmarek...
SNAKE316's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: SNAKE316 Location: DEATH! YOU GONNA LOVE IT! I SURE DO!!! Gender: Gender: Male Last Seen: Sun, 05 Oct 2008 Membership: Member Myspace: view Personal Bio MY BEST FRIEND ARE/IS............
potions - Magic Forums
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...I have made potions for a number of years now and the trick is to know your ingredients and So your first question would be as in any sort of magick what is your goal? So you know what you are going to make what are the herbs you will use...
Black Magic Chant - Magic Forums
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...''Expugno Lumen, Nillus Lux, Vis Levis, Luciens Nux'' The translation *We Extinguish the Light, We Render its Death, Violent Light, Light is Dead* I can't claim this particular work as my own. I found it around the internet awhile or so back. I use it so i figured this would enlighten...
Connecting with Energy - Magic Forums
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...Now if your not mature enough to handle this next statement you are certainly not mature enough to be dealing with any type of energy or magick period. The feel of energy moving through you is very close to the feeling of having a orgasm. The build and release this is...
My random ramblings. - Magic Forums
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...This is my random thought on balance and duality. I have came to the conclusion that theyre the very same. Balance is how we describe the universal understanding of cant have one with out a counter part to keep it even. The whole idea behind duality is so it keeps everything...
Graveyard dirt - Magic Forums
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...Graveyard dirt is the dirt collected from fresh graves for all sort of purposes but it is mainly used for the purpose of causing unnatural illness and death to enemies.. People who have casted such spells have told me that sometimes they mix it with their victims nails, hair or something...
Gods H - Magic Forums
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...And some Gods and Goddesses who's names start with H: Ha - guardian god who is an early deity of the western Sahara, (egyptian). He was referred to as warding off enemies (Libyan?) from the west. Shown crowned with the symbol of the desert dunes. Hachiman: God of war and peace...
Moon phases - Magic Forums
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...I am not sure if we have beaten this subject to death or not. I find this subject one of the easiest to learn and one of the best guides for doing spell work. I try as often as possible to do my work by the moon. Because if I have...
Some advice !!!!!! - Magic Forums
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...I have just had a near death experience. I was in the bath with my favourite candle burning. I was pulled towards the flame but I felt pushed to do it. I was in a trance like state on which I could not get out of. My whole body was frozen,...
The Other Side
 Where we go when we die. Sleep and death are one in the same. We cross over to the other side, the dream world by many names: Heaven, Aster, Elysium fields, Hades, the underworld, and the garden of shadows. Home it is within us and all around us. It is the...
Haunting - Magic Forums
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...In the modern world today paranormal has become more believable in the supernatural that we not alone in this world. I'm here to prove that we not alone. These pass weeks my powers that allow me to see the other world have increase by ten folds. I been have dream visions...
Out of Commission - Magic Forums
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...I'll be gone until Monday... maybe a little longer... there was a death in my family and I just need some time. Love you all. Azazel2008 Ill be gone until Monday... maybe a little longer... there was a a death in my family and I just need some time. Love you...
Noperope666's Profile - Membership Area
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...type?: overly empathic) (mood of the day: Crippled with anxiety or death) (dont (dont flirt, this is not a dating site) i have crippling anxiety have a have a lovely.......
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