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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 80 Spiritual Spells
  1. Removing Misfortune
  2. Fast Luck Oil
  3. A-Healing Technique for Someone Else
  4. To Slow Down a Situation
  5. To Find the Truth
  6. Self Esteem
  7. Midsummer Fire
  8. Protection ( Mars Water)
  9. Get Rid of Problems
  10. Isis Girdle( Energy Spell)
#31 - #40
#51 - #60
#71 - #80
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#51 - Removing Misfortune

This spell uses plant magic combined with folk magic and the meaning of numbers. Burying an object binds the energy of what it represents and reciting prayers raises the vibration to the point where any negativity is nullified. The instruction ‘Within sight of a church’ suggests that the bad luck then is overseen by the Angels.
You may need:

  • Three small jars
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Nine thorns from a white rose or nine pins
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    You may need:

  • Three small jars
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Nine thorns from a white rose or nine pins
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    Pierce the garlic cloves with the pins or thorns saying forcefully while doing so: "Misfortune begone from me". Put three of the cloves and pins in each jar. Bury each jar within sight of a church.

    Say the Lords prayer each time you do this. Walk away and dont look back at what you have done.

    This spell can give impressively fast results. As soon as you become aware of the misfortune you are suffering, look for a common theme i.e. are the problems financial, love etc and actually name them in the words you use. Because you have addressed it three times it cannot remain.

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    #52 - Fast Luck Oil

    This oil contains herbal essences, all of which have the effect of quickening up a spell. However, there is need for a word of warning, since many people nowadays have sensitivities to so many substances. Wintergreen if ingested internally is highly toxic so you should be extremely careful when dealing with it and cinnamon oil can irritate the skin. When it is used to dress a candle however the combined oils are an efficent and speedy way of making things happen.
    You may need:

  • A small bottle
  • 10 drops wintergreen oil
  • 10 drops vanilla oil
  • 10 drops cinnamon oil
  • Carrier such as almond oil
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    You may need:

  • A small bottle
  • 10 drops wintergreen oil
  • 10 drops vanilla oil
  • 10 drops cinnamon oil
  • Carrier such as almond oil
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    Carefully combine the essential and carrier oils in the bottle.Shake well and repeat as you do so at least three times: "Fast Luck, Fast Luck Bring to me my desire".

    Now add the other ingredients if you are using them and leave the bottle in a cool dark place for at least twenty four hours for the oils to blend. After this time you can use the oil to dress your candles. Remember that, as you are drawing luck towards you, you should dress the candle from the top down.

    If you are using Fast Luck Oil for a money spell concentrate on money coming towards you, use a green candle and repeat the words above. Use a brown candle if you have a business deal you need to accelerate, but this time it is wise to add a few flakes of silver or gold glitter.

    To bring love into your life use a pink candle, visualize your ideal person coming into your life and repeat the words above, adding: If it be right for all concerned. Let the candles burn out safely.

    You should have some indication that this routine is working within about thirty-six hours. If there is none, then you must consider what obstacles there are to progress. These may have come to light since you began the spell and you can attempt to remove them before carrying out the procedure again.

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    #53 - A-Healing Technique for Someone Else

    There is a whole art in knot tying which-actually arose among the Celtic people and-later became an illustrative art. If you are able-to do it the reef-knot - beloved of scouts and-woodcrafters - is the ideal knot for this spell,-since it will not come undone. Tying a knot can-also be used as healing for someone else.
    You may need:

  • A length of grass, string or ribbon
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    You may need:

  • A length of grass, string or ribbon
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    This requires you to tie a double knot in your chosen material. In using material which will-return to the earth and rot away you must also think of the pain or difficulty as dissolving.

    Tie one knot going first from left to right and saying words such as: "Pain be-gone. Its now withdrawn"

    Now tie a knot in the opposite direction and use words such as: "This pain is held; Its effects dispelled"

    Now bury the knot, preferably well away from the person concerned. As you bury it, give a blessing such as: "Bless this place and make it pure. Ill gone for good we now ensure"

    Now you can leave nature to do its work.

    In this spell you tie your knot with the idea of binding the pain and then getting rid of it. This maybe a slow process if the condition is a long standing-one and sometimes we have to remember that there are spiritual lessons to be learned through sickness. Obviously the person concerned should also have medical help, so part of your responsibility is to ensure that this happens. Do not feel that the spell has failed if changes are not seen; they may be taking place at a much deeper level. Follow this with the witches ladder

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    #54 - To Slow Down a Situation

    When things are happening too fast and we feelthat life is running away with us it is possible to-slow things down. For this we use the power of-Saturn and his control of time coupled with the-idea that if something is frozen it allows us time-to think and consider our actions. We simply-make use of everyday articles which are easily-available.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Black pen and ink
  • Your freezer
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Black pen and ink
  • Your freezer
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    On the front of the paper either write a few words about, or draw a representation of, the situation you feel is moving too fast.

    On the back of the paper draw the symbol for Saturn. Pop the paper into your freezer or ice-making compartment and leave it until you feel you can handle your problem again.

    Tear the paper into small pieces and flush away or burn it safely.

    This spell is similar to Freeze Out except that we use the power of Saturn, the Roman god of Time and agriculture. By using the freezer we are bringing this spell up to date and utilizing the idea of solidifying something rather than allowing it to flow.

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    #55 - To Find the Truth

    Without the truth one cannot make sensible decisions. As one’s intuition grows it becomes easier to tell when people are not telling you the truth. Until that time a simple spell like this ensures that the truth is revealed in the right way. It uses herbs and candles.
    You may need:

  • Handful of thyme
  • Red candle
  • Flat dish or pentacle on which to put the herbs
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    You may need:

  • Handful of thyme
  • Red candle
  • Flat dish or pentacle on which to put the herbs
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    Place the thyme into the dish and say:

    "Clarification I now require
    So that truth is spoken
    Let what is hidden now
    Be brought into the open".

    Light the candle and say:

    "Speak truth with passion
    And goodbye to caution
    As the truth is said
    May I not be misled".

    Allow the candle to burn down until the wax drips into the herbs. Bury the cooled wax and herbs, preferably at a crossroads, having first blown any loose herbs to the wind.

    The herb thyme is said to bring courage, which is-often needed to bypass our inhibitions. The colour-red often represents sexual passion, but here is much-more the passion for truth. Do remember therefore-that sometimes the truth can hurt, and you may-have been being protected.

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    #56 - Self Esteem

    This spell uses visualisation, candles, cord and colour, and requires very little effort, though it takes a week to finish. It is a spell that men can do very easily and can see and feel the tangible results. It works on the self esteem and on virility.
    You may need:

  • Seven short lengths of cord, about six inches long
  • Seven tea lights
  • Seven small squares of red paper or cloth
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    You may need:

  • Seven short lengths of cord, about six inches long
  • Seven tea lights
  • Seven small squares of red paper or cloth
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    • On returning from work, place a tea light on -one red square.
    • Surround the tea light by the cord, laying it -on the red square.
    • As you do so say:
    This represents me and all I feel myself to be
    I wish to be [ strong, virile, at ease with myself –
    your choice of words]

    • Let the tealight burn out.
    • Next morning knot both ends of the cord -saying as you do:

    This cord carries my intent to be

    [your choice of words]

    • Carry the cord with you and when you need to, -remind yourself during the day of your intent.
    • Repeat the procedure for seven nights using -the same words and either the same intent or-another which feels more appropriate.
    • Repeat the same procedure as the first -morning also.
    • At the end of the seven days either tie the -cords together in one loop (end to end) or tie -them so they form a tassel.
    • Either way hang them by your mirror where -you cannot fail to see them.
    • Each morning for about six weeks choose -which affirmation you wish to use that day -and make sure you have acted accordingly.

    This spell has a long term effect on your personality.Each time you make the morning affirmation you are-calling on the power of the whole to assist you in being-the sort of person you want to be. Any behaviour-which does not fit that image, soon drops away.

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    #57 - Midsummer Fire

    Ancient rites dictated that domesticated animals were driven through fire both to cleanse and protect them on Midsummer Day. On a practical level this would get rid of any infestation of bugs and fleas, but on a magical level such action would ensure fertility and good harvest. It does humans no harm to partake in this ritual either
    You may need:

  • Sacred wood (hazel and rowan perhaps)
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    You may need:

  • Sacred wood (hazel and rowan perhaps)
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    Build two fires with only a small walkway between them. When the fires are going well lead your animals between them making sure that the animals and you yourself are wreathed in smoke. If possible you might do this twice more. Make sure the fires are properly extinguished before leaving the area, lest you do any damage to surrounding vegetation.

    A different way of achieving the same purpose is to take a lit branch of sacred wood and pass it over around and underneath the animal. This is a form of smudging but you will probably need help to keep the animal still.

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    #58 - Protection ( Mars Water)

    Water charged with iron was at one time considered to be a healing potion, creating a way of treating anaemia. Today it is considered to be more of a protective device and, when under attack, to enable you to send a curse or hex back where it belongs.
    You may need:

  • Iron nails or filings
  • Large jar with lid
  • Enough water to cover the nails
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    You may need:

  • Iron nails or filings
  • Large jar with lid
  • Enough water to cover the nails
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    Put the nails or filings in the jar and cover them with water. Close the jar and leave undisturbed until rust begins to form. The jar can be opened occasionally to check on its condition, which helps the formation of rust. This should take about seven to ten days.

    After this time the jar may be shaken and the water then strained and used as appropriate. Keep adding water as necessary to the jar thereafter to maintain its potency. You should not need to renew the nails unless the concoction begins to develop mould, in-which case throw everything out and start-again.

    When using the water you may like to give acknowledgement to Mars by using a form of -words such as: "Mars, God of War protect me now as I (state task)"

    You can use some of the water in your ritual bath or- to cleanse and empower your hands before an-important event. A business situation which-required you to be more than usually aggressive-might need a crystal charged in Mars water to make-it especially powerful.

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    #59 - Get Rid of Problems

    To rid yourself of problems or a troublesome situation, you can use a representation of the problem in a tangled and knotted length of yarn. There are then differing ways of getting rid of the problem. This spell is best done at the time of the Full Moon and is in two parts.
    You may need:

  • Biodegradable string or cotton yarn
  • Ingredients for a ritual bath
  • Three candles
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    You may need:

  • Biodegradable string or cotton yarn
  • Ingredients for a ritual bath
  • Three candles
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    Your string needs to be biodegradable because it reinforces the idea that your problems will dissolve. The string or yarn can be in the appropriate colour for the problem to be solved (green for -money, red for love, etc).

    Sit quietly and think of all your fears and -problems. Let them pass into the yarn. Tie this in knots to symbolize how mixed up your problems makes you feel. One way of dealing with your difficulties is to -take the knotted yarn to a high place and let the -wind blow it away, along with your negativity.

    A second way is to bury the yarn in soft ground, though this method will mean that -the resolution of your problems may come slowly. A third way is to begin to untie the knots and -as you do so ask for help in seeing and understanding solutions. This last method does not have to be done all at once but can be done over time.


    Whichever method you use make sure you take a ritual bath or shower cleansing after working with the string.

    Anoint the candles with a purification or -blessing oil. Anoint the dark candle from the end to the wick to remove bad luck. The others are done from the wick to the end to bring you what you desire.

    Have your ritual bath as usual.

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    #60 - Isis Girdle( Energy Spell)

    This spell is one based on knot magic and is used to ensure that your energy is at the right level for your magical work. Buckles, belts or girdles were often associated with Isis or Venus and therefore aspects of femininity. They represent physical well-being and moral strength. It can be performed on a Wednesday.
    You may need:

  • 3 lengths of cord about 3 metres (9 feet) each
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    You may need:

  • 3 lengths of cord about 3 metres (9 feet) each
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    Decide before you begin the purpose of your girdle. To specifically use one for health issues you might choose the colour blue, or to work from-a spiritual perspective choose purple orwhite. Begin braiding the cord and as you do so bear in mind that you are fashioning three aspects-of self, body mind and spirit to become one-source of power in all that you do. In this way the braid becomes an extension of -you and also a protector of your being.

    Call on the power of Isis as you do so to give you strength and determination. Tie a knot in both ends to tie in the power. Now consecrate the girdle by holding it in-your left hand and circling it three time-santiclockwise with your most powerful hand,while saying words such as:

    "Isis, Mistress of the words of power
    Cleanse this girdle for my use"

    See it surrounded by bright light and glowing brightly. Let the image fade. Next circle the girdle clockwise three times -with your power hand and say:

    "Isis, Goddess of the Throne
    Protect me from all ill"

    Again perceive the girdle surrounded by light. Next put the girdle round your waist and say:

    "Isis, Goddess of Perceived Truth
    Thy wisdom is reality"

    In future, each time you put on the girdle you-should be able to sense the energy, giving you the power to carry out your chosen task.

    This is quite a powerful spell to do. Not only does it-protect you from illness, it also prepares you to be-able to help others as they require it. Since Isis rules-intuition, you find that you are in a better position-to understand others pain and distress.

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    80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep