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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Covens The Immortal's Keep  ► The Immortal's Keep's Spellbooks  ► 80 Spiritual Spells
80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 80 Spiritual Spells
  1. To Rid Yourself of an Unwanted- Admirer
  2. Freeze Out
  3. Making a Poppet
  4. Raising the Power
  5. Consulting the Oracle
  6. Enchant Herbs and Candles for Success
  7. Ring of Protection
  8. A Blessing
  9. Yarrow
  10. Phoenix Protection
#51 - #60
#71 - #80
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#71 - To Rid Yourself of an Unwanted- Admirer

Occasionally people get into a situation where they are being pursued by someone whose attention is a nuisance. Rather than reacting in anger, it is often easier to open the way for the unwanted suitor to leave. This spell, done on a Waning Moon - often does the trick
You may need:

  • Vervain leaves
  • A fierce fire
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    You may need:

  • Vervain leaves
  • A fierce fire
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    Light a fire. Pick up the vervain and as you do so call out the name of the offending person. Fling the leaves on the fire and say: "Withdraw from me now I need you not". There is a requirement to declaim passionately, and to use some force, in any spell that is designed to drive someone from you. Therefore, be very sure that you do not wish this person to be in your life in any way.

    Ensure the fire is properly and safely extinguished. Repeat the action three nights in a row. Preferably this spell should be performed outside,but it can be also be performed indoors if you have a suitable fireplace and provided you are careful.Strictly, one is supposed to gather the vervain leaves, though with urban living this is a bit of a tall order. Make sure you have at least a couple of handfuls of the dried herb.

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    Last edited on Sep 20, 2016
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    #72 - Freeze Out

    There are many ways of ‘freezing people out’,and this one which uses ice is good since it will only last as long as the ice remains frozen. The spell should only be used to prevent harm to yourself and others, not to bring harm to anyone else. It is only used if you know the name of the person involved. A good time to do the spell would be with the waning Moon.
    You may need:

  • Magically charged paper and pen
  • Water in a bowl
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    You may need:

  • Magically charged paper and pen
  • Water in a bowl
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    Write the name of the person concerned in the middle of the paper. Fold the paper away from you at least four times all the while sensing the persons influence waning. Dunk the paper in the water until it is well soaked. Leave it overnight if necessary.

    Put the wet paper into your ice compartment or freezer. Leave it there until you feel the danger is over. You then release the spell, by taking the paper out of the freezer and using words such as:

    "All danger passed

    I set you free"

    Dispose of the paper in any way you wish. You must never forget to set the other person free, lest you find yourself bound to them for longer than is healthy for either of you. By the laws of cause and effect you must ensure that your actions do not rebound on you.

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    #73 - Making a Poppet

    When you are making a poppet, it is good to have either taken a ritual bath or to have meditated – both on whether the use of a poppet is appropriate at this time and how best to make use of the poppet. This is to ensure that insofar as is possible, you have removed any subjective feelings and emotions about the subject, and are acting only as the creator of the object. You know then that you are acting onlyas the channel for the energy that is being used
    You may need:

  • Paper or card
  • Soft material such as felt or cotton
  • Needle and thread
  • Straw, paper or cotton wool
  • Herbs, appropriate to the spell you are
  • performing, may be used
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    You may need:

  • Paper or card
  • Soft material such as felt or cotton
  • Needle and thread
  • Straw, paper or cotton wool
  • Herbs, appropriate to the spell you are
  • performing, may be used
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    Draw the outline of a simple human figure on the card or paper, then cut it out. It should ideally be at least 10 cm ( 3 in) high. Fold the material in two and place the template on it. Cut around the template. Sew the figures together, leaving a small area open.

    Turn the figure inside out so the stitches are on the inside. Stuff the figure with the straw, paper, cotton wool or herbs. You can personalize the poppet by adding a lock of hair to the filling. You can also use buttons for eyes, or draw on facial features if you wish.

    Finish sewing the material together. Your poppet is now ready for use. Do not destroy it when you have finished with it either give it to the person whom it represents or bury it safely in the earth.

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    #74 - Raising the Power

    This technique is similar to that used when you prepare your sacred space for magical working and employs the four Elements as a basis.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Brass candlestick
  • Bowl filled with water
  • Sea salt in suitable container
  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Brass candlestick
  • Bowl filled with water
  • Sea salt in suitable container
  • Wand
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    Place the candle in the candlestick and light it.

    Dip your hands in the water then, without drying them, in the salt. Rub your hands together lightly until they feel slightly warm.

    Pick up your wand in your most powerful hand and touch the tip lightly to the brass candlestick. Then place the tip of the wand in your other hand, thus completing a circuit.

    Sit quietly and contemplate the candle, allowingenergies to flow through you until such times as you either feel a change in energy within yourself or sense that you have no further need to continue.You may then use the energy that you have generated to meditate, heal or care for others

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    #75 - Consulting the Oracle

    For those who have developed intuition and learned to trust their clairvoyance, this spell offers a way of having information come to you when it is needed. Do this during the waxing of, or at, the Full Moon. The Greek goddess of justice Themis, on whom you will call in this spell, in her original form perceived all in the past, the present and the future.
    You may need:

  • Jasmine or lotus incense
  • Your particular divination tools
  • The contract or papers on which you need information
  • A chalice containing red wine or juice
  • Two purple candles in holders
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    You may need:

  • Jasmine or lotus incense
  • Your particular divination tools
  • The contract or papers on which you need information
  • A chalice containing red wine or juice
  • Two purple candles in holders
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    Light the incense. Light the candles, placing them one on each side of the chalice. Place your divination tools and papers in between the candles with the chalice above them.

    Hold your hands over your divination tools or papers and say: Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Law,Bless my working here today, Goddess of Honour, Goddess of Power ,Show me the answer that I seek,Through these tools I bid you speak.

    Take three sips of the juice. Do whatever you have to do with your tools shuffle the cards and lay them out, lay out the runes, ask your questions of the pendulum.

    Sit quietly with the papers and if necessaryreread them, knowing the answer will come to you. When you are finished, stand with your arms raised and say: May the gods be thanked May they aid me with their guidance.

    The candles do not have to burn out, but can be used for another divinatory spell. You will not necessarily receive all the information you need immediately, but can expect to receive insights over a period. The spell can be reactivated very easily by holding your divinatory tools or the papers and repeating the last three lines of the first invocation.

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    #76 - Enchant Herbs and Candles for Success

    To bring success in your life.
    You may need:

  • Water charged up by the full moon
  • Hebrs and candles you want to bless
  • Working candle
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    You may need:

  • Water charged up by the full moon
  • Hebrs and candles you want to bless
  • Working candle
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    Lay the herbs and candles before the working candle light it and clear your mind. Sprinkle the herbs and candles with moon water and pass them quickly through the flame of the working candle while saying:

    "Herbs, blessed and enchanted to be
    Bring happiness, abundance, prosperity
    With this candle burning flame
    By stone, and sun, and moon and rain
    Bring about tis, my desire
    By this candle's enchanted fire"

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    #77 - Ring of Protection

    In this method of working you place a protective shield around yourself or your home, so that no harm can come to you, it or the people therein.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Visualize a ring of light surrounding your property. Ask your guardians or favourite deities to protect you, your home and its occupants for as long as necessary. Reinforce the circle of light whenever you think about it or in the case of your home, whenever you go away.It really is that simple and means that you trust your own abilities.

    Incidentally, when under any kind of attack one may always mentally ask for Divine justice in the knowledge that what goes around, must come around in due course. Often inaction is as effective as action. This enables us to rest easy, recognizing that we cannot always know what the result will be, yet secure in the knowledge that justice will prevail.

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    #78 - A Blessing

    To bless somebody/something.
    You may need:

  • Elder leaves and berries
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    You may need:

  • Elder leaves and berries
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    Scatter elder leaves and berries to the four directions, and over the object or person to be blessed.

    "Goddess of Wisdom,
    Goddess of Mystery,
    Third of the Threefold,
    Bless now this (person/object)
    As transformation comes to pass".

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    #79 - Yarrow

    It is said that yarrow enhances a telepathic link between lovers, loving friends and members of your immediate family.
    You may need:

  • Mercury incense
  • Pieces of yarrow stalk
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    You may need:

  • Mercury incense
  • Pieces of yarrow stalk
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    Light the incense. Consecrate the stalks by passing them three times through the incense. Say: "I dedicate these stalks for the purpose of communication between us. May they be used wisely and well".

    Now distribute them to the people with whom you wish to be in contact. If doing this as part of a group ritual then spend a few moments making a mental link with each person in the group. When you need to be in contact, need help or wish to draw on the power of the group, hold your piece of stalk in your left hand and call on the other person or persons.

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    #80 - Phoenix Protection

    This is a spell that invokes the power of a phoenix to help you protect your house, room or building where you may need extra protection.
    You may need:

  • Many white feathers
  • A long thin candle
  • A pot
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    You may need:

  • Many white feathers
  • A long thin candle
  • A pot
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    Place all the feathers in the pot then light the candle and burn the feathers, they burn quite fast once you have the ash place your hands over it and say:

    "Oh mighty fire bird come bless this ash
    Come through planes, through beast gates smash
    protect this place and all within
    Let us hear the fire bird sing".

    Place the ash on the doors and windows.

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    80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #51 - #60
    #71 - #80