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2 Love Spells from The Dark and Light

2 Love Spells from The Dark and Light

Included in this list of 2 Love Spells
  1. Attraction Spell
  2. Yule-tide Blot
#1 - #2

#1 - Attraction Spell

An attraction spell to attract a potential partner.
You may need:

  • Rose Oil
  • Red Ribbon
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Bowl
  • 3 White Candles
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    You may need:

  • Rose Oil
  • Red Ribbon
  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Bowl
  • 3 White Candles
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    Place rose oil in bowl, alongside your red ribbon. Then write your name on paper and place into bowl.

    Then light your 3 white candles.

    Chant: I attract someone towards me, be interested into me, and take note of my being. (x7)

    After 24 hours, place the bowl along with the items inside of it under a tree. After you do so, chant "I let this go out into the earth. (x7)"

    Added to on Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #2 - Yule-tide Blot

    In this blot (ritual) you will ask Odin for his blessings during Yule.
    You may need:

  • Two red candles
  • A drinking horn or some other vessel
  • A bowl
  • A sprig of pine, mistletoe, or yew.
  • Some sort of drink (mead preferably)
  • Optional
  • A hammer
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    You may need:

  • Two red candles
  • A drinking horn or some other vessel
  • A bowl
  • A sprig of pine, mistletoe, or yew.
  • Some sort of drink (mead preferably)
  • Optional
  • A hammer
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    Start by lighting the candles and getting your horn, mead, tree sprig, and bowl set up.

    Grab your hammer or use your hand and make a the sign of the hammer above your altar. Move your hand/hammer downward and then to the left and to the right. Then say these words, "Hamaar helga ve thetta ok hald vordh." This is to have Thor bless the area while you are working.

    After that is done say aloud what your intention is. Say something like this, "Oh Allfather Odin I ask that you bestow gifts on to me this day in exchange for this gift I give in your honor."

    Pour the mead into the horn. Then say this "Great Allfather, chief of the Aesir, please hear me now. I offer this mead to you as a gift of kinship. May you bless it now." Then make the sign of the hammer over the horn/vessel of mead.

    Drink a sip from the mead and receive Odin's blessing from it. Thank him for the gift he has given you.

    Then pour the remainder of the mead into a bowl. Dip a sprig or mistletoe, yew, or pine into the mead and sprinkle the altar and yourself with a tad of mead. This is to receive Odin's blessing.

    Take the bowl and go to the foot of a tree and pour it onto the ground. Say this, "Odin your blessings received, I now give this holy mead to you as a libation. May our kinship last through the winter and through my life. Thank you Allfather."

    Announce to the gods, alfs (elves), and spirits that your work is done and they are free to occupy the area once more. Also make sure to thank Thor for the protection you had while working.

    Your work is done!

    Added to on Nov 20, 2012
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    2 Love Spells from The Dark and Light
    #1 - #2