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6 Life Spells from The Dark and Light

6 Life Spells from The Dark and Light

Included in this list of 6 Life Spells
  1. Managing Negative Habits
  2. To Invoke a Rune
  3. To call upon Thor: Meditation
  4. Money-Drawing Oil
  5. Dwarf's Blessing
  6. Yule-tide Blot
#1 - #6

#1 - Managing Negative Habits

Poppetry used in aiding a host's breaking of negative habits.
You may need:

  • 1 poppet
  • 1 stretch of cloth
  • 1 bowl of water
  • 1 jar
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 dash of salt
  • X drops of lemon juice
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    You may need:

  • 1 poppet
  • 1 stretch of cloth
  • 1 bowl of water
  • 1 jar
  • 1 lighter
  • 1 dash of salt
  • X drops of lemon juice
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    • Understand that this spell is meant to aid in managing a negative habit, not cure it.
    • Ask permission of the host for a strip of cloth from a garment they own (skip if you are the host).
    • Make a poppet of desired form and material (not using the cloth strip yet).
    • Take a bowl of water and add a dash of salt and the desired number of lemon drops.
    • Keep a jar and lighter handy.


    Take the strip of cloth and soak it in the water mixture, adding the cleansing energies of salt and lemon to the host's personal energy. Wring out the cloth so it is damp (not dripping or dry) and wrap it around the poppet. As you do so, realize that the salt absorbs the residual energy of the habit and the lemon helps break it down time to time. As this spell is for managing an on-going issue, repeat as necessary, adding more lemon juice drops as you go for build up. As the spell "cooks", leave the poppet in a jar with the lid sealed. Once finished, safely burn the cloth and poppet, then bury the ashes in a place deemed acceptable.

    Added to on Aug 29, 2015
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #2 - To Invoke a Rune

    A very basic brush of the surface of Runic Galdr
    You may need:

  • A rune set
  • Knowledge of the Elder Futhark (meanings, uses, and pronunciation.)
  • Knowledge of trancework.
  • Silence and solitude
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    You may need:

  • A rune set
  • Knowledge of the Elder Futhark (meanings, uses, and pronunciation.)
  • Knowledge of trancework.
  • Silence and solitude
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    I'll begin by trying to explain Galdr in the simplest way I can. Galdr roughly comes from the phrase "to crow." It is a verbal incantation sort of magic. Either chanted or sung. Rune galdr is the singing of the runes. You literally invoke the conscious nature of the rune itself. You vibrate its name and sing for it to come into your life. You actively welcome and call forth the nature and very being of the rune.

    We'll begin with Fehu. Beginning galdr is much more than sitting down and singing. You must live with the rune, and become aware that it lives. It's mystery is active and aware.

    Begin this journey by learning all you can about Fehu. Its mystery, its pronunciation, its uses. Eventually we can agree the overall importance of Fehu is wealth. For this exercise we will focus on material wealth.

    To expand living with Fehu carry a runestone of Fehu in your pocket as often as you can. When you have time hold onto the stone and meditate on the nature of Fehu. As corny as it sounds, become one with Fehu. I suggest you eventually do this will all the runes. Also study the Anglo-Saxon and Norwegian rune poems of Fehu.

    When you have learnt about Fehu you can move on to galdr. Sit in the dark, alone, and in silence. Hold the rune in your hand, or perhaps paint it on your body.

    Eventually work yourself into a deep trance. A trance that feels like you are barely alive and are submerged in the earth. Once that feeling has been reached you can begin.

    Begin by humming softly. Then slowly begin to chant or sing "Feeeehhhuuuu" Over and over again sing it's name. Then eventually repeat this.


    Fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe

    Hu hu hu hu hu hu Fehu


    Do this over and over again and feel the nature of the rune filling you up with it's aspect. Do this until you feel it is done and are confident. Exit the trance slowly and thank Fehu for its gift.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 17, 2019
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #3 - To call upon Thor: Meditation

    A simple prayer to ask for guidance from the Thunder god.
    You may need:

  • A simple altar for Thor
  • Concentration
  • Mead!!!
  • (Optional)
  • Pine resin incense
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    You may need:

  • A simple altar for Thor
  • Concentration
  • Mead!!!
  • (Optional)
  • Pine resin incense
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    Clear your mind and get into the mojo of contacting divinity. If you cannot do such things yet don't despair, you just need practice. Thor is well known by his following for answering almost any call, no matter how insignificant it seems.

    Sit down at the altar to Thor and ask for Thor to come and give you guidance. Tell him that you honor him and self reliance, and that you simply seek what guidance that he might have for you, not a handout.

    Sit quietly now and begin meditation visualizing thunder and rain storms. Ponder you're current posistion in life and ask Thor which path you should take. Wait until the answer is made clear.

    If you do not recieve an immediate response, thank Thor and know that the answer will be made clear throughout the day in forms of signs and/or visions.

    Pour an offering of mead for Thor, the god of common sense.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2013
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #4 - Money-Drawing Oil

    An Oil to draw money to you.
    You may need:

  • Patchouli [in any form].
  • Carrier Oil of choice.
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick [or powdered].
  • Whole Cloves.
  • A small vial with a lid.
  • Small piece of Pyrite(optional).
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    You may need:

  • Patchouli [in any form].
  • Carrier Oil of choice.
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick [or powdered].
  • Whole Cloves.
  • A small vial with a lid.
  • Small piece of Pyrite(optional).
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    First you want to add about 3 drops of Patchouli oil, or a small amount of Patchouli Leaves. Don't add a lot though, it can be very strong.

    Next, add your Cinnamon stick, if you do not have Cinnamon Sticks available, you may add powdered cinnamon. If your cinnamon stick doesn't fit in your container, snap it in half.

    Add the Cloves, I used about a nickel sized amount of Cloves, you can add more if you like.

    Place your intention into each ingredient as you add it into your vial. Money, visualize a green/gold/silver energy flowing through them, think of what you need to pay off.

    Once you have added all of your herbal ingredients, it's time to add your Carrier Oil of Choice. I used Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but there are other like Grape seed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, or Sunflower Oil. Try to use oils that do not have a strong scent.

    Fill it up before it gets to the rim, at about the neck of the bottle. Place your top on your bottle, then give it a little shake, and turn it over a couple times. As you do this, again, place your intention into this oil.

    Now you can use this oil in a variety of things. You can anoint a green candle with it, put it in a money-drawing powder, anoint your jewelry or skin with it [be careful with strong oils, dilute them so they do not irritate the skin]. You can anoint your wallet with it to help draw money to it as well.

    *If you want, you can add a small piece of Pyrite into the vial as well. It has money-drawing properties.

    Added to on Mar 24, 2013
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #5 - Dwarf's Blessing

    This spell is to get the attention of the duergar of the Northern pantheon. They have ties to blacksmithing and providing clever solutions in times of need.
    You may need:

  • Small amount of blood
  • Mead
  • Bowl
  • Shiny metal offerings
  • Dirt in which to make a mound
  • A space outdoors
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    You may need:

  • Small amount of blood
  • Mead
  • Bowl
  • Shiny metal offerings
  • Dirt in which to make a mound
  • A space outdoors
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    Find a nice spot outside away from civilization. Make sure the spot is earthy and wild. Start by saying a silent prayer to the dwarves. They are beings of honor and civilty for beings of the primal earth.

    When you feel you are ready combine the blood and mead together in a bowl. Make a fist and knock nine times on the ground. Say this "Duergar, I knock at your door where is your hospitality?"

    After this is done hold the bowl over the spot you knocked. Declare your offering of the mead to them. Then take the shiny metal bits and offer that as well. Dig a small hole and put the metal in the hole. Pour the mead upon the metal then bury the offering and make a small mound. Then ask the dwarves' for their blessing in what ever endeavor you are going to take.

    Thank them and be on your way.

    Added to on Feb 28, 2013
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    #6 - Yule-tide Blot

    In this blot (ritual) you will ask Odin for his blessings during Yule.
    You may need:

  • Two red candles
  • A drinking horn or some other vessel
  • A bowl
  • A sprig of pine, mistletoe, or yew.
  • Some sort of drink (mead preferably)
  • Optional
  • A hammer
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    You may need:

  • Two red candles
  • A drinking horn or some other vessel
  • A bowl
  • A sprig of pine, mistletoe, or yew.
  • Some sort of drink (mead preferably)
  • Optional
  • A hammer
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    Start by lighting the candles and getting your horn, mead, tree sprig, and bowl set up.

    Grab your hammer or use your hand and make a the sign of the hammer above your altar. Move your hand/hammer downward and then to the left and to the right. Then say these words, "Hamaar helga ve thetta ok hald vordh." This is to have Thor bless the area while you are working.

    After that is done say aloud what your intention is. Say something like this, "Oh Allfather Odin I ask that you bestow gifts on to me this day in exchange for this gift I give in your honor."

    Pour the mead into the horn. Then say this "Great Allfather, chief of the Aesir, please hear me now. I offer this mead to you as a gift of kinship. May you bless it now." Then make the sign of the hammer over the horn/vessel of mead.

    Drink a sip from the mead and receive Odin's blessing from it. Thank him for the gift he has given you.

    Then pour the remainder of the mead into a bowl. Dip a sprig or mistletoe, yew, or pine into the mead and sprinkle the altar and yourself with a tad of mead. This is to receive Odin's blessing.

    Take the bowl and go to the foot of a tree and pour it onto the ground. Say this, "Odin your blessings received, I now give this holy mead to you as a libation. May our kinship last through the winter and through my life. Thank you Allfather."

    Announce to the gods, alfs (elves), and spirits that your work is done and they are free to occupy the area once more. Also make sure to thank Thor for the protection you had while working.

    Your work is done!

    Added to on Nov 20, 2012
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the The Dark and Light Library.

    6 Life Spells from The Dark and Light
    #1 - #6