Yes this spell is a hiding spell, but a good one at that!
You may need:
You may need:
No chants or phrases (you can make one up if you work better that way) needed for this spell. The strength of the mind and aura send signals. These signals make the people around you feel like you are worthless or invaluable. Effectively, it makes people not care about you and sometimes not even know you are there.
Focus on a specific memory. Believe that you are what it makes you feel like. Add the spark of magic and you will be hidden.
From Silver Ravenwolf's book TEEN WITCH. It won't necessarily make you flat-out disappear, but it can allow you to go around without being noticed by anyone not specifically looking for you.
You may need:
You may need:
Dragon fog and chameleon sight
I command the shrouded sea
I bend the mist, I mix the light
Refract around behind me.
Memorize the spell first, then practice naturally blending in to your surroundings while chanting the poem.
In case anyone is skeptical, I've used it plenty of times to get out of giving a presentation in Spanish class. It takes practice, like anything worth doing, but it's really useful. However, it won't hide you if you're doing something wrong. A dragon isn't very likely to help a criminal.
It takes a while, it also depends if your good with magic or not. This spell will turn you into an animal.
You may need:
You may need:
Magic never works if you don't think it will work. Just say this while thinking you in that animal form, plus point your wand at you in a circle motion:
"Turn me (animal species name), turn me human. Turn me (animal species name), turn me human. Turn me (animal species name), turn me human. Turn me (animal species name)!"
To turn other people into animals
"Turn (persons name) (animal species name), turn (persons name) human. Turn (persons name) (animal species name), turn (persons name) human. Turn (persons name) (animal species name), turn (persons name) human. Turn (persons name) (animal species name)!"
Visualize the specific animal in your head and focus on that while chanting.
Simply aim and let the wind do the evil must be done on a windy day and complete concentration is needed for a perfect display of this spell, the more practice you do with this spell the less concentration you will need to perfect it.
This spell is dangerous and can course serious pain to other's please be careful to use only in self defense!
Makes you feel like any animal and have the characteristics of them.
You may need:
Pint dolphins milk
You may need:
Pint dolphins milk
Go in a private area. Then mix honeydew with a pint of dolphins milk. Now drink, close your eyes, think of the animal you wish to have the characteristics of and chant:
"Bestia animo
my human shape shall go.
Bestio bestietta
it shall be for the better.
Bestio anifornum
I'll turn into a (animal)"
Not exactly a spell but its useful all the same to alter your perception of time.
You may need:
You may need:
Draw a small eye on one of your palms with the pen. Don't stare at the clock for awhile and hopefully you will notice that the time has gone by faster than you normally would notice it to.
Think of how you want to be. Let it echo in your mind for an hour while you focus on it, projecting the personality you want stronger and stronger onto yourself. Do this 13 days in a row.
Freeze and stay in place for a moment. Concentrate on your body blending in with the background. Blend your body with your mind into your surroundings and say, "I am but shadow" as you do so.
It does not make you completely invisible but it makes you significantly less noticable to anybody.