7151 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Shapeshifting Spell
- Who is haunting me?
- Haste
- Sleep Herb
- To Control Someone's Volume
- Feel Someone's Feelings
- To Summon the Dead
- Fire God Conjuration
- Artemisia Potion; Psychic stimulation tea
- Quitting Powder
#6961 - Shapeshifting Spell
Charge the clear quartz with energy, telling it that you wish to transform into an animal and to be able to transform back into human form when you picture the crystal in your mind. Hold the apple in your hand and consider what you want to be. Place a mirror in front of you and light the yellow candle, but don't put down the apple (you may want to light the candle and place the mirror before you hold the apple) gaze intop the mirror while the candle burns and picture yourself turning into that specefic animal for a few seconds, keep gazing into the mirror until the candle burns (this may unfortunatley take a while) after the candle has burnt out, consider whether you still want to transform. If so, eat the apple. To transform back into human form, picture the clear quartz crystal bathed in white light, then visualize you in your animal form entering that crystal, then visualize the crystal glowing with white colour and then changing back to its original colour and your human form flying out of the crystal. The part of transforming back may take practice, so I'd recommend you casting a safety spell first. If the safety spell and the crystal transformation does not work the first time, then get someone to reverse the spell (but tell them to to do that if it doesn't work BEFORE doing the spell).
#6962 - Who is haunting me?
Now say these words, ''May the spirit whom is huanting my house
Come forth to me where he(she) can't harm me
No other soul but the one whom I shall be calling forth
Shall he(she) reveal him(her)self to me
His(her) true form
So mote it be.''
Open your eyes and wait paitently. After 15 minutes of nothing shut your eyes and look. Hopefully now you know what he or she is. I came up with the spell myself.
#6963 - Haste
From the power of the air I summon thee,
Strenghen my body and legs to give me the utmost haste
#6964 - Sleep Herb
Valerian root supposedly makes you drowsy. Add this to food or drink (preferably tea or coffee or hot chocolate) and it will make the taker drowsy or go to sleep!
#6965 - To Control Someone's Volume
Quiet or Loud
Which I want
make them speak
in which a way you do not see,
you will or will not hear them speak
for they are softer/louder now
making them seem unpleasant/more pleasant
please don't ask me how
After saying this, wait until the next time you see them and test if they are talking softer or louder depending on which you chose.
unpleasant = louder more pleasant = softer
#6966 - Feel Someone's Feelings
Take the DNA sample and place on the cloth and repeat the following:
"I take this piece of which I want to feel the same as them: take this person who the piece belongs with feelings so the same"
After you are done you may feel the way the person who the DNA belongs to feels.
#6967 - To Summon the Dead
Light the candles. Then repeat the following:
I summon thee
the one to be,
the one who lost their life,
their happiness,
family and friends
I call now in the night
Chant this 3 times. After you are done, the spirit you are trying to contact will appear in the pentagon.
#6968 - Fire God Conjuration
Start by lighting the candles while you burn the incense and chant the following:
“Spirit of the Fire, remember! GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, remember! GIRRA, Spirit of the flames, remember! O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among thy brothers, rise! O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, remember! Rise up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in thy majesty, and devour my enemies! Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in thy power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me! GIBIL GASHRU UMANA YANDURU TUSHTE YESH SHIR ILLANIU MA YALKI! GISHBAR IA ZI IA IA ZI DINGIR GIRRA KANPA! Rise up, Son of the flaming Gisk of ANU! Rise up, Offspring of the golden Weapon of MARDUK! It is not I, but ENKI, Master of the Magicians, who summons thee! It is not I, but MARDUK, Slayer of the Serpent, who calls Thee here now! Burn the Evil and the Evildoer! Burn of the Sorcerer and the Sorceress! Singe them! Burn the! Destroy them! Consume their powers! Carry them away! Rise up, GISHBAR BA GIBBIL BA GIRRA ZI AGA KANPA! Spirit of the God of Fire, Thou art Conjured! KAKKAMMANUNU!”
#6969 - Artemisia Potion; Psychic stimulation tea
2. Add boiling water
3. Let the potion steep for approximatley 10 minutes, then strain and drink.
#6970 - Quitting Powder
2. Use the resulting powder in any of the following ways
*Sprinkle where your target is sure to sit on it or step over it*
*Sprinkle to create a boundary of safety for yourself*
*Carry it in a mojo bag as a protective talisman*