7149 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Etheric Space-Sensing
- Seer's Awakening (Full Version)
- Summon Satan
- Nightmare rune spell
- Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
- Violet's Moon Water Recipe
- Shadow Jutting
- An End to Recurring Nightmares
- Sleep Well (TESTED)
- Sleep Well
#151 - Etheric Space-Sensing
Try to find a quiet space without interruptions.
Acknowledge, and recognize the space around you, its personality, vibe, traits, etc. giving it more of your direct awareness.
As you share your awareness with your surroundings, feel your energy in your body, really paying attention to how it feels moving through you. Or maybe the feeling of the energy around you on your skin, in your heart, on your temples, etc. However you feel it. Warmth, vibration, electricity.
Now imagine, while observing, in your head a watery smoke that represents the energy around. This watery smoke is present around and emanating out of everything, and everyone. Lightweight and airy like smoke, but moveable, and stable like water.
With your eyes open watching, and your mind open observing, pay attention to this smoke. The details of it.
What color is it?
Does it have a scent?
Is it warm? Cold?
Is it thick and blinding? Or is it loose and clear
Is it heavy? or is it light?
How is it moving?
What floats within it? And how does it differ in different parts of the space?
Does it change when certain people walk in?
Ask yourself more and more questions, really developing the ability to identify and better sense what the energy is telling you when you decide to tap in. This makes it easier to tap in as you are casually living your life.
This is one of infinite visualizations, there is no correct way to do so, but if this technique helps you, then it is for you.
Last edited on Dec 16, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#152 - Seer's Awakening (Full Version)
This is the longer version of the ritual.
Part 1. If you've chosen to work with ritual tools such as candles, herbs, or incenses, set them up.
A few ideas for this ritual can be to Anoint some (commonly purple, blue, or white...but whatever color resonates to you is best) candles with oils such as lavender, mhyrrh, cedarwood, meditation oil, etc., Put some herbs in an incense charocal burner, or on a candle and light it., Make some tea from the edible herbs and flowers you collected
This is to set the tone, and enhance the energy. Although none of these tools are required, having the ritualistic aethetic and stimuli can not only bring forth deeper layers of energy, but also connect us more to the elements for more powerful connection to self.
Part 2. Get comfortable, whether lying down, sitting, or standing. Try to find a position that can be consistent for you, even if it means inconsistency. In other words, learn to work with your body to understand how it behaves and how to best relax it.
With your eyes closed or open, whatever us best for you. Imagine yourself as you breath in and out, your Third Eye breaths in and out with you. As if you are breathing through it. Lay your focus to your Third Eye, the are between the bridge of your nose, and the mid of your forehead (or, between/above your eyebrows).
Draw all your focus, allowing your mind to focus on simply focusing on that. No more, no less. Nothing but allowing natural awareness to shift. Keep at this until you feel as if your awareness of consciousness is set here at your third eye. As if you experience life through it. To hold onto or tap into this, you must release the need or urgency to. Allow it, and just experience. Don't analyze it.
Once your focus is set, while you're breathing in through your Third Eye, feel it pulsating through the breaths. Do this for 10 minutes.
Part 3. (At least 10 minutes each) After allowing yourself to activate and exercise your awareness to your intuitive eye, close your eyes, and allow your intuition to run wild. Imagine anything you want. The idea is to make it as vivid as possible. It's best to run through your imaginings slowly, fully analyzing them with all your senses and emotions. Really buy into the world you create in your head. Even if this start small like an apple...or blurry. Even if you find yourself falling asleep (which is why sitting upright on the floor can help), its not about how "well" it is done, but about how committed to exploring this part of your consciousness you are.
Next, after you've ran through your imagination, allow your mind to center back, clearing it of all the noise, breathing into your 3rd eye. Now this time, allow your imagination to be open, but instead of directing it, let it direct you. See where it takes you, what it shows you....very much like a dream that you are lucid in, but instead a meditation where you are vividly involved. Don't analyze anything you see, even as far as to take note of the colors. Just experience it.
Part 4. When you have finished and woken from your mind, write down all that you can recall from what you've seen. If you struggle to recall, it's normal and okay. Like a muscle, dream/vision/meditation recall needs to be exercised and trained. Try to write dow everything from the smells that stood out, faces you saw, colors you noticed, emotions you felt, or even just remanents of ideas of what you think you remember. Anything. If you can, try to have a notebook for this specifically to further establish ritual and routine, but also to have one set place to channel that energy.
It's good to regularly look back over your writings to see if things stand out now that may have been overlook before due to context.
Last edited on Dec 08, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#153 - Summon Satan
Close your eyes in your room and say:
"Satan I summon you I have a quality soul to sell if the price is right"
It may take dozens if not hundreds of trys but at all costs avoid sounding desperate or needy.
Remember you want to make him want to want you.
This may take up a lot of energy.
Last edited on Dec 07, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#154 - Nightmare rune spell
write the subject's name in runes on paper.
burn the paper using the black candle.
chant "fill subject's name dreams with horror and fright their screams will be my delight"
#155 - Protection Bowl (Lesser) / Spirit Trap
Take the holy water and pour it in some unsealed jar without a lead, put few fragments of frankincense in the water, cover it with pure cloth and leave it overnight.
Tomorrow filter out that water in a crystal bowl, and if there is any kind of residue, burn it and bury the ashes in the ground that will not be desecrated in any way.
Make a bouquet out of the basil, and use it to make sign of cross on the waters surface three times as you read psalm 51, 91 and 23
Put that Bowl in front of the icon of the saint, and keep it all safe. Bowl is not covered with anything, so water will evaporate overtime, thusly particles of holy water in your vicinity will create powerful atmosphere of Holy Uncreated Energies of God, and bowl works like a true ghost buster marvel! Anything unclean, be it spirit or curse or bad energy will be sucked into the water and trapped in it! If there is bad influence around you, water will become murky, and that is good! do not throw out that murky water yet! let it absorb as much as it can, then go some place outdoors dig up small hole in a ground that will not get desecrated in any way and pour that water with your new "catch" in it. Ofcourse after that you will need to create another bowl, and if water gets murky again, well, just be stubborn and repeat process over and over like real ghost buster!
#156 - Violet's Moon Water Recipe
Before beginning, decide what moon phase you will leave the water under. In the most simplified terms, full moons are good for letting go and getting a fresh slate. The water made from a full moon will serve best in cleansing your home, tools, and body. On the other hand, the water made under a new moon will serve you well in beginning anew with focused intentions and manifestations. If you have a very specific intention you with to instill on the water, consider looking into the zodiac of the moon you're performing under to see if it fits.
- Wait until after moonrise on your chosen night
- Pour the water into your container
- Place the container outside or on a window sill with access to moonlight.
- Choose crystals that reflect your intention and put them in or around your water container (Optional)
- Draw a sigil or write your intention and place that under or on the side of your container (Optional)
- Think or preferably say aloud an affirmation. This is arguably the most important step as magick does not work without intent. Only you can know your intention and thus customize your affirmation. A simple short one size fits all affirmation would be:
"Let the moonlight soak into this water so that it may too run deep with this moon's abundant energies. So Mote It Be"
repeated several times. You may say your affirmations passionately while looking up at the moon like a prayer. This works best if you work with moon deities who may call on by name. You may also whisper your affirmations into the water itself.
7. Leave the water in its undisturbed location overnight.
8. Collect the water in the morning. I strongly suggest before sunrise as sunlight can overpower the newly formed moon water.
9. Store your moon water in a safe dark place preferably away from artificial lighting and specifically sunlight.
10. Enjoy your moon water! Cleanse your space, cleanse your tools, use it to amplify your magick, or perhaps add it to a bath or make a tea to cleanse yourself.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#157 - Shadow Jutting
Press your middle fingers together, think of being over or on-top of something, then think of being the left of something. Press the two fingers next to the thumb together, think of floating, then think of sinking. Press your smallest fingers together. Think of yourself being underneath something, then think of yourself getting bigger.
Make sure to drink 2 glasses of water, 6 cups of green tea, and 2 cups of black tea before you repeat spell.
This is good for redirecting, shadowing, and improvement. Make sure to remember what you want to do with yourself. Think about your effect on the environment. Know you can grow.
This creates a part of you that has three times the charge you normally have, four hundred times power what you normally have, and seven hundred times more stability.
#158 - An End to Recurring Nightmares
When you awake from a nightmare, spit three times to your left, and whatever spirit or power was causing the nightmare will flee. It is best if you fast beforehand, because the spit of one who is fasting has much power; that said, it is not necessary to be fasting.
#159 - Sleep Well (TESTED)
- 1 hour before your bedtime sit down and light your candle if you have one.
- Put down or visualize your sleep symbol near your candle.
- Close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest for at least 5 minutes.
- Chant this as many times as you need "I send this need to the Devine One, I am in need to get a good night's rest for I haven't had a well rest in a long time, I am putting my energy out there so I could wake up well and refreshed, This is what I need and want, so mote it be."
- Then Light the incense if you have some so It could help you sleep
- Sit down and close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest again for at least 5 minutes.
- Then put out your candle and go make your tea if you have some.
- Drink your tea slowly while still visualizing you waking up from a good night's rest.
Last edited on Mar 03, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#160 - Sleep Well
- 1 hour before your bedtime sit down and light your candle if you have one.
- Put down or visualize your sleep symbol near your candle.
- Close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest for at least 5 minutes.
- Chant this as many times as you need "I send this need to the Divine One, I am in need to get a good night's rest for I haven't had a well rest in a long time, I am putting my energy out there so I could wake up well and refreshed, This is what I need and want, so mote it be."
- Then Light the incense if you have some so It could help you sleep
- Sit down and close your eyes and visualize you waking up from a good night's rest again for at least 5 minutes.
- Then put out your candle and go make your tea if you have some.
- Drink your tea slowly while still visualizing you waking up from a good night's rest.
Last edited on Nov 01, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.