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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Blood Love Potion w/ Spell
  2. Hypno Crazy
  3. To see the truth on everything
  4. Blood Love Spell
  5. A spell for love to come in your love
  6. compusion
  7. Love potion_69.1
  8. Rose Love Bundle *tested*
  9. A Strong Prima Facie Love Spell
  10. Tarot Love Spell

#551 - Blood Love Potion w/ Spell

As something went wrong with my account, I made a new one, anyway here's a great spell I wrote based on blood magick traditions. I guess you can consider this a potion

P.S. Befriend target, as you need to use their drink in this.
You may need:

  • Needle/pin (clean and sharp)
  • Plaster (for after making the potion)
  • Dark coloured drink for target
  • Also yes I spell it coloUred, I'm Irish don't blame me.
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    You may need:

  • Needle/pin (clean and sharp)
  • Plaster (for after making the potion)
  • Dark coloured drink for target
  • Also yes I spell it coloUred, I'm Irish don't blame me.
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    Use the needle to prick your finger, spill 1-2 drops of blood in to the drink, mix well while saying this spell

    ''Je crée un véritable amour de moi et toi''
    Which is french for
    ''I create true love between me and you''
    Not exactly but it's the easiest translation in terms of basic understanding.

    Have target drink the ?potion? Concoction, yeah that's good enough.

    Anyway, you can alter the spell so that instead of intense love, it could be temporary, like until the next moon, or once I do ''this'' ritual the love shall end blah blah blah etc.

    Added to on May 15, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #552 - Hypno Crazy

    Hypnotize people, though it's not quite the way most would suspect...
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes. Imagine a metal box or container in our mind. Now, once you've done that, imagine all of your thoughts and worries flooding into that box. It can be any size you wish. Now, relax. Start with your head, then spread to the shoulders. Relax your arms, chest, and stomach. Relax you groin area and down to your legs, flowing all the way down to your toes. Now, Imagine your arm is getting lighter. its getting so light is starting to rise into the air. Open your eyes, and your arm will be in the air! Some minds are too strong for this trick, and it works well on friends. Contact me if you need help! Btw, you can do other things, like becoming an animal or growing wings. You can also travel the world or become famous for a few fleeting seconds if you wish!

    Added to on May 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #553 - To see the truth on everything

    This spell will allow you to see the truth in whatever you want but please be careful it's very effective I posted this spell on another account but I deleted it so no I'm not stealing someone else's spell please message me for any questions comments or concerns and if it worked for you.
    You may need:

  • Yourself voice energy
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    You may need:

  • Yourself voice energy
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    Say spell three times once dont say it more than the limit or I will not be responsible for the truth you were looking for it not exactly dangerous depending on the truth your looking for criminals now they will come straight to You. The spell should work in a day or instantly in a few hours. You will get a vision before it happens or not.when saying spell think about what truth you want to see.heres the spell '' divines divines show me wha my eyes can't find by the power of three more it be!'' You can also say this silently. Please be careful love and light guys.

    Added to on May 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #554 - Blood Love Spell

    It's best to befriend the target, as they must drink a concoction in order for this ritual to perform as expected
    You may need:

  • -Needle/pin (Sharp and Clean)
  • -Plaster(Band-aid for Americans)
  • -Drink for target(Dark coloured)
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    You may need:

  • -Needle/pin (Sharp and Clean)
  • -Plaster(Band-aid for Americans)
  • -Drink for target(Dark coloured)
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    Take the drink and the pin, Carefully, Use the pin or needle to prick the tip of one of your fingers, now pour a single, or two, drops into the drink, while doing this Chant

    ''Je crée un véritable amour de moi, et toi''
    ''I create true love between me and you''(Basic/free translation)

    have the Target ingest the mixture and, if your intentions and will are powerful enough to spark the spell in the right direction, they shall lov you eternally, I am sure there are ways to break the spell, in case things go wrong, but I'm not sure, but that's the risk of using blood magick this way

    Added to on May 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #555 - A spell for love to come in your love

    This love spell is to help your own sincere intentions to bring love in your life
    You may need:

  • nothing but yourself
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    You may need:

  • nothing but yourself
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    clear your mind and focus your engery to surround you face west and raise your hands now say this:
    I call on Aphrodite, on Isis, on Freya
    Hear the sound of my own heart
    Hear my call.I ask to be blessed with love,
    That my heart's partner be found
    I ask to be blessed with love,
    As my magic spirals round.
    Thank you great Goddesses,
    I welcome your assistance
    In my search for love.

    After saying the spell,concentrate on the outcome you are hoping for, and focus your energy to your purpose.

    Added to on May 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #556 - compusion

    this spell allows you to give a command to an animal (humans included) and have them follow (doesn't always work)
    You may need:

  • your voice
  • your mind
  • arms
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    You may need:

  • your voice
  • your mind
  • arms
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    1) pick your target
    2)put your dominant hand on your forehead think of your command
    3)throw your hand out towards your target and say your command
    remember put power into your voice and these effects are only temporary and last 30 seconds to a minute usally

    Added to on May 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #557 - Love potion_69.1

    My first potion recipe. Of course I am doing it for so long.. This potion is not one of those fake. It's alcohol potion. And if you prepare it properly and give it to your boy, he will jump on you like you know each other for hundred sixty nine years. (work just on boys. You have to know he likes you. He don't need to love you. Just ask him if you are beautiful. If you are ugly, this will don't help you. Magic can't do thing like that. Just jump from trumptower in pool with sharks.
    You may need:

  • We will need:
  • Cinnamon powder,
  • Sandal wood,(make him brave)
  • Powerful red wine,
  • Three balls of pepper,
  • One chilly,
  • Four lists of peppermint.
  • Put cinnamon as much as you want. How more, how better.
  • But not very much!!
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    You may need:

  • We will need:
  • Cinnamon powder,
  • Sandal wood,(make him brave)
  • Powerful red wine,
  • Three balls of pepper,
  • One chilly,
  • Four lists of peppermint.
  • Put cinnamon as much as you want. How more, how better.
  • But not very much!!
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    Put cinnamon(half of cup or more) with sandal wood powder in bottle with red wine and and all other ingredients for five days in cold and dark room. After that, you can serve.

    Before you do it, how does that spell work. This combination of ingredients will make your victim brave, so he will don't have problem with kissing you. But don't use if you don't want to have a night with him!! It will make him very VERY hard and powerful erection, and he will need help with that. Soo.. Good luck with.. With.. Umm.. Playing?

    Added to on May 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #558 - Rose Love Bundle *tested*

    Increases your chances of love coming towards you, or maybe some new friends.
    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Cup
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Three napkins
  • Straw (or other stirring material)
  • Rubber bands
  • Red ribbon (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Rose petals
  • Cup
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Three napkins
  • Straw (or other stirring material)
  • Rubber bands
  • Red ribbon (optional)
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    First you take the cup and fill it with water, enough so that all the rose petals can soak. Sprinkle some sugar in the water and then stir it. Then add the rose petals and stir. Let the petals soak for a while while you prepare the first napkin. If it's not already folded in fours, fold it twice. Take the rose petals out and place them on the folded napkin and sprinkle some sugar on the petals again.
    Bring the corners to the center and secure with a rubber band if needed. Then put the first napkin bundle in the second napkin and repeat. Do the same for the last napkin.

    When all the napkins are wrapped securely around the rose petals, tie a red ribbon around it if you have one. If you don't, a rope or any type of string will work. Then just carry the bundle around in your purse or pocket.

    Well there you have it, I hope this works for you like it did for me. The day after I made the bundle, I carried it around school with me and people were actually talking to me, which is extremely unusual.
    Blessed be.

    -Spell by UnluckyCat

    Added to on May 07, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #559 - A Strong Prima Facie Love Spell

    A spell that begins to take power instantly after the casting is done. The casting is a little complicated but you are still able to do it. There are 9 steps, 1 step that you must do if you do something wrong (which is simple to perform and not mess up), and 1 step to cancel the spell if you change your mind.
    You may need:

  • Writing Tool
  • Paper that you can recycle (One from a notebook is fine)
  • Fire (Just in case you mess up a certain step)
  • Secure and safe place to hide a note
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    You may need:

  • Writing Tool
  • Paper that you can recycle (One from a notebook is fine)
  • Fire (Just in case you mess up a certain step)
  • Secure and safe place to hide a note
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    1. Take out the paper and your writing tool. It can be a pen, pencil, color pencil, whatever that can write on paper.

    2. Write a short poem that requires these 3 things:

    • Begin with praising the Goddess
    • Explain what you want or need very clearly so there is no confusion to the Goddess
    • End the poem by thanking the Goddess for her generosity and consideration You can do it in whatever style you feel is most comfortable.

    3. Fold the paper in half with the words on the inside.

    4. Draw a Triple Goddess sign on the outside of the paper. If you are unaware of how it looks like, Google "Symbol For The Triple Crescent Goddess"

    5. Fold the paper in half with the symbol in the inside.

    6. Draw a pentacle on the outside of the paper. If you are unaware of how a pentacle looks like, it is a 5 pointed star inside a circle.

    7. FLIP the paper over to the blank side and write down your full name and your date of birth.

    8. Place the paper in a secure and safe place where no one will touch it (including you) and a place where you won't lose the note.

    9. Once you have evidence that your wish is fulfilled, you may touch the paper.

    10. If you touch the note without your wish being fulfilled, you have to burn the paper, spread the ashes on the ground, and perform a new spell. To cancel the spell, you must burn the paper and spread the ashes onto the ground.

    Added to on May 06, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #560 - Tarot Love Spell

    A spell that involves tarot cards to help you find love.
    You may need:

  • The Star card
  • The Lovers card
  • The King of Cups
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    You may need:

  • The Star card
  • The Lovers card
  • The King of Cups
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    First of all, write a list of all the things you wish for in your perfect lover. Spend some time on this, and try to be general rather than specific.

    it is time to cast your circle. Once it is cast, enter into a meditative state. Now, lay down the three tarot cards. Look over the list and visualise your soulmate in as much detail as you can. See yourselves together, happy in love. Feel your heart overflowing with the unconditional love you feel for this person, and the gratitude you feel from knowing that they love you just as much. Now repeat the following incantation to attract the one you love...

    I call upon the good spirits, I call upon karmic forces, I call upon wide ruling powers. Make smooth the way that my soulmate may be brought to me.

    Close your eyes and put the piece of paper with the qualities of your soulmate on top of the cards. Once again, visualise yourselves together happily, now repeat

    As I lay down this list, the spell is cast, the magic shall last – so mote it be.

    -Blessed Be

    Added to on May 02, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters