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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. M/M - Bring Gay Relationship URL BROKEN
  2. goodluck on love life spell
  3. Enchant a pen
  4. Afrodisiac Love Spell
  6. Make blessed water
  7. Cancel Jealousy
  8. Make anybody break up
  9. An Easy Wish Spell
  10. Latin Spell( Mind Reading)

#401 - M/M - Bring Gay Relationship URL BROKEN

This spell will help a man find a man. However, the URL for sigils is no longer active. I am not sure on how to delete the spell.
You may need:

  • Yourself, a pen or marker.
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    You may need:

  • Yourself, a pen or marker.
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    Draw this sigil (

    on your palm and over your heart either with your finger or a marker.

    Draw this sigil ( )

    connecting the X sigil on your heart to the one on your palm.

    Finished Sigils should look like this (

    Since the sigils are inactive, you can repeat the spell three times while drawing a heart on your palm with a marker, your mind, or your finger. Keep drawing the heart as you repeat the spell. You can imagine how it would feel to have a partner. The hugs they will give you, kisses, etc. You can also think about what type of person (personality, religion, etc.) you want to attract.

    While drawing, chant aloud or in your head

    " The perfect one, will I find,

    May he sweet, May he kind,

    Perfect, Special, In body and mind,

    An it harm none, so mote it be"

    Repeat until you are finished drawing the sigils.

    You should do this at least once a week. This will help it grow stronger.

    Remember, you can not force someone to fall in love with you. But this will help you be more "attractive" and lighten the path to finding a love for you.

    Added to on May 12, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #402 - goodluck on love life spell

    basically will be able to help you with love life problems. imade this spell and it should work. it usually takes about 2 days to a week to work
    You may need:

  • -(favorite flowers)2
  • -charm(bracelet,ring,necklace)
  • -salt(pink salts)
  • -bowl
  • -water
  • -favorite perfume
  • -belief
  • -concentration
  • -fullmoon(optional)
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    You may need:

  • -(favorite flowers)2
  • -charm(bracelet,ring,necklace)
  • -salt(pink salts)
  • -bowl
  • -water
  • -favorite perfume
  • -belief
  • -concentration
  • -fullmoon(optional)
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    this spell is to help with love life. i know others need it like myself so i will work hard to help solve your problems.

    1:grab two of your favorite flowers and place them infront of your bowl

    2:fill your bowl halfway with water and lightly add two teaspoons of pink salt to it.

    3:grab your charm,"necklace,ring,or bracelet." aand place it inside bowl.

    4:spritz 2 times with your favorite perfume.

    5:add the two flowers into the bowl

    6:put your hands over the bowl and chant,"Love, love come to me. Let my spirit run free. Luck and love must i recieve. All by the power of three. so mote it be!" chant loudly. 3 times

    7:look at your charm and chant,"Atlast this charm shall give me goodluck, and by fire,water,air,earth. I must find true love!"

    8:mix the contents in the bowl with a stick or your finger.

    9:let the moon shine your charm(optional but works better)

    10:wear the charm wherever, and DO NOT take it off never not even to shower or it will not work.

    (this spell was created by me) (thanks and goodluck!)

    Added to on May 09, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #403 - Enchant a pen

    A simple way to enchant a pen or pencil, with minimal tools.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Full moon or moon water
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Full moon or moon water
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    Take your writing utensil and write on a strip of paper, one large enough to wrap around the pen, the word 'Activate'. Under the word activate, write a small saying that you will remember that will activate the pen. One of the ones I use is "flow of ink, shower my words with power".

    On the other side of the paper, write the word 'Deactivate'. Under that word, write a saying which will deactivate the pen. My saying is "As it is written, so must it be".

    Wrap the paper around the pen and hold it to your chest. Visualise your energy surrounding and entering the pen, then say:

    "As I scribble and write I may,

    So how it will be today,

    Take my words and make them flower,

    With my will as your power"

    Leave the pen on a windowsill under the full moon all night, or put a few drops of moon water on the pen. You can put the paper inside of the pen (where the ink barrel would be), or you can fold it and throw it away or recycle it.

    Added to on May 05, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #404 - Afrodisiac Love Spell

    Powerfull spell used for bringing unbelieveable passion to the point of love for somebody who doesn't care much or has only friend feelings.
    You may need:

  • - Jar
  • - Mussel (or any other really strong afrodisiac)
  • - Candle
  • - something from loved person (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • - Jar
  • - Mussel (or any other really strong afrodisiac)
  • - Candle
  • - something from loved person (Optional)
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    Okay. Now that you have everything, take mussel and burn it (eatable part). Put ashes in jar and close it. now chant following:

    Once these doors shut the love is sealed within, your love ________(loved person's name) is me. By will of me, so mote it be.

    Now seal the jar with candles wax and done. There you have it. Now just wait for her/him jump in your hug.

    PS: If you choose to put loved person's hair or nail or anything, you don't have to burn that as well. Do not open the jar until you are sure that the person you cast spell upon loves you more then spell is powerfull.

    The spell goes BY WILL OF ME it means YOU, not ME and it is put like that so that you choose how strong is that love. Be careful cause you dont want her/him to be obsessed cause it is not my fault if somebody is willing to jump of the bridge for you or something similarly crazy. If you dont have strong energy manipulation skills i would advise you to undergo training like meditation chi and jing balls and other exercises.

    You cast this spell on your own and I have nothing to do with consequences or karma if you fail to cast it appropriately.

    Added to on Apr 29, 2018
    Last edited on May 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    It's a Powerful Spell ,Be Careful while using it dont use it wrong purposes .I am not responsible for anyone who uses it for wrong purposes. The Spell is cast on FRIDAY in the evening in the VENUS HORA while facing towards the North for Maximum result.
    You may need:

  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Apple
  • Airtight container
  • Underwear
  • Photo
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    You may need:

  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • Apple
  • Airtight container
  • Underwear
  • Photo
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    Cast your circle

    This is a Apple Love Spell Carve the top of the apple so that you'll be able to remove the top and replace it again. Write the full name and birth date of the person you desire on the piece of cardboard.

    Take that, along with their photo (optional, for a stronger spell) and place it in the center of the apple.

    Put three spoonfuls of honey and sugar inside the center and put the apple lid back on the apple If you want your lover to be bound to you, wrap the apple in your underwear (a pair you'll never use again). Then place the apple in an airtight container and put in the farthest corner of your closet and don't touch it for an entire week. As the week starts to pass the apple will get mushy. The mushier the apple gets, the mushier your lover's heart will get and the more their desires for you will show.

    After a week has passed, check the apple and if you feel it's not mushy enough let it sit for a day or a few more days, than bury it in the ground.

    Added to on Apr 24, 2018
    Last edited on Jan 29, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #406 - Make blessed water

    This is how you can bless water with love,healing,protection and good luck.~My spell~
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Wand(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Wand(optional)
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    Put the water you would like to bless in a container(ex.a bottle or a glass),concentrate on it and chant out loud (while pointing at it with your wand,if you chose to use one for this spell):

    Bless this water with love,healing,protection and good luck.So mote it be!

    When drinking this water,you will feel as if all the negative energies inside of you are going away.This is excellent and I recommend having a glass of blessed water before breakfast to cheer you up,protect you and heal you mentally and physically.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #407 - Cancel Jealousy

    Led by x8 you can say this its great will drop your madness today.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    Justice to my Jealousy

    Windows Spread my Relish

    Let my Belly Tell me

    That I am Gracious.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #408 - Make anybody break up

    This spell is to make anybody break up with each other (may not break up if the love is really strong)
    You may need:

  • -A few pictures of them together
  • -A red lighter
  • -A night they are on a date
  • -At night
  • -Alone park,house,ect.
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    You may need:

  • -A few pictures of them together
  • -A red lighter
  • -A night they are on a date
  • -At night
  • -Alone park,house,ect.
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    light a picture on fire Everytime you burn a picture say:

    Venus,Cupid,Eros 3 love experts I adore please separate (name) and (name) they are not very good together so please hear my plea so mote it be

    Added to on Apr 05, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #409 - An Easy Wish Spell

    Make your wish come true. ive tried it before and it really works.This is an easy wishing spell that should be performed right before you go to bed. I got this from a website
    You may need:

  • A spell candle
  • Pen and paper
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    You may need:

  • A spell candle
  • Pen and paper
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    Choose a candle colour which is appropriate for the type of wish (see the candle magick article for ideas). This should be a new candle which you are only going to use for this wishing spell.

    Wiccan Wishing spell

    Before starting, get clear on your wish, and write it down on the piece of paper. Put the paper underneath the candle. Now take a few minutes to meditate and clear your mind of any stray thoughts. Light your candle and concentrate on your wish. While you stare into the flame, visualise it coming true. How would you feel if the wish came true? Use all your senses to build a vivid picture of wish fulfilment. When you have visualised for 5-10 minutes, take the piece of paper from underneath the candle and burn it while saying the following words: Candle shining in the night With your flame enchanted, By the powers of magic might May my wish be granted. When the candle sheds its gleam At the mystic hour, Let fulfillment of my dream Gather secret power. Flame of magic, brightly burn, Spirit of the fire. Let the wheel of fortune turn, Grant me my desire. One, two, three – so mote it be!

    Blessed be and email me for any questions

    you could use it to make a love come to you

    Added to on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #410 - Latin Spell( Mind Reading)

    This spell is to be able to read person"s mind or what he/ she feeling. Ask me if you want to revenge about the person or maybe Romanian Stupid Witch did this spell to you or to them.
    You may need:

  • If you are invoking good gods like angels ininvoke them and ask them to help you determine how will they help you break this sspell.
  • Invoke spirit of gods or devils
  • Invoke spirits that died with acient powers.
  • Candles maybe black( spirit of guardian of death)
  • White candle ( spirit of angels or virfin marry)
  • Ask their names.
  • ( Spirit of name of spirit or gods)
  • Ex: spirit of death i call you now attend to me 2*,appear to me and reveal yourself 2*,say your name if you're here now 2*,repeat this like person with second voice it will attrack the spirit you calling.
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    You may need:

  • If you are invoking good gods like angels ininvoke them and ask them to help you determine how will they help you break this sspell.
  • Invoke spirit of gods or devils
  • Invoke spirits that died with acient powers.
  • Candles maybe black( spirit of guardian of death)
  • White candle ( spirit of angels or virfin marry)
  • Ask their names.
  • ( Spirit of name of spirit or gods)
  • Ex: spirit of death i call you now attend to me 2*,appear to me and reveal yourself 2*,say your name if you're here now 2*,repeat this like person with second voice it will attrack the spirit you calling.
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    After the spirit you called or conjured appeared and told his or her name, give him/her something to offer the exchange( gift to gods to grant your wishes) if they like foods or chicken,meat ask them what food they like exept your soul.

    Jewels maybe offer ask them.

    Remember worship is contract,

    The last final spell after you found your god or worshiper contact them sometimes,

    "Spirit of (name) i call you now attend to me in the middle of circle rightly cast safe from curst or blast i call you now attend to me i here inside giving a gift grant my wish and make it real

    I here releasing my angers without justice

    I asking your help _(Kill my enemies who making me angry 3*)

    the spell may translate in Greek Latin Hebrew .

    If you are in USA speak it English.....

    Then don't forget to meditate this spell done with clear mind.

    Added to on Mar 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters