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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Ball of destruction
  2. New Friend Spell
  3. Curse an Object
  4. Bring Happiness To Someone
  5. Godly love spell
  6. spirit gate "opening"
  7. Love Invitation
  8. Attract Love
  9. (Advanced) Attract a Lover Spell
  10. Break up a friendship

#341 - Ball of destruction

destroys enimes and curses them giving them bad luck and their house will be haunted and they will be sad.
You may need:

  • voice
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    You may need:

  • voice
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    imagine a big black ball in your hands buzzing and pretend to throw it at them and whisper the words ''destroy.''

    Added to on Dec 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #342 - New Friend Spell

    Attracting new friends, simple and effective for beginner's working with mirror magick.
    You may need:

  • Black Mirror
  • Sage stick
  • Paper & Pen
  • Offering for God/Goddess's/Patrons
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    You may need:

  • Black Mirror
  • Sage stick
  • Paper & Pen
  • Offering for God/Goddess's/Patrons
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    Clean your area of all negative influences, use the sage, use a broom or even a bell, just clean it all out. Set up a lovely offering to your spirit's or Patrons, limited of course to your imagination. When your all set, sit in front of your black mirror with the pen & paper beside your writing hand and the bowl of water in the other. Write down all the attributes you want in a new friend, be realistic and logical. Now take the paper with your writing facing down and use the hand you didn't write it with to slowly push it down under the water. Gaze into your black mirror and say:

    "Fill my heart with wisdom as i call air to the creed, your servant of old awakens a blossoming seed, my attributes washed within water the demands i need, Hear me clearly as i speak into the black divide, gather my new friend at once i need her/him by my side!"

    Allow everything to sit over night, disturb nothing until dawn, take the ashes from the sage and add them in the bowl with the attributes to your new friend, take the offering and dump it in as well, go outside and dig a whole and dump everything inside and let the earth sort out the rest.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 09, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #343 - Curse an Object

    You pretty certain someone is touching your things? This spell puts a curse on your personal items!
    You may need:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron
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    You may need:

  • Mandrake root (Handle with care Mandrake is poisonous.)
  • Crystal Cup
  • Your finger nail clippings
  • Pot/Pan/Cauldron
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    On a waning moon night, you will bring water to a boil and mix in your finger nails and the mandrake root. Allow the mixture to cool off so you can touch it without harming your skin. Fill the crystal cup with a glass of the contents inside the pot. With both hands high above your head the crystal cup in hand and the waning moon high say the following:

    "My touch to you is the only one safe, I bless you with my own grace, upon this construction I do place, a curse of sickness within the base!"

    Use the contents in the crystal cup to place powerful sigils, symbols, or wards on your items using your index finger to dip in the cup and trace your mark.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 15, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #344 - Bring Happiness To Someone

    This spell will bring happiness to a person. It can work on either a friend or yourself.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Faith in this spell
  • Trust in the selected person.
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    Begin by focusing on what you know about the person. Think about the times where you have seen them smiling or times in which they seemed happy. Focus on those times and think of things that make the person happy.

    Next, if you worship a god of any sort, say the following, "(Name of god), I ask you to bring (person's name) happiness, to bring them joy, mote it be."

    If you do not worship a specific god, say, "By the North, West, East, and South, bring joy to (name of person). Bring them thoughts of joy and cheer, fill them up with happiness. So Mote it be."

    Afterwards, meditate if you prefer. The spell should work in one hour to one day.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #345 - Godly love spell

    This will give you true love.
    You may need:

  • Nothing but speach.
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    You may need:

  • Nothing but speach.
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    Say this three times. I call upon the leader of the heavens thy God come and bring me true love so i may have someone bye my side at all times so mote it be.

    Added to on Dec 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #346 - spirit gate "opening"

    this is a simple ritual for one who wishes to tap deeper into the spirit world
    You may need:

  • white candle
  • purple candle
  • lighter
  • athame (optional)
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    You may need:

  • white candle
  • purple candle
  • lighter
  • athame (optional)
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    Find a space where you can concentrate yourself. Light the white candle. Meditate for a few minutes. During the meditation, release all your feelings and relax your muscles. Think of nothing. Take the athame (if you are using it, if not just use your pointing finger), trace a circle around your sitting position. Close your eyes and see the circle slowly grow into a cylinder/become a tunnel with the open end facing upwards. See the tunnel glowing brighter and brighter with time until it is blinding. Light the purple candle and distinguish the white candle (DO NOT BLOW IT!) close your eyes again and see the purple radiation from the candle slowly become one with the tunnel. When it is purple enough (according to your preference) draw the golden small particles/lights around you inside the tunnel (until you feel that it is enough for you)..then meditate for a few minutes. After that, if you wish to release the tunnel, do it the way you cast the tunnel BUT in the opposite direction. Distinguish the purple candle without blowing it. This is best to do before you go to bed.

    Added to on Dec 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #347 - Love Invitation

    This inspired by a spell I read in a book titled "Confessions Of A Teenage Witch" by Gwinevere Rain. I do not take credit for the parts she came up with.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper (small enough to fit in an envelope)
  • Pen (preferably red or pink ink, but any color ink or even pencil will work just fine)
  • Envelope
  • Chalice or special cup (if not available, cleanse a normal glass by holding it over a burning white candle)
  • Sweet drink (such as apple juice, sparkling grape juice, or wine if you're old enough)
  • Classical music if desired
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper (small enough to fit in an envelope)
  • Pen (preferably red or pink ink, but any color ink or even pencil will work just fine)
  • Envelope
  • Chalice or special cup (if not available, cleanse a normal glass by holding it over a burning white candle)
  • Sweet drink (such as apple juice, sparkling grape juice, or wine if you're old enough)
  • Classical music if desired
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    Firstly, remember that this is a spell to invite love into your life and not make it happen. You have to be willing to find love and before that you must first love yourself.

    Set your altar up as you normally would (I personally don't believe in circle casting, but if it makes you comfortable go ahead). You may use any special tools or decorations (such as candles, statues, cloth) or you can be simple. Whatever makes you feel empowered, do it. Once you've set up, fill your cup/chalice halfway with your drink of choice. Take a sip or two and enjoy it. Pay attention to how it makes you feel. Think of what you want in a lover, personality-wise. Is s/he funny? Wise? Fun-loving? Write these qualities down and softly speak them out loud. Next, think of what they look like. Maybe they have bright eyes or a beautiful smile. Speak these words and take another sip of your drink. When you feel both lists are complete, fold the paper and say this chant:

    "Dearest lover, bring me bliss

    For I crave your sweet, sweet kiss

    I promise to love and cherish

    Our passion shall never perish"

    Place the paper in the envelope, seal it, and write "harm none" on the back. Draw a heart around it.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #348 - Attract Love

    A spell to attract a lover, can be a specific person or not. (Haven't had chance to try, best if on a full moon! Email with results.)
    You may need:

  • Candle (Preferably pink, but can be white)
  • Wand (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Candle (Preferably pink, but can be white)
  • Wand (Optional)
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    Cast a circle and summon a deity of love or lust, whatever you find that suits the spell. Call the four corners.

    Take time to meditate and channel energy into finding love or attracting a certain person (if using a wand use the wand to channel energy into a ball in your hand).

    As you light the pink/white candle with a match, say:

    "Sicut lux et lucerna hoc est, amoris igniculos"

    Now, think about that energy you created earlier, and say:

    "I nunc amit me te amre simul, me ex caritate quoque sicerit"

    Finally, snuff out the candle with your fingers.

    Close your circle by thanking the deities, the Divine, and the Elements.

    Please be patient, and rate and email results please!

    Added to on Nov 20, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #349 - (Advanced) Attract a Lover Spell

    This is my original spell, do not copy! This spell utilizes darker, more masculine and sexual energies to attract a new love partner, usually male. This is preferably done on a Friday when the Moon Phase is on Waxing or Full. This spell is targeted for the more experienced witch who has their own selection of ingredients, However experience doesn't matter, the magick and the aid of the ingredients do!
    You may need:

  • A few Raw Clear Quartz Points
  • A small glass bottle or mason jar.
  • Mortar And Pestle (optional)
  • Charcoal Tablets
  • Dragons Blood Resin
  • Angelica Root
  • Calamus Root
  • Graveyard Dirt from Witch's Grave (can be found on Etsy)
  • Graveyard Wand (Can be found on
  • Sea Salt
  • Sweet Almond Oil Or Grape seed Oil
  • Burgundy taper Candle
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    You may need:

  • A few Raw Clear Quartz Points
  • A small glass bottle or mason jar.
  • Mortar And Pestle (optional)
  • Charcoal Tablets
  • Dragons Blood Resin
  • Angelica Root
  • Calamus Root
  • Graveyard Dirt from Witch's Grave (can be found on Etsy)
  • Graveyard Wand (Can be found on
  • Sea Salt
  • Sweet Almond Oil Or Grape seed Oil
  • Burgundy taper Candle
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    By Brady Crowtail, 11/20/2018 DO NOT COPY!!!

    Spell Starts at Paragraph 7

    The Oil

    Before you start, You would want to create an oil Infused with Dragons Blood resin, To do so you break a few pieces of dragons blood resin and place it in glass jar or bottle and fill the jar with almond oil or grape seed oil. The dragons blood to oil ratio is preferably 1 part dragons blood to 8 parts oil. You can use more or less but to be warned, more could stain surfaces. You would want to let this oil sit in the dark or under full moonlight for at least 2 weeks, it is best to charge it with Quartz crystals.

    The Candle

    What kind of candle you use is up to you, I would do this spell with a Burgundy (Dark Red) Taper candle to utilize the more darker energies this spell takes. Make sure the candle wax is colored all the way through and the core isn't white, because the vibration of the red color really aid with your magick and intentions. The burgundy candle I use is from Michaels (Craft store from the US) Their taper candles for the most part are colored all the way through.

    Dragon's Blood

    Dragon's Blood Resin is a dried blood-red tree sap mostly from the Southeast-Asian tree, Daemonorops Draco. The resin is used as a very versatile ingredient for it's use for powering up and enhancing spells, love properties, sexual properties, cleansing properties and protection properties. It has a very beautiful fragrance and it corresponds towards a more masculine energy. It is often used as dyes and inks for magickal workings.

    Angelica Root

    Angelica Root is often used in Hoodoo for its protection and purification properties. It also could be used to attract a lost lover towards you. It corresponds towards a masculine energy and it has been associated with the deity, Venus, Or most commonly known as Aphrodite.

    Calamus Root

    Calamus Root is a poisonous yet fragrant root used for love spells, healing spells and strengthening of any other spells. It has a more feminine energy and has been associated with the sun, sometimes the moon as well.

    Graveyard Dirt

    Graveyard Dirt is not an herb or root, but actual dirt from a graveyard. It is often collected from a person's grave, which each person's grave has different properties from the dirt of their grave. (Dirt from a Murderer's grave is best for hexes and curses while dirt from a Witch's grave has a more general use) When the dirt is collected, An offering is always left, Whether it be alcohol, food, flowers, cigars or coins. A good substitute for graveyard dirt is dried patchouli leaves or valerian root (smells really bad). I don't collect my own graveyard dirt but I purchase it, NEVER buy your graveyard dirt from websites or stores besides Etsy. Often graveyard dirt that's sold is just regular dirt that's being sold as graveyard dirt. Etsy is a handmade marketplace website that has multiple sellers, often times the graveyard dirt sold by them is authentic.

    The Spell

    Best to be done when It is a Friday Night, at 3AM during the Waxing Phase of the Moon.

    To Start, Cleanse yourself, Whether it be sage, a bath or Florida water. You only want pure energies put into this work.

    Now you will anoint yourself upwards with the dragons blood oil, You can be naked and anoint your entire body or you could just anoint your forehead and wrists. Its up to you. Now you will anoint the candle, upwards with the oil.

    Using a mortar and pestle you can crush the dragons blood, witch's graveyard dirt, angelica root and calamus root into a powder while meditation towards your intention and focus that your lover is coming. Say it out loud as you are talking to the Dragons Blood and roots to aid you in doing so.

    Now you will dress the taper candle with herbs. Lay some foil, sprinkle the crushed roots and resin and roll the anointed candle around the roots towards you. Now you've dressed your candle. Be warned though- Always stay in the room when a candle is lit, especially a dressed one as the herbs, roots and curios could catch fire from the flame.

    You will start by lighting your charcoal disk in a heat-safe dish and place your dragon's blood resin onto the coal. let the smoke fill the room. As it does, meditate on the intention that a lover (whether it be a specific person or a new person) will come and there will be no blockages. Do this for as long as you want, 30 seconds, 5 minutes, one hour. However long.

    Now you want to place the candle in a holder on top of a black or silver plate and put quartz crystals, dragons blood, graveyard dirt and roots on the plate. Now drop some dragons blood oil in a clockwise circle around the parameters of the plate. You could use 13 drops of oil in this step since in Hoodoo, 3, 7, 9 and 13 are often used as they have magickal properties, and contrary to popular belief, 13 is not an unlucky number, it's a quite lucky number in hoodoo. You can write on a paper from a brown paper bag a petition to attract a lover with a red pen or dragon's blood ink (Etsy is a good place to get it) You can write their qualities, their features, or what kind of person they are. You'll write it down, fold it towards you and place it under the candle holder.

    Now you light the candle, and stare at it. Hold both of your hands and feel the energy run through the tips of your fingers, You can have binaural beats or nature sounds playing to enhance your focus. Enchant the candle, feel the energy run through the room. You could open the window to let the natural air compliment your magick. Focus, focus, focus, on attracting that Lover. You got this!

    You can sit for hours or minutes putting the energies into the candle, when you feel it is enough for today, You want to snuff the candle with a candle snuffer, Never blow out a candle in magick as it represents that you are blowing the energy away from the spell. You would want to repeat this every night until the candle runs out or for 7 days. It is best started the week after the new Moon and finished when the full moon is about to start.

    If you have any questions, please message me and I'll get back to you asap. Blessings

    Added to on Nov 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #350 - Break up a friendship

    Use this spell wisely to break up two friends
    You may need:

  • •a bowl half filled with water
  • •a bottle
  • •lemon or lime juice
  • •dark soy sauce
  • • a fair amount of salt
  • •a pinch of chilli powder
  • • a few mustard seeds
  • • a few cloves
  • • a pinch of bicarbonate of soda
  • • black food colouring (optional)
  • • a pen
  • •three pieces of A6 paper
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    You may need:

  • •a bowl half filled with water
  • •a bottle
  • •lemon or lime juice
  • •dark soy sauce
  • • a fair amount of salt
  • •a pinch of chilli powder
  • • a few mustard seeds
  • • a few cloves
  • • a pinch of bicarbonate of soda
  • • black food colouring (optional)
  • • a pen
  • •three pieces of A6 paper
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    Before we begin I’d like to explain the ingredients for the potion:

    The water is for clarity

    The lime juice is for bitterness

    The dark soy sauce is for darkness

    The salt is for a “salty” end

    The chilli powder is for spice

    The mustard seeds are for disgust

    The bicarbonate of soda is for a change in chemistry

    The cloves are for a wooden future

    Write the names of the two people you want to break apart on the first piece of paper like this: “(Person 1) + (Person 2)” write it 8 times. Then full name of the first person 8 times on the second piece of paper and write the full name of the second person 8 times on the third piece of paper. Roll all 3 pieces of paper up and put aside for later.

    Fill the bottle halfway with water and pour it into the bowl. Pour 10 drops of lemon juice into the bowl and stir until consistent. Pour a single drop of dark soy sauce into the bowl. Pour in 3 teaspoons of salt and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda then stir again. Add a pinch of chilli powder a few mustard seeds and a few cloves. If wanted use black food colouring to turn the mixture black, if not then use more soy sauce to turn it dark brown. Stir a final time.

    Pour the mixture into the bottle and shake thrice before opening again. Place the three rolled up pieces of paper from before into the bottle. If the bottle is now not full. Fill to the brim with water and screw the cap on tight.

    As you now shake the bottle chant:

    “Coming night please hear my plight,

    Bring darkness and drown friendship’s light

    Blind the eyes of (Person 1) and (Person 2)

    Let them not be friends again

    Let all ties break and end

    So mote it be”

    Place the potion under or near to your bed and repeat the chant every night until the paper in the bottle has dissolved completely.

    WARNING!: If you use this spell please note that it is black magic and may have repercussions on you. This spell has been tried and tested, the most notable side effect is that if you know the two people you are breaking apart you will get caught in the very middle of the fight leading to the end of the friendship. They may have no idea why their involving you but it’s a universal balance to put you through some of the pain they’re going through unless it was a toxic friendship and is beneficial for everyone then there are no repercussions.

    Good luck! Use the spell wisely and let me know how it works for you x

    Added to on Nov 14, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters