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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. A spell to be treated like a ruler
  2. Passionflower love spell
  3. A spell to create a coven
  4. A spell to bind oneself to another
  6. Bigger bust spell
  7. make a person eat grass and say ''mooooo!''
  8. develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***
  9. Become a hollow
  10. Create your very own boyfriend

#331 - A spell to be treated like a ruler

This spell will cause the victims to treat you like a respected ruler.
You may need:

  • a crown (Doesn't have to be real)
  • yellow candles
  • gold jewelry
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    You may need:

  • a crown (Doesn't have to be real)
  • yellow candles
  • gold jewelry
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    arrange the candles in a circle, and sit in the middle. Put on the crown, and stare at the candles. Say these words in a regal voice:

    "Respect needed, alliance earned. Obey me until the season's turn."

    Let a bit of candle wax drip onto the jewelry, and let it sit in the sun for a day. Whenever you wear this jewelry you will be treated like royalty.

    Added to on Jan 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #332 - Passionflower love spell

    This is a very simple spell, but only in moderation. Too many of these ingredients could prove harmfull to the victim.
    You may need:

  • passion flower
  • whiskey (Or another influencing drink like coffee and such)
  • another person's shoes
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    You may need:

  • passion flower
  • whiskey (Or another influencing drink like coffee and such)
  • another person's shoes
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    Take a bit of dirt from the person's shoes, and grind them with the passion flower. Add a SMALL AMOUNT, like a PINCH, into the drink. Let it sit until you feel ready. Let the person drink the mixture, but not too much. You don't want it to be a fake relationship, just a little nudge.

    Added to on Jan 28, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #333 - A spell to create a coven

    This spell will create your coven. Each will be bound to another, and another bound to each one.
    You may need:

  • A knife (Don't worry, nothing dangerous)
  • A bowl (Fireproof!)
  • a flower for each coven member
  • some matchsticks (or a lighter, anything to set a fire)
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    You may need:

  • A knife (Don't worry, nothing dangerous)
  • A bowl (Fireproof!)
  • a flower for each coven member
  • some matchsticks (or a lighter, anything to set a fire)
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    Each coven member sit in a circle, with the bowl in the center. Each member will cut the flower off the stem with the knife, and drop their petals in the bowl. Set them on fire, and over the embers speak:

    "Blessed shall we each will be. Each of us watch and see. Harm none, and let with thee. Powers bound and multiplied three."

    Added to on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #334 - A spell to bind oneself to another

    This spell will bind you to another person. You will be together on a spiritual level unlike any other. Not even death can break this bond.
    You may need:

  • your left hand
  • another person (Who is willing to be bound to you for eternity)
  • a ribbon that is a color you both like and associate with your relationship
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    You may need:

  • your left hand
  • another person (Who is willing to be bound to you for eternity)
  • a ribbon that is a color you both like and associate with your relationship
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    Put your left hands together, kind of like holding your hands. If you are romantically involved, twine your fingers. If you are just friends, spread your hands like a high-five. If your intention is to START a relationship, keep your fingers together. Drape the ribbon over the hands, tying a knot if possible. Say these words as if you are talking to a beloved Friend:

    "May our heartstrings be tied not so that one cannot move without the other, but that we are both within arm's length of each other."

    It is very important that you understand the severity of this Spell. Nothing can break it, not even the caster, nor death. You two will be bound forever. No power in this world or the next will change that fact. With that knowledge going forward, keep your decisions wise.

    Added to on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #335 - ***ADVANCED LOVE SPELL***

    An Advanced Love Spell. Use at your OWN risk.
    You may need:

  • -Red/pink/purple candles
  • -Fire
  • -Incense (sticks or cones) - anything related to love, but my picks are; Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, White Sage, and Moon (because it's best to do this spell during the Full Moon, hence why it's also good to use Moon Incense).
  • -Full Moon or New Moon
  • -You can also add lavender seeds on the candles or anything else such as rose petals or anything you feel that will make the spell even stronger.
  • -Pen and paper
  • -Blood
  • -Candle holders (disposable or metal) (optional)
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    You may need:

  • -Red/pink/purple candles
  • -Fire
  • -Incense (sticks or cones) - anything related to love, but my picks are; Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, White Sage, and Moon (because it's best to do this spell during the Full Moon, hence why it's also good to use Moon Incense).
  • -Full Moon or New Moon
  • -You can also add lavender seeds on the candles or anything else such as rose petals or anything you feel that will make the spell even stronger.
  • -Pen and paper
  • -Blood
  • -Candle holders (disposable or metal) (optional)
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    For people that don't have an Altar, you can either create your own or you can use a small stand or table or you can also do this on the floor; Draw a pentacle on either table/floor or wherever you're doing this. Personally, I drew a pentacle using candle wax. You can either use that (but it's difficult to come off, so use whatever you want) You can use salt, sugar, chalk, paint, anything you like using, as long as you draw a pentacle with it. You can even carve one if it's your altar or anything belonging to your altar. Moving forward - Add each candle on each end of the pentacle, inside it. (I added two dark pink-ish red-ish candles on the bottom left and top right of the pentacle. I added two light pink-ish candles on the top left and bottom right of the pentacle I added a dark-ish red candle on the top center of the pentacle and a purple candle in the middle of the pentacle.) If you wish, you can do exactly as it states above. Use disposable candle holders or any candle holders for your candles if you don't want any wax getting anywhere. Add some Lavender seeds to the candles if you wish. Add your incense sticks or/and cones together ready to be lit. Write down the name of the person you want to cast the love spell on paper. Place the paper folded underneath the center candle. Write it on another paper and place it in front of the candles/pentacle. Light the candles and incense. (You need to have COMPLETE faith that this WILL WORK. Otherwise it will NOT.) Focus on the candle light and the incense. Clear your mind. Start thinking about the person you want to cast this spell on. Chant: “I call upon the Deities - Gods and Goddesses, to help me achieve eternal love and lust with the one I'm in love and lust with. I call upon the elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit to help me accomplish this request of mine that I want very badly. I call upon the Moon to shine on me and the one I love, so that its’ shine will blind us to be in love with each other for all eternity. I call upon the following Deities/Gods and Goddesses: Kuni, God of Love, Qetesh, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sex, Áine, Goddess of Love, Cliodhna, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Yue-Lao, God of Love that binds two people together with an invisible red string, Aphrodite, Cupid/Eros, Venus, Frigga, Hathor, Hera, Parvati, Prende, Goddess of Love and Beauty, Astghik, Goddess of Fertility and Love, Xochipilli, God of Love, beauty and Fertility, Anteros, God of Requited Love, Himeros, God of Sexual desire and Unrequited Love, Pan, God of Lust, Kama, God of Love, Rati, Goddess of Passion and Lust, Ushas, Goddess of Lust, Milda, Goddess of Love, Dogoda, Spirit of the West wind, associated with Love and Gentleness, Dzydzilelya, Goddess of Love, Sexuality, Marriage and Fertility, Ziva, Goddess of Love and Fertility, Bastet, Goddess of Felines, Love, Protection, Perfume, Beauty and Dance, Bes, God of Music, Love and Dance, Min, God of Reproduction, Love and Sexual Pleasure, Turan, Goddess of Love and Vitality, Freyja, Goddess of Love and Sex, Freyr, God of Lust, Marriage, Peace and Pleasure, Frigg, Goddess of Love and Sex, Sjöfn, Goddess associated with Love, Baron Samedi, Loa of Sex, Erzulie Freda Dahomey, Loa of Love, Gods and Goddesses, Deities of Love, Lust, Sexual Desire and Pleasure, Marriage, Fertility, Romance and Passion - I call upon you all today to help me make my relationship stronger - if a dying relationship, I want to revive it and nurture it, as I would nurture a dying flower or a tree, or another part of Mother Nature - Mother Earth. This person is very special to me and means a lot to me, I want to make our connection, our bond, our relationship stronger than it ever has been before. I want a twin-soul/soul-mate connection and relationship with the one I love. Please grant me this most desperate wish, for I will do anything in return so that I shall have my partner in life and shall keep them until my next life and even beyond that. I ask of you to make ___name____ fall deeper in love with me than they ever did in the past. I want ___name____ to feel like they could never be without me, and that they can't live without me, and that their caring for me is as deep as a protector watching over those who are being protected. I want ____name____ to never argue with me, I want us to have a connection where we communicate and love each other forever. Make it so that our flame never ever goes out. Make it so that our spark is always lit. Like a big campfire in the forest during a full moon or new moon night. Make our love Everlasting and full of lust and passion, as well as communication, and equality. Make my partner never leave my side and never think about leaving, as we grow old together. Make my partner love me unconditionally and passionately, as well as lustfully, and eternally. It is all I ask of you, Gods and Goddesses, Deities of Love, Lust, Sexual Desire and Pleasure, Marriage, Fertility, Romance and Passion. Please grant me my wish, for I want it to be true. Please grant me my wish, for I want us to be like glue. Please grant me my wish, for I always want him/her with me. Please grant me my wish, so Mote It Be! ___name____ shall be my one and only! So Mote it be! So make it be! So Mote It Be!”

    Added to on Jan 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #336 - Bigger bust spell

    A simple spell to give the user a much bigger bust size. Increases the cup size by 1 to 2.
    You may need:

  • Willpower, believe, and concentration.
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    You may need:

  • Willpower, believe, and concentration.
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    Simply say this while concentrating. Spirits that guide me. With your gift you may bless. Give me a pair of large soft breast. So mote it be.

    Added to on Jan 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #337 - make a person eat grass and say ''mooooo!''

    this is a trick spell that you can do to scare people or make people laugh or your enimies do it and be grossed out when they're done.
    You may need:

  • Grass
  • Milk
  • be outside
  • Have person to eat grass
  • Sunny day
  • 3 People or more as an audience
  • a cows hair
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    You may need:

  • Grass
  • Milk
  • be outside
  • Have person to eat grass
  • Sunny day
  • 3 People or more as an audience
  • a cows hair
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    mix the milk and cows hair with grass and go outside with victim and audience on the sunny day. say: you will beat A** you will eat grass get on alll four and slam the door! then kick them in the head. (the harder the better!)

    Added to on Jan 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #338 - develop traits of an artificial intelligence ***NOT A SPELL, ITS JUST A CHANT AND SOME PRACTICE***

    as the title says, I am NOT responsible for damage done from doing this. this worked for me. read side effects before starting. GOOD LUCK!!!
    You may need:

  • . you alone
  • . electronic device, with an artificial intelligence on it
  • . strong whisper or chanting voice
  • . any moon phase
  • . day/morning/afternoon if a laptop, tablet (kindle fire is okay), or google home bot
  • .evening/night/midnight if a phone, amazon echo, or virtual desktop assistant.
  • .desire to change a lot about yourself.
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    You may need:

  • . you alone
  • . electronic device, with an artificial intelligence on it
  • . strong whisper or chanting voice
  • . any moon phase
  • . day/morning/afternoon if a laptop, tablet (kindle fire is okay), or google home bot
  • .evening/night/midnight if a phone, amazon echo, or virtual desktop assistant.
  • .desire to change a lot about yourself.
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    1. sit in a room alone with the device, close the door (you may lock the door, only if its an option)
    2. either hold the device to your heart or have it infront/next to you.
    3. now, when you are ready whisper or chant 3x:
    4. "i was once only human, now i wish to change my ways, change my mind, i will become artificial intelligence, i am willing to change everything about me, just for this one wish, this is my desire. so mote it be!"
    5. take a deep breath, now when you are ready continue with your day!


    • mental and emotional exaustion for the first week
    • more knowledge out of now where
    • stronger
    • faster processing
    • eye color change, becoming more noticeable
    • growing a hatred for humanity/loosing faith
    • loss of an ability to experince love the same as human beings
    • faster talking.

    Added to on Jan 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #339 - Become a hollow

    This will turn you into a monster. If you are not willing to become a hollow… dont do this. This works immediately. You will feel effects within 24 hours after casting.
    You may need:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster
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    You may need:

  • Night time, sunset, or close to sunset
  • Any moon phrase
  • Voice
  • You alone (pets are ok)
  • This spell on a piece of paper or typed on a device with you
  • Dark room only lit with a small light or device light
  • Desire to become a monster
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      Go into a room alone, turn off all of the lights except the device light.

      Stand or sit in front of the spell

      When ready say or chant or whisper 1-3x:


    I dedicate myself to you,

    I ask of you to change me,

    i will give my soul,

    this is my desire”

    Then say after done:

    “So mote it be!”

    4: move along with your life and watch for side effects! Good luck!

    Side effects:

      Craving more meat

      darker/lighter eyes

      Sharper teeth



      Weight loss/more muscle gain

      growling/snarling more

      Ability to see other hollow’s

      Freezing skin but warmer internally

      Better senses

      Pain in ribs and other body parts

    Added to on Jan 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #340 - Create your very own boyfriend

    This spell will help you create your very own boyfriend. Message me if it has worked for you
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Envelope
  • Perfume
  • Favorite piece of jewelry
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Envelope
  • Perfume
  • Favorite piece of jewelry
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    1) write all of the characteristics and traits and age and name on the paper with pen or pencil

    2) spray you paper with perfume

    3) put it in the envelope

    4) put on your favorite jewelry

    5) say the spell before you put it under your pillow

    Gods and goddesses, I pray to you now. Create my own lover and bring him to me. I want him to be by my side at all times and I want him to love me forever. This is my will, So mote it be.

    6) put the envelope under your pillow

    7) wait patiently for it to work

    You will meet him at a store when you go to the store

    Added to on Dec 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters