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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2985 Love Spells
2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. How to Bind Someone in Friendship
  2. How to Make Friends
  3. Truth
  4. Potent Love
  5. Moonlight Summoning
  6. Love You
  7. Better Sex Powder Spell
  8. Simple Love Spell
  9. Drawing Energy
  10. Truth spell

#2751 - How to Bind Someone in Friendship

This spell is supposed to keep someone loyal to you in friendship.
You may need:

  • A personal item from the person to be bound form you and A picture of you and your target together
  • A green box
  • A red thread
  • One yellow candle
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    You may need:

  • A personal item from the person to be bound form you and A picture of you and your target together
  • A green box
  • A red thread
  • One yellow candle
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    Cast the circle and sweep the floor with a besom. Visualize for a few moments what you want and how it will be when you finish the spell. Before lighting the candle, inscribe it with the astrological symbol of jupiter (for prosperity) and saturn (for binding). Then light it.

    Chant: "Friendship eternal, true and steadfast I shall have thee now at last". Take the red thread and the two personal items and as you bind them together chant: "You and I bound together in friendship and trust now and forever!". Then tie the thread and knot it securely visualising the magick being locked in.

    Now take the picture hold it in your gith hand and send loving energies into it then chant: "More than brothers/sisters we are now to each other. We endow our knowledge our secrets and all and both of us together shall stand tall free from mistrust deception and lies. By this spell i strengthen our ties together we stand now and forever here to support one or the other!"

    Now recite the latin incantaion for manifestation: "Per omnes vires terrae et maris. Per omnes potentias lunae et solis. Velut volo ut liceat esse. Carmen canta et fiat. Beata sint!". Put everything in the green box and keep it hidden (put a protection spell on it if you want) but make sure to put it out in the sun for a few minutes every Thursday.

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    Last edited on Jun 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2752 - How to Make Friends

    Use this spell to help you make friends.
    You may need:

  • Blank notebook
  • Black pen
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    You may need:

  • Blank notebook
  • Black pen
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    Write the names down of the individuals you wish to befriend on the first page and set it in the middle of the road overnight in the rain. If it's gone or you can't read the writing it's a good sign. If it's still there but can't read writing it's still a good sign. If t is still there and barely wet, you will have a hard time making friends.

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    #2753 - Truth

    This spell allows you to get the truth out of someone.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say the following: "Come to me, truth. Make it be so I know. Tell me the truth. Make it so they squeeze it out, scream and shout".

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    #2754 - Potent Love

    Your crush will quickly fall in love with you.
    You may need:

  • Pink candle
  • Wormwood
  • Small pieces of feather
  • Lavender
  • Vanilla
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    You may need:

  • Pink candle
  • Wormwood
  • Small pieces of feather
  • Lavender
  • Vanilla
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    First, mix the lavender and vanilla together thoroughly. Then put the feather pieces in the mixture and stir. Next, Rub the mixture on the wormwood(try and cover as much as the wormwood as you can). Now burn the wormwood in the fire of the pink candle while chanting this:

    "Hear my will: I wish for love. Come to me. Craft it be. By the powers above and below. Love come to me, so mote it be".

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    #2755 - Moonlight Summoning

    This spell may not work for some of you. Use this to summon moonlight.
    You may need:

  • One pink candle
  • Blood
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    You may need:

  • One pink candle
  • Blood
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    Say this spell outside in a chalk drawn circle: "The light of you, I need. The light of you, I thirst for. I need your light now, oh great Goddess Selene. Hear my plea!". Close your eyes and crouch down in a circle. Light the pink candle

    Now take a knife or something sharp and gently cut your finger, drawing blood. Use it to draw a moon within the circle. Stare up at the moon in the sky and see it grow brighter.

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    Last edited on Jun 18, 2016
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    #2756 - Love You

    To make someone love you if they dont.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Strong Mind
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Strong Mind
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    Imagine the person you want to put the spell on. Then say their name after that chant:

    "You think you don't, but i know you do. you love me it's only true."

    After 24 hours they should love you.

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    #2757 - Better Sex Powder Spell

    to have better sex
    You may need:

  • cubeb peppers
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    You may need:

  • cubeb peppers
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    Grind the cubeb peppers into powder and sprinkle it all over your bed.

    ps:this spell really works.

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    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
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    #2758 - Simple Love Spell

    This spell really does work. I have used it and actually I met my husband just a few weeks after I performed it. It is very specific and must be followed exactly. Best Night: Friday Best Moon: Full
    You may need:

  • 1 sheet of lined paper
  • 1 Red pen or marker
  • 1 letter envelope
  • your favorite perfume
  • your favorite shade of red lipstick
  • a few Pink or Red flower petals
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    You may need:

  • 1 sheet of lined paper
  • 1 Red pen or marker
  • 1 letter envelope
  • your favorite perfume
  • your favorite shade of red lipstick
  • a few Pink or Red flower petals
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    Write out the qualities you want in a lover on the sheet of paper using the pen.

    Next spritz the paper with your perfume.

    Fold the paper and place it in the envelope.

    Now take the flower petals, hold them in your RIGHT hand. Envision yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals tight in your hand. Keep envisioning this scene.

    Drop the petals into the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and seal the whole spell with a kiss. Apply the red lipstick and kiss the envelope!!

    Place in a safe place. NEVER open it again, if you do this will break the spell.


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    #2759 - Drawing Energy

    Make yourself stringer by taking energy from all around you.
    You may need:

  • Good Mind
  • Any kind of crystal
  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • Good Mind
  • Any kind of crystal
  • Candle
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    Light the candle, and and put the crystal around our neck, cross your legs and close yur eye, picture the world around you, see yourself taking the energy from the air, take deep breaths, this should take up 2 15 minutes, if it dont work the 1st time keep trying, practice makes perfect.

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    #2760 - Truth spell

    Make someone tell you the truth
    You may need:

  • 3 candels
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    You may need:

  • 3 candels
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    You need three candles, white for spirit and brand new candles is probably best.

    Cast a circle if you do that, if not, find a quiet time and space where you will not be disturbed.

    Stand in the middle of your space and place the first candle directly in front of you.

    Light it and say,

    I am I
    and I
    seek truth

    Place the second candle slightly behind and to your left.

    Turn towards it, light it and say,

    I am you
    and I
    seek the truth.

    Place the third candle to make up the triangle, light it and say,

    I am we
    and I
    seek the truth.

    Now sit down in the center, facing the ''I'' candle.

    Close your eyes, breathe up into a meditative state and until you are quite calm and clear.

    Now, see you and him sitting opposite each other, facing each other across a candle.

    Let yourself rise up and out of your self until you are above the scene and you can see both of you beneath you.

    Slowly turn and move so that you are BEHIND the other.

    Say in your mind, say to yourself,

    I seek the truth
    and nothing but the truth.

    Now slowly move forward and into the other, until you see yourself sitting across from the you.

    Observe, see, know, talk, listen.

    When you have learned what you need to learn, GENTLY move backwards and out of the other. Then rise up to the central position where you can see both of you again, then move straight back down into your own self.

    Say in your mind to the other whatever you want them to know, or you need to say. Thank them for their presence, and slowly breathe down until you are back in the room, facing your candle.

    You can take that time to think about what you have learned and what you need to do or change now in the hard world; when you are done, blow out the candles in reverse order, bow your head and use what you have learned for the good of all, and harm of none.

    Good luck,

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    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters