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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2985 Love Spells
  1. Simple Spell for Finding Love
  2. An Easy Scrying Mirror
  3. attraction charm for your favorite scent you wear
  4. Break Up Unfit Couple
  5. Relations with the Beautiful
  6. Sinful Delight
  7. Initiation of Seuwrhan
  8. Changing Your Eye Color
  9. Mirror spirit
  10. Spirits Power

#1721 - Simple Spell for Finding Love

A Simple Spell For Finding Love All rights reserved to The Only Book Of Wiccan Spells You'll Ever Need
You may need:

  • A couple handfulls of rose petals (preferably given to you by a loved one or friend so that they are already filled with energy)
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    You may need:

  • A couple handfulls of rose petals (preferably given to you by a loved one or friend so that they are already filled with energy)
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    Take the Rose Petals outside your house/aparment and scatter them on the walkway leading to your home and chant:

    Love find your way,
    Love come to stay!

    Continue on repeating the chant until you reach your door. Retain one Rose Petal to carry with you as a love charm, so love will follow you home.

    All rights reserved to The Only Book Of Wiccan Spells You'll Ever Need

    Added to on Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1722 - An Easy Scrying Mirror

    This is a more efficient, more secretive way to make a scrying mirror.
    You may need:

  • Picture frame(preferably black)
  • Black piece of paper
  • A big bowl
  • Boiled water
  • Tray(platter)
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    You may need:

  • Picture frame(preferably black)
  • Black piece of paper
  • A big bowl
  • Boiled water
  • Tray(platter)
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    Instructions for the frame: Cut the black piece of paper(constuction paper is a medium you can use) a little bit bigger than the glass of the picture frame and cut it to the shape of the frame. Slide it behind the glass and there you have it.
    Instuctions for ice: Boil tap or whatever kind of water you desire. After boil put in big bowl, freezer safe bowl. Now freeze it and wait until COMPLETELY frozen. then put it on a platter to stare into it...try to scry in a quiet place. The reason for boiling the water is to make the Ice clearer.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1723 - attraction charm for your favorite scent you wear

    all you need is your voice, your favorite cologne or perfume you wear and to say the incantation over the bottle of perfume or cologne or just your deodorant or your shampoo and soaps. you have to do this every time you use a new bottle of deodorant or cologne or perfume or soap or shampoo.
    You may need:

  • your bottle of cologne or perfume or deodorant you wear and your voice to say the incantation over it. remember you have to do this over every time you use a new bottle of an item.
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    You may need:

  • your bottle of cologne or perfume or deodorant you wear and your voice to say the incantation over it. remember you have to do this over every time you use a new bottle of an item.
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    hold your hands over your scented item and say out loud once while your hands are over them
    ''I charm my ___________________________''
    ''I charm it so whenever I wear this''
    ''I always get what I want when it comes to sex & love''
    ''as long as I'm not stinking sinfully''

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1724 - Break Up Unfit Couple

    All you need is your voice and to say the incantation once. This spell is to break up a couple when an innocent is dating a cheater or somebody who is puppeteering an innocent person.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say out loud

    "I invoke the rage of an innocent
    Who has been cheated on
    By a cheater who doesn't deserve
    To be with the innocent

    I invoke the rage of an innocent
    Who has been cheated
    Of their own free will

    I set you free innocent one
    Free to love whom you choose"

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1725 - Relations with the Beautiful

    You have to be single or at least in an open relationship and just say out loud once the incantation.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Say out loud once:

    "I invoke the sinless spirit of my sexual desires.
    Attract to me as many sexual partners
    as I desire until my sexual desires are satisfied."

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1726 - Sinful Delight

    This spell is used to summon Jubali into your dreams and ask that he grant you his worldly pleasures. Jubali will submit to you, all his worldly pleasures in a sinful dream of a sexual nature. This dream will involve the God of Temptation in some form or another as he submits to your wildest sexual fantasies. This will produce a single dream where Jubali will give you lots of hot, steaming sex in which your soul is damned. The sins committed here are real and thus damning. This spell can lead to an astral rape in which you can experience a change in personality. The memories of the event can be retrieved with hypnosis, but Jubali should be avoided after this occurs. In event of an astral rape by Juabli, one should use protection rituals and meditation to prevent further encounters.
    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 10 Azahran’s Awakenings
  • 6 small red candles
  • 2 large red candles
  • 1 white or black chalk
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    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 10 Azahran’s Awakenings
  • 6 small red candles
  • 2 large red candles
  • 1 white or black chalk
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    (1) Place the altar facing magnetic north. Have the altar bowl in the center with two large red candles behind the altar bowl. Draw a six point star with the chalk large enough to sit in the center with the altar at the north point. Place a red candle at each point. Light all the candles in whatever order suits you and sit in the center. Sit and relax your body. Let the thoughts in your mind go without paying attention to them.
    (2) Open your third eye to see your guides.
    (3) Visualize a radiant white light while chanting the next line.
    (4) Burn an offering after you call each name.
    (5) Burn an offering after this line.
    (6) Open yourself to Jubali and imagine that he comes into your life and fills the night with the greatest sexual pleasures you can imagine. Once you complete this part of the incantation you put out the candles at the points of the star and leave the candles on the altar burning through the night. With this done you break the circle, so Jubali’s power has access to you while you dream. If there are no signs of a sexual encounter or memories of a sex dream, you should repeat the spell until you have memories of your night of pleasure.
    (7) Do not finish the spell until you have a sexual dream, wake up with sexual fluids on or in you or desire to stop any hidden encounters with this demon. Burn the last offering.

    (1) Hear my thoughts and answer me Puthadian Gods. With the candles to light my path, I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and their fires are their swords to protect me on my journey. Almighty Puthadian Gods come and hear me!
    (2) The candles light my path and I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and you guide them.
    (3) Puthadian Gods, guide me to the light.
    (4) Rekale, Goddess of Dreams, I invoke thee.
    Jubali, God of Temptation, I invoke thee.
    Fovita, God of Sexual Pleasure, I invoke thee.
    Toko, God of Time, I invoke thee.
    Shana, Goddess of Peace, I invoke thee.
    Tivanuf, God of the Majestic, I invoke thee.
    Tosha, Goddess of the Righteous One, I invoke thee.
    Juda, God of Wine, I invoke thee.
    (5) I ask of you these favors to make this journey safe and joyous in your sacred names, accept this offering of Prophecy pages?
    (6) Come onto me in my dreams and give me the greatest pleasures of all. I want only to be your Joy Fire for the night of my dream and be with you. There is no other love in my life than you who are the God of Temptation. Give onto me your pleasures and let your juices flow. I want to be with a god tonight and I choose you Jubali of all the gods of pleasure. There can be no other to give me the pleasures of my fantasy. Make me dream of wild abandon in your Temple of Temptation. I shall delight in the immortal sin and desire greatly to mark my body with your love in sinful delight.
    (7) Hail most sinful Jubali.
    I now have to be done for this time and release you from the bonds I placed around the circle. We can now end this session and return to our worlds till next we meet.

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1727 - Initiation of Seuwrhan

    This is the self initiation ritual to the Seuwrhanic Temple. Only you can call upon this power within yourself. This is the path to absolute power and corruption within the Seuwrhanic Temple. This ritual will lead you down a path of absolute evil in the name of Seuwrhan.
    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 1 Azahran’s Awakening
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 stool
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    You may need:

  • 1 wooden altar
  • 1 altar bowl
  • 1 Azahran’s Awakening
  • 4 white candles
  • 1 small red candle
  • 1 small yellow candle
  • 1 small green candle
  • 1 small blue candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 stool
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    (1) The altar should face north. Place the altar bowl on the center of the altar. Place the yellow candle behind the altar bowl. The red candle goes in front of the altar bowl. Place the blue candle to the left and the green candle on the right side of the altar bowl. Place the athame on the right side of the altar. Place the white candles at the quarters around the ritual circle. Have a stool handy. Now it is time to step into the circle.
    (2) Stand tall and hold the athame high. Visualize the energy of the cosmos striking the athame and going into your body, charging you up. Fill yourself with this energy and hold it inside yourself.
    (3) Lower your arm so that the athame is pointing straight. Speak the line of incantation and draw in the energy of the element in that direction and light the candle on the altar in that same direction to the altar bowl. Turn clockwise to the next direction, do the same thing until you are back facing north.
    (4) Sit on the stool; close your eyes and just quiet your mind and allow your thoughts to go without paying attention to any one of them. Open your eyes and make the request for protection and once again quiet your mind and allow yourself to feel the presence of your guides and protectors.
    (5) Stand and face the corresponding walls when you call the seals. Hold the athame over your chest with your right hand. The blade should be pointing up. Once you feel their presence, it is time to light the candles around the circle, starting with the north going east, south and west.
    (6) Visualize a black mist that surrounds you and your temple space.
    (7) Open your heart to the Unholy Nine.
    (8) Allow the energy left over return to their sources. Burn the Azahran’s Awakening.
    (9) In the reverse manner with the athame, you now return the energy you have left over and put out the candles in the reverse order in which they were lit.
    (10) Now that the curse is done, you can now leave the magic circle. Wait until the following morning to clean up the materials and put away the tools.

    (2) Hear my voice! I call upon the guardians to protect me in radiant white light. By the powers of the elements I shall be safe here.
    (3) Greed! I ask for your hunger! Vengeance! I ask for your reprisal! Hatred! I ask for your revulsion! Malice! I ask for your spite!
    (4) I take of this energy and ask that is it blessed to protect me on my journey into the Unseen Realm. I call down the power of my soul and of the gods that are loving and protective of me to protect my ritual ground for evil will be summoned here. By the will of the gods and my personal guardians I ask that I be safe for all times.
    (5) Greed, Element of the North Wall be sealed. Vengeance, Element of the East Wall be sealed. Hatred, Element of the South Wall be sealed. Malice, Element of the West Wall be sealed. Malevolence the binding force of evil, watch the seals placed here.
    (6) I the name of Seuwrhan I cast out all forces not of your alignment! I consecrate the space as a Seuwrhanic Temple and dedicate it to the works of malice. I call to the Elements of Evil to seal this blessing for all time.
    (7) I pledge my total and absolute allegiance to Seuwrhan and the Unholy Nine and to serve your desire to rule with absolute power. I give my mind and body over to the Elements of Evil and to know in their power over all things malevolent.
    (8) By the power of my authority I open this circle and release the guardians from my command.
    (9) Malice! I release your power from my circle! Hatred! I release your power from my circle! Vengeance! I release your power from my circle! Greed! I release your power from my circle!
    (10) Hail unto Seuwrhan the God of Corruption this curse shall be sent.

    Added to on Sep 16, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1728 - Changing Your Eye Color

    This is a spell to change your eye color to any color. It can last for a couple minutes to an hour.
    You may need:

  • Candle (color of what color your changing your eyes to)
  • Cup of water
  • Lighter or match
  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Candle (color of what color your changing your eyes to)
  • Cup of water
  • Lighter or match
  • Mirror
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    Sit down and put the candle in front and light the candle. Then chant 3 times: "(color of your eyes) to (color you want them to be) is what I want, now change them into (color you want)".

    Drink the water, then blow out the candle. Look in the mirror your eyes should be changed to the color you want.

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1729 - Mirror spirit

    This is so that a spirit takes over you're reflection in mirror so you can talk to your mirror self.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Blue candle
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Blue candle
  • Voice
  • Belief
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    Sit infront of the mirror and put the bowl of water in front of you. Then put the candle in front of the bowl, and light it. Then chant: Mirror Mirror on the wall, my reflection is so dull. I take a spirit and put it in my body in the mirror. My mirror self can now talk, walk, and play games with me. So mote it be! Now stick the flame in the water and look in the mirror while swishing your hands in the water. It had been tested.
    Mail me for any questions at darth_mavy :)

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1730 - Spirits Power

    This is to give your drawing spirits power. (See the drawing spirits spell) it has been tested, my drawing spirit Ryan moved my fan, but I gave him some dark magic which makes them more powerful.
    You may need:

  • A wand
  • Your voice
  • Energy
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    You may need:

  • A wand
  • Your voice
  • Energy
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    Take your wand and point it at your spirit then say:

    "By the power of my wand I give (spirits name) the power of humans. Moving objects, casting spells, breaking items, at ease. I mote it be."

    Added to on Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2985 Love Spells from Spell Casters