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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3292 Life Spells
3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3292 Life Spells
  1. Crystal Elixer Oil
  2. Fearless
  3. Get Wings
  4. Cheyenne Prayer for Peace
  5. Onion Money
  6. Wish
  7. Busy Bee Renewal
  8. Easy, Proven Wishes
  9. Grow Wings of Any Kind
  10. 5 Irish Curses

#1141 - Crystal Elixer Oil

Elixir to be used as massage oil. Boost psychic power, strength, courage, attract love.
You may need:

  • 6 charged and programmed crystals
  • 1 mason jar
  • 1 cup oil (vegetable, grapeseed, etc.)
  • X crystals to put inside oil (desired qualities)
  • X crystals to charge
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    You may need:

  • 6 charged and programmed crystals
  • 1 mason jar
  • 1 cup oil (vegetable, grapeseed, etc.)
  • X crystals to put inside oil (desired qualities)
  • X crystals to charge
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    Put 1 cup massage oil (the vegetable oil) in mason jar put crystals with desired qualities inside (rose quarts for love/ lapiz for truth) ect. Put in moonlight to charge and cleanse (if working with tigers eye or carnelian leave in the sun charging prior to elixir) put charged programmed crystals in triangle around glass leave in moonlight for the night. Apply to desired areas massaging gently.

    Added to on Aug 19, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1142 - Fearless

    This is a spell I made to make you fearless.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Just chant this spell 5 times

    "Things that give me fright
    This that send chills through my spine
    Shall be here no more
    I will now have no fear
    Send my fears away
    And never come back for days
    I ask for this in my plea
    Grant this to me
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1143 - Get Wings

    A spell to give you wings.
    You may need:

  • 1 white/yellow candle
  • A little feather
  • A symbol on you lower body
  • Window
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    You may need:

  • 1 white/yellow candle
  • A little feather
  • A symbol on you lower body
  • Window
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    Go sit down, legs crossed. Place the candle in front of you and light it. Place the feather nextto the candle, right of the candle. Then you close your eyes and meditate for 3 minutes and you think about flying and how you city looks like when you are flying. Visualize you chi (strong white light) began in your belly en go up to your shoulders.

    After that you open our eyes and take the feather in your hands and close your hands. Close your eyes again. Tell the goddess why you want to have wings. Say something like this (don't make it the same!! It has to be a personal reason!!):

    "Oh Goddess, give me wings, to help the people, to be happy again." (Think about how your wings look and grow on your back) " Let them grow so I can fly. Goddess, this spell may harm no one. It may only make people happy. As I say, so mote it be! " (Shout it)

    When you did this open your eyes, put out the candle, open your window and open your hands with the feather then blow so hard you can on the feather so it fly away. Let your window open for 1 hour. If you can't do it for a medical reason, close your window. If you did this, go to the candle and sit on your knees, bow 1 one time, then come up and clean everything.

    This spell can have some side effects, it is uncommon, but don't be afraid if you don't get any of this:

    • Headache
    • Feeling dizzy
    • Pain in your back or in your legs(not much, it's safe to do it)
    • You will feel the symbol (not pain)
    • You can have the feeling like you can float

    Added to on Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1144 - Cheyenne Prayer for Peace

    Need peace and harmony? Just pray this Cheyenne Indian prayer.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Let us know peace.
    For as long as the moon shall rise,
    For as long as the rivers shall flow,
    For as long as the sun shall shine,
    For as long as the grass shall grow,
    Let us know peace."

    Added to on Aug 13, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1145 - Onion Money

    Make money flow into your hands faster than it flows out of them
    You may need:

  • 1-10 Vidalida onions
  • Newspaper with the current date
  • Lighter
  • Cast-iron skillet
  • Oak tree
  • An unopened bottle of any Irish brewed alcohol
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    You may need:

  • 1-10 Vidalida onions
  • Newspaper with the current date
  • Lighter
  • Cast-iron skillet
  • Oak tree
  • An unopened bottle of any Irish brewed alcohol
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    Take the onions and peel off the skin. (you can discard the onions after this step as you only need the skins) Look through the newspaper for some good news. (not a sports page or horoscope) Wrap the onion skins up in the page of good news and then put it in the cast-iron skillet.Take the skillet outside under an oak tree and place it on the ground. Light the contents of the skillet on fire.

    Sit there in front of the fire until it dies. their should be a pile of ashes, sift through it after 10 min of it being out to check if it is completely burned down to ash. If it dies before everything in the skillet is burned, take the bottle of Irish brewed alcohol, and pour it on the remains and drop a lit match on the remains. stay there until all of the alcohol has burned.

    If you don't finish the ritual, you will die. If you did the ritual with a group of people, the ones that don't see it through to the end will die.

    Added to on Aug 11, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1146 - Wish

    This will grant you a wish. It can't be to be, like becoming immortal, but if small it will definitely work.
    You may need:

  • A magic item (e.g. something a fairy has given you, a wand, a dragon scale)
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    You may need:

  • A magic item (e.g. something a fairy has given you, a wand, a dragon scale)
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    Imagine your wish. Decide what it will be. Imagine the using of your wish. Hold the magic item and say this spell:

    "I wish for this wish to come true,
    For this is what I will
    I wish for (whatever it is)
    This is my will, so mote it be"

    Added to on Aug 11, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1147 - Busy Bee Renewal

    Make yourself a sweet cup of this potion to renew your energy and reward yourself for a job well done!
    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Yellow candle
  • Spoon
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    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Yellow candle
  • Spoon
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    Light the yellow candle. Put a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cinnamon in the cup. Fill the rest of the cup with milk. Stir well.

    Say the following:

    "This bee is tired, I can fly no more
    I've worked too hard and my body's sore
    I've gave all I got, I've got no more to give
    So let this elixir give me power to live
    Sweet honey is my reward at the end of the day
    Take these troubles and blow them away
    Take wing, take flight, it's our moment to rise
    Let my heart beat anew, let me take to the skies
    As I will, so mote it be"

    Drink the beverage

    Added to on Aug 09, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1148 - Easy, Proven Wishes

    I urge you to be practical with your wish!
    You may need:

  • Food coloring in a color that resembles your wish
  • Small bowl of water
  • Charm (necklace, ring, bracelet)
  • A small item associated with your wish
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    You may need:

  • Food coloring in a color that resembles your wish
  • Small bowl of water
  • Charm (necklace, ring, bracelet)
  • A small item associated with your wish
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    Take the bowl of water and place it in front of you. You need to say your wish 3 times, and after each time drop one drop of food coloring in the bowl. Once you say your wish 3 times and put 3 drops of food coloring in the bowl, say

    "Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, This is my will so note it be. I have a wish so fine and true, I want it to come right out of the blue. Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, this is my will so more it be."

    Now dip the charm in the bowl and say "blessed are thee, bring my wish to me" if you have an item associated with your wish dip that in the bowl too. Keep the items with you at all times and say "by the power of three" pour the water in a garden.

    Added to on Aug 07, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1149 - Grow Wings of Any Kind

    This spell will get you wings of any animal or insect.
    You may need:

  • 2 sheets of paper ( can be lined )
  • Drawing supplies
  • Black marker or Sharpie
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    You may need:

  • 2 sheets of paper ( can be lined )
  • Drawing supplies
  • Black marker or Sharpie
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    First, draw your desired wings, then outline them in black marker and color them. Write your wing information. The things I put here MUST be written down, but you can add any other information you feel necessary

    • Name
    • Type of wings
    • Wingspan
    • Wing Height
    • Powers
    • Maximum Flight Speed

    Next, write one of these spells for your desired wings, then say it aloud

    "I wish for wings of a butterfly
    I wish for wings of a hawk.
    To fly and reach the sky
    Because I'd rather fly than walk
    Only those I tell can see.
    Only those I tell can see
    These wings bound to me.
    These wings bound to me
    Let them phase through clothes.
    Let them phase through clothes
    So almost nobody knows.
    So almost nobody knows
    Begin to grow after my next meal.
    Begin to grow after my next meal
    Make them true, make them real.
    Make them true, make them real
    So mote it be! So mote it be!"

    Now fold it in half until it makes a small square, then put it somewhere safe. Before you go to bed tonight, and for the next 3 nights, hold the paper to your chest and say "Give me wings I desire, let me fly higher. So mote it be!"

    Then in 3-4 weeks, your wings will be fully grown.

    Added to on Aug 05, 2015
    Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1150 - 5 Irish Curses

    Caution: these spells have no known cure.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say these words separately or you can say all these words to the one you want to curse. Do not repeat the first paragraph and do not repeat the numbers shown.

    Say these spells to the person you want to curse abd say these words. Note: each sentence is a different curse.

    1. May the snails devour your corpse and the rains rot it. Worse, may te Devil sweep you away, you hairy creature.

    2. May the seven terriers of hell sit on your breast and bark at your soul.

    3. May the Devil swallow you sideways.

    4. May six horse-loads of graveyard clay fall on top of you.

    5. May the cats eat you.

    Added to on Aug 05, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters