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2955 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2955 Health Spells
2955 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2955 Health Spells
  1. For an Improved State of Health
  2. Headache Cure
  3. Opening the Chakras
  4. Aura Seeing
  5. Revive Friendship
  6. Chakra Water
  7. A God Hex Note
  8. Demonic Angel Wolf
  9. Send Bad Luck to another Person
  10. Healing Spell

#881 - For an Improved State of Health

This spell will improve your health.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say. Or Do, depends on how you wish to do this:

    "Fold in a scrap,

    of velvet cloth,

    these treasures six.

    To bring you health

    leaves of tea,

    flowers of Lavender

    ginger and salt, clove and camphor.

    Tie up the charm,

    with scarlet thread.

    Keep it beside

    Your nightly bed.

    Breathe on it waking

    Every day.

    You must be healed and

    Healed you must stay."

    Added to on Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #882 - Headache Cure

    This simple spell can cure a headache.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this simple incantation:
    "This iron crescent,
    Brown and old,
    Is worth as much
    As virgin gold;
    Grasp both ends
    The center hold
    Hard to your brow,
    Heavy and Cold
    Let this healing
    Verse be told
    Good metal loosened
    From horse's hoof
    Draw from my brain
    These nails of pain
    Cast them away
    Rust them away
    Keep them away."

    Added to on Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #883 - Opening the Chakras

    This is a guide to opening your magical energy ways. The Chakras.
    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
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    1. Sit upon a cushion or just on the floor in a lotus position.

    2. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the mind's eye.

    3. At the root of your spine, imagine a swirling red light growing brighter and stronger. .

    4. At your navel, imagine a swirling orange light growing brighter and stronger.

    5. At your solar plexus, imagine a swirling yellow light growing brighter and stronger.

    6. Just above your heart, imagine a swirling green light growing brighter and stronger.

    7. At your throat, imagine a swirling blue light growing brighter and stronger.

    8. Between your eyes, imagine a swirling indigo light growing brighter and stronger.

    9. Right above your head, imagine a swirling purple light growing brighter and stronger.

    10. Imagine a white light flowing from the purple chakra down to the red one. Stay like this as long as you want.

    Added to on Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 09, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #884 - Aura Seeing

    This spell will eventually allow you to see auras
    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
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    1. Meditate in a quiet place and open all your Chakras.
    2. Have a partner stand in front of a mirror or white wall.
    3. Focus just to the side of your partner. Don't look at your partner or you will have to start over.
    4. You may begin to see the colors surrounding them.
    *if not don't worry this takes practice.

    Another Way.

    1. Open the third eye.
    2. Close your eyes and see yourself within your third eye.
    3. Imagine a field of color swirling around you.
    4. Keep the image within your mind and open your eyes.
    5. If you keep doing this, the colors will begin to show themselves to you.

    Blessed Be.

    Added to on Feb 10, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #885 - Revive Friendship

    This spell is for a Male friend so I apologize if that's not what you seek.
    You may need:

  • Acacia
  • Barley
  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • A lighter or matches
  • A cauldron or somewhere safe to burn your mixture
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    You may need:

  • Acacia
  • Barley
  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • A lighter or matches
  • A cauldron or somewhere safe to burn your mixture
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    Set up your materials at your alter or some place safe. Feel free to light any candles of your choice.

    Sit comfortably and relax your body and mind. Find your want and need for this person, feel the magic running through your veins and open your soul to the divine.

    Put into your Cauldron the ingrediants one by one, using as much or as little of each as you please.

    Light your mixture and hover your hands over the smoke and imagine an image of the person you wish to bring into your life and repeat the following three times:

    "Through love and hate

    and thick and thin

    You were my very closest friend.

    No secrets kept from one another,

    You were just like my big(optional) brother.

    And right now,

    I'll try and see,

    if you will come back to me.

    Divine spirits, Maiden, Mother, and Crone

    I ask of you to heal this wound.

    Let him find his way back to me,

    Not forcefully, but naturally.

    Mend our hearts and relieve our pain,

    so I may see my friend again."

    When you are finished say " As I will it, so mote it be!".

    Thank the divine spirits and goddess for their help. Take the ashes sprinkle them in your yard or somewhere in your home, or for the best way, keep thm in a pouch or locket around your neck.

    I want to clarify that it can take time and it won't be imidiate. Magic will work when the time is right, we can not force it to happen when we want it to, it will happen when it's meant to.

    Added to on Feb 08, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #886 - Chakra Water

    A simple water spell for opening chakras.
    You may need:

  • 1 Bottle of distilled water
  • (x amount) Crystals
  • 12 to 24-hours
  • 1 Moon/Sun
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    You may need:

  • 1 Bottle of distilled water
  • (x amount) Crystals
  • 12 to 24-hours
  • 1 Moon/Sun
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    To distill water, heat it up in an oven for anywhere from 1-1.5 hours. After you have the water, place your crystals in your water (note: some crystals may upset your digestive system, please know what kind of crystals you own, please do your research, if you fear upsetting your stomach, feel that it is unsafe to digest, or have a weak stomach, please do not try this, you can mail me for alternate methods), after placing them in the water, meditate and fill the bottle with happy emotions, leave the bottle out side in the light of the sun/moon, leave it outside for as long as you want (no more the 4 days). After drinking the water, thank your crystals, the earth, and the sun/moon( not doing this will cause bad luck).
    The idea for this came from "spirit science"-It is NOT 100% mine.

    Added to on Feb 07, 2016
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #887 - A God Hex Note

    This hex makes you a god but also helps by making other spells work.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Say 3 times:

    "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, grant me my wish, hex me to make me a god, I god gifted with powerfull magic, with the power to create anything I want, with the power to do anything, as soon as the moon rises, as soon as nighttime is reborn, so will I rise up as one of the gods, reborn and reawakened as one of you for all eternity, this is my wish, so it shall be."

    Added to on Feb 06, 2016
    Last edited on Feb 13, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #888 - Demonic Angel Wolf

    A Demonic Angel Wolf to put that simply it's a Werewolf that's half angle and half demon it is a werewolf that looks a bit different do the demon part but no horns it will be a werewolf with angle wings.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Say 3-5 times or 10 times:

    "I call upon the werewolves, angles,demons, and spirits of the moon, turn me into the Demonic Angel Wolf, my fur color will be (color), my eye color will be (color) and my elements will be ( choose 3 elements), and my wings color will be (color), my wings will be (length in inches) in length, my wings shall begin to grow in (minutes you them to start growing in) and my wings shall be fully grown in (day's you want them full size in) I shall be able to transform at will and be able to transform without the aid of the moon, and shall not be able to change back to normal until 1 hour after the transformation, this is my wish, so shall it be."

    I don't know the side effect's but they most likely include combined side effects from werewolf spells angle spells and demon spells, be warned you may think you can handle the pain but not even close you'll be feeling more pain than anyone has ever felt before if this works.

    Added to on Feb 05, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #889 - Send Bad Luck to another Person

    This is a somewhat easy spell. I dont know if it works but it might.
    You may need:

  • 13 Opals
  • 4 Black Candles
  • 17 Dead Leafs
  • 2 Tablespoons Salt
  • Wand
  • Picture of person whom summoning bad luck on
  • 6 Tsp. Sandalwood Powder
  • 2 Tsp. Wormwood
  • Piece of paper with 13 written on it.
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • 13 Opals
  • 4 Black Candles
  • 17 Dead Leafs
  • 2 Tablespoons Salt
  • Wand
  • Picture of person whom summoning bad luck on
  • 6 Tsp. Sandalwood Powder
  • 2 Tsp. Wormwood
  • Piece of paper with 13 written on it.
  • Voice
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    1. Arrange the dead leafs in a rectangle and put the candles in a square.
    2. Sprinkle the candles with salt. place 11 opals around candles.
    3. Light the candles and tap the picture with the person whom putting bad luck on in the middle of candles. Mix wormwood and sandalwood powder and sprinkle on candles and picture. Place paper with 13 written on it and light it. now wave your wand over the picture and candles while reciting ten times:

    "Oh bad luck come please come please,
    hear my plea to come to (persons name),
    make their life horrible for insert how many days, weeks months years, for bad luck."

    4. Then put rest of opals on picture and let it sit for 25 minutes. then put out flames.

    Added to on Feb 04, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #890 - Healing Spell

    A minor healing spell that works on all species.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Herbs(optional)
  • Crystal(s)(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Herbs(optional)
  • Crystal(s)(optional)
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    Note: This spell works on small, fresh, shallow wounds only, and do not expect to be FULLY healed, it only relives pain and speeds up healing. Doesn't work on past scars.

    If you the optional tools, place them around the wound.
    Place your dominant hand over it(covering the crystalsherbs)then say:

    "Tui gratia Lovis grati sit cures."

    Say this as many times as needed. For a better result say:

    "Lovi invoka, hova lone."

    Mail me if it works for you.

    Added to on Feb 04, 2016
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2955 Health Spells from Spell Casters