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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Banish Your Fears
  2. Clumsy Witch
  3. Healing
  4. Healingof Apollo
  5. Knot Hex
  6. Healing a Twisted Ankle with Water
  7. Basic Healing for Closing Wounds
  8. Healing Poppet
  9. Magickal uses of Stones and Crystals
  10. Maran Mantra of Enemies

#791 - Banish Your Fears

This spell helps you over come your fears.
You may need:

  • 1 pen or pencil
  • 1 paper
  • Something you fear
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    You may need:

  • 1 pen or pencil
  • 1 paper
  • Something you fear
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    You need to take you pen/pencil and write in all four corners "I am fearless" and make a box out of the 'I am fearless' which are in all corners then in the middle write down your fears.

    Added to on May 15, 2016
    Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #792 - Clumsy Witch

    Makes you make no mistakes.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say the following, don't think it:

    "Holy night
    Day by night
    I am a witch
    Full of light"

    Remember, night night witch at night twice then it's witch in a light. Keep saying this over and over. Holy Day I am Full. Holy cra I am full of love... This is called pneumonics. You have to remember this for it will save your life. Day and Night, like the song.

    Added to on May 14, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #793 - Healing

    This is a fairly common healing spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    I'm afraid this only works on physical injuries. It works best on injuries you can see but will work on other injuries like brain damage. All you have to do is imagine the part of your body, then imagine a protective force field protecting it. The worse the injury the more detail you will have to have and you will have to imagine it longer. When you're done, the injury either won't hurt or won't be there at all.

    Added to on May 14, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #794 - Healingof Apollo

    This is a simple spell. Don't forget to thank the god Apollo and maybe give him an offering!
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "Great God Apollo,
    God of medicine and healing,
    Hear this servant's prayer.
    Heal me oh god of medicine.
    Touch me and pull my sickness out.
    Make me well with your cleansing touch.
    Heal me.
    Make me well."

    Added to on May 14, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #795 - Knot Hex

    Cast a powerful curse on someone who deserves it. If they don't deserve it the spell will backfire.
    You may need:

  • 6 inches of black thread
  • 5 purple beads
  • Black candle
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    You may need:

  • 6 inches of black thread
  • 5 purple beads
  • Black candle
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    First put the bead on the thread and tie two knots on either side of the bead. Then put two beads on the outside of the knots, tie a knot at either end of the beads. Put two more beads on either side of those knots then tie knots on either side.

    Light the candle, put the thread beside the candle and chant: "wiil karma te dolor meus , quid feci tibi scire me maledictionem super hoc firmamentum hex donec i tu aufer . Hoc volo ut fiat."

    Then burn the ends of the thread with the candle and your done. Make sure when your tying the knots your thinking of your intention, this spell give them instant karma, so make sure you only do the spell of they did something to you.

    Added to on May 13, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #796 - Healing a Twisted Ankle with Water

    I've use it multiple times, my cousin is the one who showed it to me when I twisted my ankle very painfully.
    You may need:

  • Luke warm water
  • A towel
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    You may need:

  • Luke warm water
  • A towel
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    Dip your hands/fingers in the water and starting below the knee, lightly run your fingers down the leg to the ankle while also letting the water drip down.

    Visualize the water droplets soaking up the pain and taking the pain away as it runs down off the leg. Have whoever you're doing this for visualize it as well.

    Do this for a few minutes, until you both feel it has worked and the person with the twisted ankle feels no more pain. (It's taken me no more than a minute at most to perform this spell)

    Dry the leg off by patting gently with the towel and carefully put weight back on the leg. If it doesn't hurt then it worked.

    Added to on May 12, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #797 - Basic Healing for Closing Wounds

    This will assist you in closing a wound, usually a smaller one will close faster.
    You may need:

  • A Magickal symbol.
  • Some thing you write on yourself with.
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    You may need:

  • A Magickal symbol.
  • Some thing you write on yourself with.
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    You must write your magickal symbol on your dominant hand with your writing/drawing tool (Pencils will not work. It has to leave a solid mark, not in blood.) You then cover your would with your dominant hand that you just wrote on. Then, Close your eyes and visualize magick in whatever way you conceive it. Then, Visualize a stream of that magick going into the wound, Closing it. Wait for 10 seconds.

    Added to on May 11, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #798 - Healing Poppet

    Instructions on constructing a healing poppet.
    You may need:

  • Silver, white, or blue fabric (if you want you can get fabric with cloud prints or any other air symbol)
  • Sowing kit or machine
  • Cotton (for filling)
  • Something to attach the poppet to whoever you're using it on (hair, scrap of clothing, etc.)
  • Full or waning moon
  • A spell to cast on it
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    You may need:

  • Silver, white, or blue fabric (if you want you can get fabric with cloud prints or any other air symbol)
  • Sowing kit or machine
  • Cotton (for filling)
  • Something to attach the poppet to whoever you're using it on (hair, scrap of clothing, etc.)
  • Full or waning moon
  • A spell to cast on it
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    First, trace out two seperate human shapes and cut them out. Stitch them together and leave an opening to fill it with stuffing. When it's filled if you have anything from the person to attach the doll to them, then you can either put it inside the doll or attach it to the outside. Stitch the opening closed. If you would like you can make the poppet look like whoever you are using it for.

    When you are finished cleanse it of any unwanted energies by leaving it under the light of the full or waning moon, once that has been completed you can cast your spell on it.

    Added to on May 11, 2016
    Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #799 - Magickal uses of Stones and Crystals

    Not a Spell. Just some useful information on crystal uses.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Life Stones:

    Beauty: Amber, Cat's-eye, Jasper, Opal.

    Business Success: Bloodstone, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Yellow Zircon.

    Courage: Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise.

    Dieting: Moonstone, Topaz

    Divination: Azurite, Jet, Moonstone, Obsidian, Tiger's-eye.

    Dreams: Amethyst, Azurite, Flourite.

    Eloquence: Carnelian, Celestite, Sardonyx.

    Friendship: Chryophrase, Pink Tourmaline, Turquoise.

    Gardening: Agate, Jade, Malachite, Brown Zircon.

    God: Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone.

    Goddess: Moonstone, Chrysocolla.

    Grounding: Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Salt, Black Tourmaline.

    Happiness: Amethyst, Yellow Zircon.

    Healing: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Cat's-eye, Coral, Diamond, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Topaz, Turquoise, Red Zircon.

    Longevity: Agate, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood.

    Love: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Beryl, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Olivine, Pearl, Sapphire, Topaz, Turquoise.

    Luck: Amber, Apache Tear, Adventurine, Cross Stone, Jet, Olivine, Opal, Pearl, Sardonyx, Tiger's-eye, Turquoise.

    Magickal Power: Blood Stone, Quartz Crystal, Malachite, Opal, Ruby.

    Meditation: Geodes, Sapphires, Sodalite.

    Mental Powers: Adventurine, Emerald, Flourite, Zircon.

    Money, Wealth and Prosperity: Adventurine, Bloodstone, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Coal, Emerald, Jade, Mother-of-Pearl, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby, Salt, Sapphire, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Green Tourmaline, Brown, Green or Red Zircon.

    Peace: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Adventurine, Carnelian, Coral, Diamond, Lepidolite, Malachite, Obsidian, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Blue Tourmaline.

    Physical Energy: Beryl, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Red Tourmaline, Red Zircon.

    Physical Strength: Agate, Amber, Beryl, Bloodstone, Diamond, Garnet.

    Protection: Agate, Amber, Apache Tear, Calcite, Cat's-eye, Citrine, Coral, Quartz Crystal, Diamond, Emerald, Flint, Fossils, Garnet, Jade, Jasper, Jet, Lapis Lazuli, Lava Stone, Malachite, Marble, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, Obsidian, Onyx, Pearl, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Ruby, Salt, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline, Turquoise, Clear Zircon, Red Zircon.

    Purification: Aquamarine, Salt.

    Sexual Energy: Carnelian, Sunstone, Yellow Zircon.

    Sleep: Moonstone, Peridot, Blue Tourmaline.

    Spirituality: Calcite, Diamond, Sugilite.

    Success: Amazonite, Chrysophase, Marble.

    Travel: Chalcedony, Orange Zircon.

    Wisdom: Coral, Jade, Sodalite, Sugilite.

    Elemental Stones:

    Earth: Green Agate, Green Calcite, Cat's-eye, Chrysophase, Coal, Emerald, Brown and Green Jasper, Jet, Malachite, Olivine, Peridot, Salt, Black and Green Tourmaline, Turquoise.

    Air: Adventurine, Mottled Jasper, Mica, Pumice.

    Fire: Banded, Black, Brown or Red Agate, Amber, Apache Tear, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Quartz Crystal, Diamond, Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Lava Stone, Obsidian, Onyx, Ruby, Sardonyx, Sunstone, Tiger's-eye, Topaz, Red and Watermelon Tourmaline, Zircon.

    Water: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue and Pink Calcite, Chrysocolla, Coral, Quartz Crystal, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl, Sapphire, Selenite, Sodalite, Sugilite, Blue, Green and Pink Tourmaline.

    Added to on May 11, 2016
    Last edited on May 25, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #800 - Maran Mantra of Enemies

    This Hindu mantra will cause enemies and people who are jealous of you to be rid of and it will protect you from them.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Refrain from tobacco, alcohol, and so on. Then for 21 days, meditate and chant 108 times for each day:

    "om parabramha parmatmane namah
    uttpatti sthiti pralay karay
    brahma hariray trigunatmane
    sarva kautuk nidarshaya
    darshan dattatrey nahah
    mantra siddhi kurum kuru swaha"

    After doing those daily for 21 days, you'll get rid of your enemies and people who are jealous of you.

    Added to on May 10, 2016
    Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters