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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Healing
  2. Rid of Headache
  3. Blessed Water
  4. Well Being Spell
  5. A Healing Poppet
  6. Contaminate Water
  7. Asphyxiate
  8. Awakening The Darkness Within
  9. Left hand of Shadow
  10. Save A Tree

#2911 - Healing

Easy-to-do healing spell.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this while holding the injury or the patient: "Owie fix, owie fix, you're the fairy that I pick: bring the healing, come right quick".

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    Last edited on Aug 14, 2015
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    #2912 - Rid of Headache

    Get rid of an annoying headache.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Visualize a red circle on your forehead, or wherever the pain is most intense. Let the color fade to orange, then to yellow, to green, blue, indigo, and then to purple. Let the purple circle absorb all pain that you suffer and then let it fade to white. Take three more deep breaths and open your eyes. Allow 2-3 minutes for the pain to fully disappear.

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    #2913 - Blessed Water

    Call on the gods to bless and make magic water which can be used in rituals and healing.
    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
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    You may need:

  • Bowl of water
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    After you have collected water in a bowl (or appropriate vessel) chant:

    " Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help. Bless this water with your power, with your purification, with your healing powers. With the water you so blessed, may this harm none. The spell is done. So mote it be and blessed be ."

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    #2914 - Well Being Spell

    When you have been sick, but are beginning to feel better, this is a good spell to cast.
    You may need:

  • 1 white or pink image candle
  • powdered rose petals
  • push-pin thumbtack
  • Star Oil (see bellow in the bottom of the spell instructions the method of preperation of this oil)
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    You may need:

  • 1 white or pink image candle
  • powdered rose petals
  • push-pin thumbtack
  • Star Oil (see bellow in the bottom of the spell instructions the method of preperation of this oil)
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    When you have been sick, but are beginning to feel better, this is a good spell to cast.
    It is energizing and will leave you feeling healthier than when you began. For periodic maintenance, you may want to use the spell twice a year.
    Carve your name, or that of the person for whom you are casting the spell, onto the candle. Anoint the candle with the oil and sprinkle with powdered rose petals. Raise energy and focus on general well being as you charge the candle. Burn under the waxing moon, chanting:

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water
    Peace, Health, Joy, Laughter.

    Peak the energy and let it fly out to the universe. Let the candle burn completely.

    (If you use runes you may also carve Sigel, Flame, and Caduceus in the wax before anointing the candle with oil.)


    take 1/4 ounce almond oil
    mix it with 10 drops of lemon oil
    7 drops jasmine oil
    7 drops rosemary oil!
    17 drops chamomile oil
    and 5 drops sandalwood oil! here you go - wualah=)

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    #2915 - A Healing Poppet

    Make someone with health issues begin to feel better.
    You may need:

  • A poppet or doll
  • Chamomile flowers and vervain
  • Hair or nail clippings
  • A photo or image of the object
  • A black marker pen
  • A lancing pin
  • A box
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    You may need:

  • A poppet or doll
  • Chamomile flowers and vervain
  • Hair or nail clippings
  • A photo or image of the object
  • A black marker pen
  • A lancing pin
  • A box
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    As a general rule for a healing spell to work properly and before commencing, the object of the spell needs to know and consent to your working it. He or she doesn’t necessarily need to be present while the work is done. This spell should be performed on a full moon into its waning cycle.

    To construct a poppet take a suitable sized piece of cloth (use natural materials and fibers such as cotton, wool or silk and remember also to consider its color correspondences for healing, see colors). Fold it in two and with a pen mark out a rough image of a body. Now cut out the shape so you have two identical pieces then sew the two pieces together around the edges. Leave a hole wide enough to stuff the poppet with the chamomile flowers and vervain, also insert the photo, hair and/or nail clippings if you have them before sewing it closed. Finally with the black maker pen draw a black circle on the poppet where the ailment is concentrated.

    Form a magick circle and call the Goddess and God to aid you spell. Consecrate the poppet and place it on your altar visualizing the object of the spell and the ailment he/she is suffering. Consecrate the lancing pin and charge it with healing energies. Take up the poppet in your left hand and the pin in your right and pierce the black circle with the pin. Concentrate all your willpower on healing the ailing individual saying or chanting something like:

    " In the name of the Goddess and God, I lance this disease with the spear of healing. As the Full Moon wanes, let this ailment drain. No more to be, replaced with heath and vitality. So mote it be! "

    Leave the pin in the poppet and place the poppet in the box on the altar. Visualize the object of the spell regaining good health while building your power and energy and releasing it towards its goal. When the rite has finished, store the box somewhere safe until the person is restored to good health. The poppet can be retrieved and the rite re-worked to accentuate and re-empower the magick over a period if necessary. Use additional lancing pins leaving each in place after each working. Once the healing is complete and success has been achieved, remove the pins and dissemble the poppet. Bury the contents outside in the earth.

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    Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
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    #2916 - Contaminate Water

    This spell can add any dis-taste to water. Can also harm the drinker.
    You may need:

  • Water(pure).
  • or any other pure liquid.
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    You may need:

  • Water(pure).
  • or any other pure liquid.
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    Touch the water with any finger and say:

    ''By the powers of Water, I cause this [LIQUID] to become brackish and tainted!''

    When cast, this spell will cause any liquid body to become brackish and tainted. The drinker will suffer pains for most of the day. Magickal liquids cannot be affected by this spell.

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    #2917 - Asphyxiate

    Your enemy won't be able to breathe!
    You may need:

  • Wand or your right index finger.
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    You may need:

  • Wand or your right index finger.
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    Make clear your target and yell or just say:

    ''Sylphs of Air I conjure thee, enter that person and make his Air leave him, now!''

    This spell will cause its victim to become helpless for about 30 seconds, as if after a severe winding. While under the influence of this spell, only choking and gasping and feeble attempts at movement are possible.

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    #2918 - Awakening The Darkness Within

    Awaken the darkness within yourself.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes and visualize yourself with a mask on and black robes on. Visualize the mask slowly disintegrating and yourself awakening. When you awaken, visualize getting up and black wings spreading out. See another you in front of you with white wings and white robes.

    Visualize the one with black wings and black robes entering the normal you and fusing with the normal you, becoming the same being. Then visualize the one with white wings and robes burning in black flames. Imagine that the new you is awake with a mask on like the mask out of bleach.

    Become one with this and accept it is you. Visualize the flames and mist being absorbed into the new you and then move the new you around a bit use its dark powers in the visualizations.

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    #2919 - Left hand of Shadow

    If the caster does not touch anyone within five seconds of casting, then the spell expires and is wasted.
    You may need:

  • Just your left hand.
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    You may need:

  • Just your left hand.
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    Left Hand of Darkness

    ''Shadow's dark might flow through me!''

    After casting this spell, the caster has five seconds in which to touch someone with the palm of their left hand. When they do, the target may suffer pain or depression.

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    #2920 - Save A Tree

    Help and save a tree in need.
    You may need:

  • A Strong Voice
  • Hope
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    You may need:

  • A Strong Voice
  • Hope
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    Chant this spell three times while having your hand on the tree.

    By the power with in me,
    I give some to the tree,
    To keep living on,
    To keep its bond,
    To keep it going,
    So i wont see it gone.

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    Last edited on May 16, 2018
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    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters