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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2947 Health Spells
2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. The Aid of Earth
  2. Decie Shield
  3. Destroy Beauty Hex
  4. Bira
  5. Scab Over
  6. Vampire Transformation
  7. Necromancers Fury
  8. Torture Curse
  9. Repair Broken Feather
  10. Black Ash

#2551 - The Aid of Earth

Not powerful enough to cast a quick growth spell, a life spell, etc? Well, cast this spell before you attempt one and youll be much stronger.
You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • A Life spell that can be cast within 5 minutes
  • Dirt/Rock
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    You may need:

  • Your Voice
  • A Life spell that can be cast within 5 minutes
  • Dirt/Rock
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    1. Find some dirt/ a rock and hold on to it.

    2. Say this ancient incantation: O mighty Spirit of Earth, give me your strength when I am in need. Give me the power to shape the life you create. Earth, give me the power of thou mighty spirit!

    3. Say the life spell you want to cast within 5 minutes and you will have the help of the Earth in casting it. If you didn't have the power to cast it before, you now will.

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    #2552 - Decie Shield

    Decie; A Spell that casts a magical unbreakable shield.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Clear your mind. Visualize your body from an outside perspective, staring down at yourself. Repeat "decie seed" three times.

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    #2553 - Destroy Beauty Hex

    Very effective and simple hex to punish an enemy by causing them to become ugly and unattractive. I've used this one once before, it takes time to work but it does.
    You may need:

  • Photograph of the person you are hexing
  • Bowl of water
  • dirt
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    You may need:

  • Photograph of the person you are hexing
  • Bowl of water
  • dirt
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    Direct your energies at the water and earth. Visualize them combining and being shapable and moldable as mud. Imagine the water allowing the earth to be shaped and changed by your will. Now, release your energy into them to charge them while still thinking about this. Combine the two elements, making mud. Taking the photograph of the person you seek to punish, spread the mud on the face. Visualize the changes to this person's appearance you wish to take place (teeth becoming crooked or discolored, becoming excessivley fat, etc) and release energy into the photograph to lock the changes. finally, tear up the photograph and submerge the pieces in the bowl of mud. stir it until the pieces have become saturated and broken up within the bowl. If you want to add a little final touch to this, take the bowl and dump it out in a swamp or bog, but this is optional. Now, just be patient. These changes will occur very slowly over time, and may keep going for many years.

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    #2554 - Bira

    It is used for healing and speeding up the healing of minor cuts, srapes, and wounds on one's body. Bira is a self-oriented spell. It is a great spell to have if you cut yourself or for everyday, household hazards.
    You may need:

  • 1 Mind with vizualization ability
  • 1 or more whole (not ground), green Leaf/ves, preferably a tea leaf/ves
  • 1 Qi pool, life energy
  • 1 Mind with ability to control qi well
  • 1 Set of working vocal cords
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    You may need:

  • 1 Mind with vizualization ability
  • 1 or more whole (not ground), green Leaf/ves, preferably a tea leaf/ves
  • 1 Qi pool, life energy
  • 1 Mind with ability to control qi well
  • 1 Set of working vocal cords
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    If you are cut minor, gather appropriate ingredients together.

    Hold arm down at side.

    Picture a "funnel" of Qi forming in your wrist.

    • The large end of the funnel should be on the side nearest the "shoulder", the small end on the side nearest the palm.

    Allow Qi to flow from arm into funnel, and collect in hand in a "puddle" of sorts.

    Hold your hand out straight in front of you, palm up.

    Place [tea] leaf (leaves) in hand.

    Cup hand, palm still up.

    Bring cupped hand to mouth.

    Whisper or say quietly into your hand "Bira" whilst focusing on not only the leaf/ves, but also visualize a forest.

    Focus on drawing healing energy from the leaf/ves and the forest.

    Build sensation in hand, visualize energy wrapping around your hand as a greenish glow.

    Slowly move hand back and forth over cut, picturing the wound "sewing" itself back together, using your Qi as the "needle".

    If this does not sew the cut up instantly, it does not mean it did not work; this is not a fairy tale. More than likely it will simply speed up the healing process (no, I do not mean ridiculously fast either). Once you get good enough at it, you will begin to see a physical manifestation of Bira, and cuts may begin to close up at a visibly faster rate. For this to occur, it takes much practice (I do not mean "much" as in hours or days; I mean "much" as in possibly months, but more than likely years). Bira will cause your hand [whilst doing it] to have a green glow around it. If you can see aura/have your Third Eye/Ajna Chakra open, then you will see the greenish glow (in the astral). If you are able to physically manifest the spell and/or cause a visibly faster rate of healing to occur, then your hand will literally have a greenish "aura" around it (no this is not your literal aura either).

    Disclaimer and Additional Information:

    • This spell does not warrant self laceration to practice it.
    • There is a 99.9% chance that if you do this spell, you will not physically see or feel the effects of it, there is no "number of times" you can do the spell for it to physically manifest--you may never see a physical manifestation of it.
    • Serious wounds should be treated by a doctor, do not attempt to perform this spell in lieu of a doctor visit.
    • In my profile's "photo" section, you will see a drawing of what this spell looks like, as well as the stages of how you do it (marked S1-S9 ["Steps"] , respectively).
    • Do NOT complain that it does not work, like anything else magickal, it takes practice.
    • Having good Qi control helps with your success.
    • The purpose of funneling your Qi is so that it will not be easy for it to run back up your arm.
    • Pictures/Diagrams are for demonstration, theory, and method purposes only. Do not expect results same as pictures/diagrams.
    • My photographs are public.

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    #2555 - Scab Over

    It scabs over a wound you might have.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Place your hand over the cut and say, "Let this cut heal so I can swim like a seal".

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    #2556 - Vampire Transformation

    This is a spell that transforms the one who casted the spell into a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    At night, go outside and chant the following 10 times without stopping:

    Blood red
    pale skin
    moonlight draw me in
    quench my thirsty coarsing veins
    let my body feel no pain

    Afterwards you will receive side affects such as:
    blood craving
    photo sensitive

    You will grow small fangs in a weeks time. It will be like passing another teenage.

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    #2557 - Necromancers Fury

    This spell will give you power over the dead, vampires, zombies, etc. Warning if the being has more mental control than you do it will take over you.
    You may need:

  • 13 Candles
  • Will Power
  • Dead Being
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    You may need:

  • 13 Candles
  • Will Power
  • Dead Being
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    1. Place the candles in a large circular shape and stand in the middle.

    2. Light all the candles and summon the dead being.

    3. Look into the beings eyes and start to pull him into you don't do this to fast or you will take his soal into you.

    4. Now as you are doing this push waves of strength at the being.

    5. While still doing the last 2 steps say to the being "You will do as I say" say that over and over again.

    6. While doing the last 3 steps stretch your right arm out.

    7. If you feel the being is in your control only if your sure say "obey obey take my hand take the hand of your master obey obey obey"

    8. When the being takes your hand grim it really tight to insure the mental bond

    9. Try not to make the bond to strong or if he dies you die if he breaks a bone you break a bone etc.

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    #2558 - Torture Curse

    This is black magic used to cause someone torture.
    You may need:

  • Wand or wand finger
  • Enemy
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    You may need:

  • Wand or wand finger
  • Enemy
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    Point your wand or wand finger at your enemy or object and say ''Torture torment''. If you grip tight or grip tight with both hands the object or person will be tortured for a very long time.

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    #2559 - Repair Broken Feather

    Repair a broken bird feather. Feathers can be destroyed by cats or sometimes we find destroyed bird feather. Feathers can be used in magic, they have spirit of the bird.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Roses
  • balm
  • broken feather
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Roses
  • balm
  • broken feather
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    Fill the bowl with water, add rose petals and balm leaves.
    Mix it togeder.
    Put the feather into the bowl, dip it underwater.
    And wait about 1-3 hours.
    The feather will be repaired It wont be broken and destroyed.
    The feather is faster repairing when the bird who was wearing it is still alive, or the bird spirit in the feather is alive.

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    #2560 - Black Ash

    This spell will allow you to Resurrect multiple dead things at any time. It will also allow you to take life
    You may need:

  • Dead mans ash person who was cremated
  • Candle Wax
  • Candle Wick
  • Blow
  • Long circular shaped container
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    You may need:

  • Dead mans ash person who was cremated
  • Candle Wax
  • Candle Wick
  • Blow
  • Long circular shaped container
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    Melt to wax till it is a liquid.
    Poor the ash into the melted wax.
    Stir the mixture until the two are int wind.
    Put the wick into the circular container but hold one end of it.
    While still holding the end of the wick pour the wax into the container put all the wax in.
    Give it till the next full moon to fully harden.
    Use the candle in any Resurrection spell and it will ensure a happy ending.

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    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters