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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Spell to Break Up a Friendnship
  2. Self-Improvement Spell
  3. Heart Pain
  4. Healing Ritual for Depression
  5. Peace and Understanding
  6. Return to Sender
  7. Anger Calming
  8. Another Protection
  9. Remove Empathic Pain
  10. Gods/Goddesses Healing

#2111 - Spell to Break Up a Friendnship

spell to cause discord between friends. It's best if you have their full names. Also best performed during the waning moon.
You may need:

  • 2 ripe lemons
  • boline knife
  • black pen
  • parchment
  • vinegar
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    You may need:

  • 2 ripe lemons
  • boline knife
  • black pen
  • parchment
  • vinegar
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    Take two lemons and cut the stem ends off.

    Write one name eight times on a piece of paper and the other persons name eight times on another. Roll both up. Using your Boline knife make a hole in the top of each lemon. Insert the first paper in one lemon and the other paper in the other lemon. Bury these lemons in the earth where the sun rises and sets on them. Every night at sunset pour one cup vinegar on the lemons. Repeat the following rubric:

    Coming Night please hear my plight
    Bring coldness and bury friendship's light
    Blind the eyes of [first name] and [second name].
    Let them not be friends again
    Let all ties break and end.
    So Mote it Be

    Those people will fight and part.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2112 - Self-Improvement Spell

    the title says it all
    You may need:

  • wooden clothespin
  • black felt-tipped marker
  • small piece or pieces of paper on which you have written the bad habit (s) or trait (s) you wish to dispel
  • some black thread
  • a pin
  • black pepper
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    You may need:

  • wooden clothespin
  • black felt-tipped marker
  • small piece or pieces of paper on which you have written the bad habit (s) or trait (s) you wish to dispel
  • some black thread
  • a pin
  • black pepper
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    Shield, ground and center, cast circle, charge of the Goddess.
    Sit quietly and meditate on changes you wish to occur.
    Raise power by chanting the following:

    ''This spell I do, within my rights to be free
    Darken my house no more! Begone! Begone from me!''

    Color clothespin with black pen and tie pieces of paper (mentioned above) around the clothespin and secure with black thread.
    Sprinkle clothespin with pepper, and then stick pin into clothespin while repeating the same chant.
    Raise energy with chant and send off.
    Ground, cakes and wine, thank the Goddess, open the circle.
    Bury the clothespin near your front door.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2113 - Heart Pain

    A spell to hurt someones heart.
    You may need:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 knife
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    You may need:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 knife
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    Stab the lemon over a drink. Focus all of your hate into it. Give this to someone else to drink. Hit your hand against your chest and say, "My pain nears yours".

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2114 - Healing Ritual for Depression

    To relieve depression.
    You may need:

  • Tree
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    You may need:

  • Tree
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    Go outside during the daytime and find yourself a large tree. Oak is the best choice, but any large tree will do. (Deciduous trees are better than evergreens for some reason) Place the palm of your projective hand (right if right handed, left if left handed) upon the trunk of the tree and say something like this to the tree: "Blessed tree, my brother (or sister) of wood, I am in great need of your healing. I feel hollow inside, as my depression grips at my very heart. I ask that you aid me, assist me in healing myself of this. Please assist me to feel strong and solid inside, assist me in being happy again."

    Now, sit down facing the sun and lean your back against the trunk of the tree. As you become more relaxed, feel yourself melt into the trunk, becoming one with the tree. Feel that you have become a branch, full of leafy foliage. Feel the Sun beat down upon you. Drink in the Light of the Sun God. Feel His Love fill you, pushing your sadness into the tree. Fill yourself with the energy of the sun, and allow this to pass through you into the tree as well. You are now part of the tree; you are the tree. Feel the overwhelming wisdom locked into your wood, your leaves. Feel all that it is to be a tree.

    Now, slowly, feel yourself separate from the tree, becoming human again. Lean forward, and stand. Face the tree, and thank it. If you feel like it, give it a hug. You and the tree are now one; you are the tree, and the tree is now you. Love the tree, and care for it. The better the tree is cared for, the happier you will be in the long run. And become one with the tree as often as you need to by performing the above ritual and enjoy. If you ever need to move far from the tree, explain this to it, and give it back the woody feeling inside, and it will give you back the human feeling it has.

    When you move, find a new tree. Also, if you can, whoever moves into the place you were in, if at all possible, ask them to take special care of this tree because it has meaning to you.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2115 - Peace and Understanding

    This spell takes place over three days and is best started or ended on a Monday in the hour of the Moon. Use it to calm the stress between yourself and your roommates, yourself and your parents, yourself and your spouse, that sort of situation.
    You may need:

  • Standard altar
  • Two white altar candles
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Frankincense
  • Resin
  • A censer
  • Coals
  • A pale blue candle
  • An astral candle for each person involved
  • A piece of Lepidolite
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    You may need:

  • Standard altar
  • Two white altar candles
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Frankincense
  • Resin
  • A censer
  • Coals
  • A pale blue candle
  • An astral candle for each person involved
  • A piece of Lepidolite
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    Cast a circle, light the pale blue candle from the altar candles and light the frankincense. Allow them to burn briefly alone while visualizing a peaceful resolution to the current situation.

    Visualize all the parties reconciling and peace returning. Light the astral candles one at a time, as you light the candle state it's identity, ie: "This candle is me, ________.", or "This candle is ________, my friend".

    As each candle is lit, visualize the person it represents. Meditate for a few minutes on peace and understanding, allowing your mind to travel to a calm, beautiful place to relieve any stress brought about by the situation. Place a bit of the salt into the water saying: May any impurities be cast out of this water that it may serve my purpose.

    Pick up the water and walk deosil around the circle casting water as you go and saying: Purified water cast out the stress and strife that exists between myself and my family/friends. Cast out the arguments, cast out the misunderstanding, cast out the ill will.

    Return to the altar and repeat the following spell:

    "From out of the dark and into the light
    A circle cast, a candle burns bright.
    I look towards the song do I sing.
    Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring.
    I offer my all! My mind, I then clear
    Harken my call! I feel you are near!
    Candle burns higher; my spirits set free!
    Hotter than fire, this magick will be!
    Let magick come 'round, from under the ground,
    To form with my sound and then, to be bound!
    Around me I feel the magick so real,
    Before you I kneel.. the spell I now seal!
    Let all hatred cease! And let there be peace!
    Bring understanding and love, below as above!
    These words that I say, with magick today!
    This spell that I send is now at an end.
    Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade!"

    At the end of the incantation sit for a moment and look at the flames, visualizing the result you seek taking place. Repeat the next two nights. Moving the astral candles half the distance to the light blue candle the second night and all the way to it on the last night and allowing the candles to burn out on the final night.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2116 - Return to Sender

    This is a spell to send bad vibrations back to thier source.
    You may need:

  • Hand Mirror
  • Black Candle
  • Incense
  • Black string
  • Bell
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    You may need:

  • Hand Mirror
  • Black Candle
  • Incense
  • Black string
  • Bell
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    Call the Spirits to witness the rite using the bell.


    "I am immune to their hate, their malice.
    I will not accept their guilt or their intolerance.
    Their words and thoughts are no bane to me."”

    Hold the mirror behind the candle and say:

    "As this mirror reflects back the light of this candle
    so shall these things be reflected back to their sender(s)
    and as the mirror neither adds or detracts from the reflection
    I shall add no malice to nor subtract any from that which I send back.
    As it comes to me so shall it return to them.”"

    Tie the black string in three knots. As you tie each knot say:

    "With this string I bind this spell, As I will it, So mote it be."”

    Dismiss the spirits. Let the candle and incense burn out on their own.
    Place the string in a special box set aside for spells and leave it
    there always.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2117 - Anger Calming

    The spell should be done on a Friday night if possible, or whenever there is need of it. Formal circle casting is not necessary but may be performed if you so desire.
    You may need:

  • 3 light blue/white candles
  • 3 pieces of light blue/white paper
  • Peace Oil
  • Peace Incense
  • A blue ink pen
  • A fire-proof receptacle
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    You may need:

  • 3 light blue/white candles
  • 3 pieces of light blue/white paper
  • Peace Oil
  • Peace Incense
  • A blue ink pen
  • A fire-proof receptacle
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    Inscribe each candle with 2 of the following runes:

    1. Nied: To help calm distressed emotions
    2. Gifu: To restore one's mental equilibrium and perspective
    3. Beorc: To bring harmony back into the household
    4. Sigel: To bring healing to all effected
    5. Kenaz: To renew peace within the family
    6. Ing: To bring a positive ending to the situation

    While carving the candles, be sure to visualize the person who is the object of the spell as being happy, calm and relaxed. See any problems between the two of you as having already been resolved in a way that promotes growth, mutual respect and understanding (not necessarily agreement which may not be possible... just agreeing to disagree and letting the matter drop).

    Anoint each candle with the Peace Oil, again visualizing the other person and you living in harmony with all quarrels forgiven and forgotten. As you do so, chant:

    "Dragons of hearth, Dragons of home,
    Stable as Earth, Stable as stone,
    Lend me your strength, lend me your calm
    Help me to make this magical balm".

    Light the peace incense and light the candles. Write the person's name on each piece of paper in blue ink, and pass each one through the smoke of the incense and say:

    "As smoke fades to nothing,
    so does the anger that lies
    between name and me.

    Let no harsh word
    or ill feeling remain
    that may cloud our hearts or minds".

    Light each piece of paper from a different candle and place it in the fire-proof receptacle. As you light each one, chant:

    "Peace I send from me to you,
    Love I send to follow through.
    From this anger be set free,
    As I will, so mote it be!"

    Let the candles burn themselves out if possible. If not, try to burn the candles for two hours each day/night until they burn out. If you cast a formal circle close it as usual.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2118 - Another Protection

    For protection against spells cast against you.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    Cast while pointing your wand to the sky then say:

    "Elements of astral I summon thee ,
    Earth by Divinity, Divinity by Earth,
    The strength of the elements by my side,
    Make this shield of protection please
    any spell that is harmful to me
    Return to the caster now please
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2119 - Remove Empathic Pain

    This spell is used to relieve an Empath of any sort of pain that he or she picked up.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    When you are sensing somebody else's pain empathically, chant:

    "Empathic pain at once disperse!
    Free me of this feeling now.
    Give me strength to overcome,
    That which is not mine."

    Take a deep breath, and exhale visualizing all of the emotions you picked up leaving through this exhalation. Grounding yourself afterwards will also help if you are still feeling some of the pain.

    Added to on Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2120 - Gods/Goddesses Healing

    Heal someone
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Put your hand over the hurting area then say '' Gods and Goddesses of old, hear my call, heal him/her lord if thy will.

    Visualize energy flowing from your hand into their body

    Added to on Dec 12, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters