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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2947 Health Spells
  1. Harming Spell
  2. Tornado Fist
  3. Become a God Instantly
  4. Mirror Gazing to Contact a Loved One
  5. Gluttony Curse
  6. East Indian Tantra
  7. Regeneration Assist Potion
  8. Self Hypnosis
  9. Hurt someone that Attacks You
  10. Aura String

#1111 - Harming Spell

Doing this you will be able harm your opponent not sure if it works or not if not mail me.
You may need:

  • Victim
  • Experience with dark magick
  • Rage
  • Belief
  • Imagination
  • So, basically nothing
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    You may need:

  • Victim
  • Experience with dark magick
  • Rage
  • Belief
  • Imagination
  • So, basically nothing
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    When your enemy is
    insulting or doing whatever
    to you, imagine a dark cloud
    swirling around them.

    Channel all your rage and
    energy to your hands and curl your fingers. Swiftly
    uncurl your fingers and imagine that ball of rage and
    energy shooting into the person's body. The strength of
    the affects depend on how much rage and anger you
    feel. When I did this, the guy was knocked out and
    missed school for 3 days.

    Feel free to mail me with what happened

    Added to on Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1112 - Tornado Fist

    This spell will strengthen your fist.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine the wind covering your fist and it will strengthen your punch.

    Added to on Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1113 - Become a God Instantly

    I would prefer using the create a spell thing or become a vampire instantly with one power like spells working no matter what before this.
    You may need:

  • n/a
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    You may need:

  • n/a
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    "Oh gods and goddesses let me become a (god/goddess) instantly a (god/goddess) of (put type of god/goddess here) so mote it be."

    Added to on Jun 23, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1114 - Mirror Gazing to Contact a Loved One

    Below is Raymond Moody's mirror-gazing method to help you contact the spirit of a deceased loved one.
    You may need:

  • Fan or white noise device
  • Mirror
  • Chair
  • Candle
  • Item of person
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    You may need:

  • Fan or white noise device
  • Mirror
  • Chair
  • Candle
  • Item of person
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    Below is Raymond Moody's mirror-gazing method. You can find the link to his book at the bottom of the page. Dr. Moody's patients have had great success using his mirror gazing method to communicate with departed loved ones and find healing for their grief. Dr. Moody got the idea for this from the psychomanteums that the ancient Greeks used. He built his own psychomanteum and allows people to use it to visit with their loved ones who have passed over. He gives instructions in his book for how to built your own psychomanteum so you can mirror-gaze in the privacy of your own home. The book gives more detail on the technique. I've written a basic outline of it here for you.

    This should be done in a dark and quiet room. Use a fan or a white noise device to block outside noises (ear plugs may also work). The lack of light and noise assists you in achieving a deeper meditative state while making it less likely that you'll be startled out of your trance by outside noises.

    Set up a large mirror with a place for you to sit, either in the floor or on a chair. You should be seated so that you can see into the mirror, but not see your own reflection. So sit at an angle to the mirror.

    Place a lit candle behind you. It will provide indirect light. You shouldn't be able to see the candle flame. It's meant to put out a very dim light in the room.

    Gather personal items from the spirit that you wish to connect with and lay them around you close enough to touch them from your seated position in front of the mirror.

    Sit quietly in front of the mirror and hold one of the items that remind you of your loved one. Think about your loved one and mentally ask them to come and communicate with you.

    You may close your eyes or look away from the mirror as you take some time to relax. Breathe deeply. An easy way to relax is to breathe in to the slow count of five, hold the breath for five seconds, then breathe out very slowly to the count of five. After you do this several times you will notice that you are very relaxed.

    With unfocused eyes, gaze into the mirror. You will eventually begin to see the mirror clouding over. Try not to focus on the cloudy shapes that pass by. Just let them pass and keep staring off into the space, into the mirror.

    Continue gazing at the clouded mirror as you reach out and touch the other items around you and/or connect with the energy of the item in your hand. If you have a piece of fabric or a cologne bottle that smells like your loved one, pick it up and smell it as you continue gazing.

    If you are in a deep enough trance state, you will eventually begin to see the clouds taking the form of a human shape or shapes. Or you may hear your loved one's voice speak to you, either aloud or in your mind. Many people using this technique have seen (in the mirror) their loved one walk up and stand next to them and they had a conversation or a mental exchange of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the loved one will appear to you and simply smile or wave. You may first see a group of people and then your loved one will walk out from the group to greet you.

    A black mirror may be used in place of a regular mirror, but they are harder to find. Trophy shops or online occult stores may have them.

    You will almost certainly want to talk to someone about what happened so make sure that you have a friend or relative you can call afterward (or who is there waiting in another room). The visit with your loved one could be emotional, although most people feel elated after such a visit.

    Occasionally you will want to see a particular person, but another person will show up instead. Try to accept the spirit who visits you and see if they have a message to give you. They may have been sent on behalf of the person you wanted to see.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 09, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1115 - Gluttony Curse

    Ever jealous of a person's body?We this gives a person a curse to "enlarge their stomach". They will eat recklessly and gain weight no matter what.
    You may need:

  • Foods like breads and other unhealthy foods
  • Target's possession(s)
  • Target's Photo
  • Black Candles
  • White Candle
  • Strong Willpower and Tranquility
  • Lots and lots of energy
  • Bay Leaves or Agrimony
  • Bergamont or Sandalwood Oil
  • Hemlock
  • Three Trays
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    You may need:

  • Foods like breads and other unhealthy foods
  • Target's possession(s)
  • Target's Photo
  • Black Candles
  • White Candle
  • Strong Willpower and Tranquility
  • Lots and lots of energy
  • Bay Leaves or Agrimony
  • Bergamont or Sandalwood Oil
  • Hemlock
  • Three Trays
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    1. Meditate about 15 minutes, the more the merrier.

    2. Find a dark and quiet place/room to do the curse in.

    3. Light your surrounding black candle(s).

    4. Set down your three trays, one holding the victim's possession, this tray will be in the middle.

    5. Place a black candle on the top of the victim's possession.

    6. Light the black candle and chant this: ''I light this candle to whom I curse, their name is (name).''

    7. After chanting the line a few times, set the food and picture on the tray to the right.

    8. After done, chant this: ''I use this food to represent indulgence, let (name) indulge in large amounts of food.''

    9. After done chanting, pour the Bergamont or Sandalwood Oil onto the foods. Once done add the Hemlock. This will reverse the effects of the oils.

    10. Say: ''I use this oil to represent what shape (name) is in now. I use the herb to reverse their body shape.''

    11. Visualize the person gaining weight. This will add to the process.

    12. Light the white candle and sets the Agrimony or Bay Leaves on either side.

    13. Say: ''I will use this as protection so (name) doesn't get harmed'' Then burn the Agrimony or Bay Leaves directly after. (I recommend this step because they won't die, you can watch 'em squirm!)

    14. Blow the white candle out.

    15. Go back to the target's photo and place the food on top of the photo.

    16. This spell will take a lot of energy so eat directly after unless you like to pass out.

    17. Watch as there will be balloons everywhere. This curse will not be permanent but the weight will. This spell can only be used a few times before it becomes ineffective.

    Added to on Jun 17, 2015
    Last edited on May 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1116 - East Indian Tantra

    To get rid of your enemies once and for all.
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Added to on Jun 17, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1117 - Regeneration Assist Potion

    This spell allows you to be able to make a potion to help you heal. (Not Completely Healed)
    You may need:

  • Hand Chakras
  • Small Amount of Water
  • Focused Mind
  • Bottle with Cap/Cork
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    You may need:

  • Hand Chakras
  • Small Amount of Water
  • Focused Mind
  • Bottle with Cap/Cork
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    1. Fill the bottle with a small amount of water. Make sure not to put too much or too little. Just enough so that it pools at the bottom of the glass.

    2. Place the center of your hand (Where your hand chakra is) over the opening of the glass.

    3a. Meditate if needed.

    3b. While meditating, focus your energy into the hand chakra over the bottle's rim. Focus on filling the bottle with healing energy through your hand chakra.

    4. When finished, quickly put the cork back onto the top of the bottle to contain the energy inside.

    5. The energy will leak out at times, so it's best to drink it within 3 to 5 minutes of encapsulation.

    This potion may have a few side effects such as
    Slight Burning
    Shock (Not Dangerous)

    Added to on Jun 17, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1118 - Self Hypnosis

    Note: Give yourself time to allow the suggestions to take hold. It can take up to two weeks to start getting the benefits related to your suggestion.
    You may need:

  • Below is a simple three step method for self-hypnosis.
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    You may need:

  • Below is a simple three step method for self-hypnosis.
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    When you go to bed, starting tonight and continuing for the next seven days, just before you are ready to fall asleep, give yourself the following suggestion ten times:

    "Every day in every way, I get better and better."

    While you are saying the suggestion, imagine yourself in any way you can, getting better and better. In order not to fall asleep or to lose count, every time you say the suggestion press down with each finger of your right hand. Then, continue with your left hand until you have completed the suggestion ten times. This may be your first attempt at learning to effectively program yourself through suggestion. It is of the utmost importance to do this exercise every night without falling asleep until you have completed ten repetitions. You are beginning to establish a habit pattern of properly programming yourself by giving yourself positive suggestions before going to sleep. The next day, you will find yourself reacting very positively to that suggestion.

    Continue doing step one, the Pre-Sleep Technique you learned last week. In addition, you are to do the following:
    Twice a day - once in the morning or at noon, and once in the early evening - you will hypnotize yourself, stay in hypnosis for two to three minutes, and then wake yourself up. Here's how :

    *Sit in a comfortable chair with your back supported.
    *Focus your attention - effortlessly - on a spot opposite you, slightly above eye level.
    *Take three deep breaths - slowly. As you inhale your third breath, hold it for three full seconds as you count backwards:
    *Close your eyes, exhale, RELAX, and allow yourself to go into a deep, sound, hypnotic rest.
    You are to remain in hypnosis for approximately two - three minutes by counting down slowly from twenty - five to one. (Note: It will help if you allow yourself to visualize or imagine each number being written on a blackboard or shown on a computer as you count backward.) To awaken, just count forward from one to three - and you will awaken refreshed and alert, ready to go about your business in an energetic way. Do this exercise twice a day for seven days, after which you will be ready to give yourself beneficial suggestions.

    The third step in self-hypnosis is to be started one week after you complete the exercises for step 1 and step two. Once you start step three, you no longer have to do step two. For step three, you need a 3x5 card or a business card, which you can easily carry with you at all times. You are to write the suggestion you've prepared for yourself which meets the criteria of being positive, simple, believable, measurable - and it should carry a reward. Always state your suggestion in the present tense.

    Again, sit down and chooses a spot opposite you, slightly above eye level. Hold the card in front of the spot and read the suggestion to yourself three times. Make sure the words on the card are believable to you and allow yourself to imagine accomplishing what is written on the card. Use your imagination. You have written your suggestion on a card - chosen your spot - read the suggestion to yourself three times - now, take your first deep breath. Exhale. Take your second deep breath. Exhale. Now take your third deep breath - hold it - close your eyes - count backwards from three to one. Exhale and go deep into hypnosis. At this point, instead of counting backwards from twenty - five to one, allow the suggestion to repeat over and over in your subconscious mind. At the same time, imagine that you are carrying out your suggestion. You'll find that at times the words start to break up and become fragmented. That's perfectly okay. The important words or phrases will come through to you. In approximately two - three minutes you'll have a feeling it's time to stop and wake up. (Note: this time was set when you established a habit pattern in Step two .) At this point, just count forward:

    " your eyes and go about your business, feeling refreshed and relaxed in every way."

    Added to on Jun 16, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1119 - Hurt someone that Attacks You

    It makes you much stronger against them that you may even fatally injure them. This is NOT a spell of black magic, as you are only defending yourself. I created this spell and it has always worked for me.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Belief
  • Body
  • Anger or Terror
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Belief
  • Body
  • Anger or Terror
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    -Focus your mind on how angry and/or scared you are.
    -Repeat the following in your mind as much as you need (as strong as you need to be to hurt the enemy)
    ''This is not how to be treat. I shall not get beat. I will use my hands and feet, and enemy shall be defeat.''
    -Swing at them, your next hit should be the strongest.

    You will be rather strong for the rest of the fight. You will win. Good luck to all.

    Added to on Jun 14, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1120 - Aura String

    After having your aura unlocked, this is how to strengthen your aura usage. Note: If you've never used your aura before, even after unlocking, this will also help you use it.
    You may need:

  • Your own unlocked aura
  • Patience
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    You may need:

  • Your own unlocked aura
  • Patience
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    If you've never used aura before, calm your body try creating a small bit of aura with your hands, 1 cm at least. Then you can follow with the following exercises:

    Put your hands together in a cup-like motion, but none of your fingers must touch. Focus some of your aura, but try to avoid tightening any of your muscles.

    Try using this until you can use aura powers.

    Added to on Jun 13, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2947 Health Spells from Spell Casters