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1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

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1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1522 Fantasy Spells
  1. Vampire Nectar
  2. Mermaid Transformation Spell
  3. Grow fangs
  4. Werejackal
  5. Mermaid Potion
  6. Become a Werecat
  7. Vampire Spelll Works
  8. havmand metamorphose
  9. Mermaid Spell
  10. Shape-Shift

#471 - Vampire Nectar

A drink to help you become more vamp
You may need:

  • Red Drink
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    You may need:

  • Red Drink
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    "From Selene to Lilith, the lady that was first, transform this drink to quench my vampiric thirst."

    Say roughly 10 times.

    Added to on Nov 15, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #472 - Mermaid Transformation Spell

    This spell will possibly turn you into a beautiful mermaid. This is my dirt transformation spell so bare with me. I hope it works for you. Please tell me your results and tell me some mermaid spells you know work.
    You may need:

  • A hot bath
  • Salt
  • Flowers
  • Candles(tail color
  • If no candles have food coloring in the salt
  • Element(ice fire water earth ect)
  • Symbol
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    You may need:

  • A hot bath
  • Salt
  • Flowers
  • Candles(tail color
  • If no candles have food coloring in the salt
  • Element(ice fire water earth ect)
  • Symbol
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    Fill up a hot bath and add as much salt as you want. The more you add the better the results. Add the flowers into the bath. Make sure they are floating. The more flowers the more beautiful the mermaid you will be. Light you candles(optional) and set them around the edges of the bath. Slowly get into your bath. Make sure you have your element and symbol close. Lay in the bath for 3 minutes and then go under water for 3 seconds. Lay you symbol down on you some where and make a circle around the symbol using the flowers petals.
    Chant 3x:

    "I can see the sea and me.
    Swimming slowly
    And the Gods and Godess
    Up above free me
    From the hardships of land.
    Make me beautiful Aphrodite
    Make me have a tale color of______
    My element is ________
    My symbol holds my power
    Aphrodite holds the promise
    Mote it be."

    Go under water for 3 seconds and put on your symbol.

    Side effects will begin in 3 hours
    You may experience...

    • Hard breathing
    • Dry skin
    • Dehydration (during lots of water to ovoid that)
    • Weak legs
    • Feeling exposed
    • Chill mood

    When you become a mermaid you will most likely need to move to an area near an ocean. No one is to know of your mermaid tail or powers. Do not be alarmed. Mermaids don't wear clothes so when you join the others in the ocean you will need to be completely naked because that is the way all mermaids are. If you are pregnant or are going to become pregnant refrain from water areas because it is more difficult to give birth with a tail.

    Added to on Nov 15, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #473 - Grow fangs

    Fangs grow, skin glow, faster and faster til it shows.
    You may need:

  • Your mind and will and belief
  • Red candle - optional
  • Incense - optional
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    You may need:

  • Your mind and will and belief
  • Red candle - optional
  • Incense - optional
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    Say this ten times. Does NOT work instantaneously. Helps to light a red candle and incense. But not totally necessary.

    Added to on Nov 14, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #474 - Werejackal

    This will permanently turn you into a werejakal.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Hair
  • Rose pedals
  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Cloth
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Lighter
  • Hair
  • Rose pedals
  • Necklace
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Cloth
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    Light the candle. Wash the clothwith thewater,and put it on your arms and legs. Close your eyes and chant 7-9 times:
    "Wolves, foxes, cats, jackals guide me into what I need and desire but the full moon. I will be come a werejakal. Thee power of jakals mote it be."

    Added to on Nov 14, 2015
    Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #475 - Mermaid Potion

    This potion will turn you into a mermaid in seconds!
    You may need:

  • A small bowl
  • Drinking water
  • Salt
  • 6 small seashells
  • Blue food dye
  • Sugar
  • Your favourite piece of jewellery
  • A voice
  • You
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    You may need:

  • A small bowl
  • Drinking water
  • Salt
  • 6 small seashells
  • Blue food dye
  • Sugar
  • Your favourite piece of jewellery
  • A voice
  • You
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    1. Get your bowl and fill it halfway with water
    2. Add 2 spoon fulls of sugar
    3. Add 2 spoon fulls of salt
    4. Put in the blue food dye (make it a normal shade of blue)
    5. Put in your favourite piece of jewellery
    6. Say the spell 5 times


    "Oh goddess, oh goddess of the sea. I have a wish, a plea. Please make what I want to be: a mermaid. Make me a mermaid and you will see, how good of a mermaid I can be."

    Side Effects: Legs itching, legs changing colour, legs coming together, sudden thirst, passion and talent for swimming, wanting fish a lot, legs more flexable, chocking on land a lot (mostly because you can breathe underwater).

    This spell might give you other things BUT you are lucky if you get them because these effects are good. They are: beuty, amazing singing voice, look yonger than you are.

    Also, you don't get to pick what colour of tail you get or what your power is.

    Added to on Nov 13, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #476 - Become a Werecat

    This is an alternative to my other werecat spell. I am a werecat and I am serious about werebeasts. Look at my wikia. And I have transformed before so I don't "think" I'm a werecat.
    You may need:

  • Cat/big cat/wild cat/extinct cat figurine
  • Liking of big cats or cats or some type of cat
  • Night time
  • Belief in werebeasts and this spell
  • Water in a bowl
  • (Optional) full moon or moonlight
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Cat/big cat/wild cat/extinct cat figurine
  • Liking of big cats or cats or some type of cat
  • Night time
  • Belief in werebeasts and this spell
  • Water in a bowl
  • (Optional) full moon or moonlight
  • Voice
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    1. Place the bowl of water in front of you. You might have moonlight, if you do get it to shine on the water. But if it is a full moon but you can't get at the moonlight, just put it where you can see the moon.
    2. Submerge the figurine fully in water.
    3. Say this spell 3x:

    "Now I am human, but soon I will be strong.
    Like a big cat.
    Like all cats, I will have no predators.
    Like all cats, my teeth and claws will be deadly.
    Like all cats, I will be fast."

    Now at the full moon, I will become a werecat.

    4. Drink the water (take the figurine out first).
    5. This should work the next full moon, as long as it's more than 2 weeks away.

    Added to on Nov 09, 2015
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #477 - Vampire Spelll Works

    A spell that makes you a vamp.
    You may need:

  • Night
  • Belief
  • Spell
  • Voice
  • Outside
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    You may need:

  • Night
  • Belief
  • Spell
  • Voice
  • Outside
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    Say the spell 3 times, outside, at night. then stay still without moving for 13 seconds.


    "Vampire Vampire I will be, fangs to suck blood I shall not need. I will be mist, a bat, a wolf, and merge with earth. I will need super speed, flight, super agility, glamour, mind reading, super taste, and night vision. In return for this, sun will burn me. Make it midnight! So mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be!"

    Reverse Spell:

    "Vampire no more I wish to be, Human again make me be."

    Added to on Nov 08, 2015
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #478 - havmand metamorphose

    This a spell that I have written, inscribed in candles, charged with energy, and balanced with the elements. The Gods' and Goddesses' will do the rest. It's up to them if you're are responsible to be privileged, this must be your desire.
    You may need:

  • 12 water elemental items (no water by itself)
  • 5 energy charged fish scales
  • 4 preferably used elemental candles (no water)
  • 1 sterling silver bowl filled with rain water
  • 2 glass egg cups full of real saltwater
  • 1 unused unscented white candle
  • 1 small bag
  • 1 pair of metal tweezers
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    You may need:

  • 12 water elemental items (no water by itself)
  • 5 energy charged fish scales
  • 4 preferably used elemental candles (no water)
  • 1 sterling silver bowl filled with rain water
  • 2 glass egg cups full of real saltwater
  • 1 unused unscented white candle
  • 1 small bag
  • 1 pair of metal tweezers
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    take off all clothes

    place 5 fishscales in the bag, and the place it on any mount (cardboard box, rock, book)

    place white candle on mount

    add bowls of saltwater bowls on mount

    place with rain water infront of mount

    enter in the opening on open elemental

    place rainwater bowl in place of water elemental

    form an invoking pentagram with 4 elemental candles at each point while staying within the visual circle

    form a circle with 15 water elemental items and the 4 candles; put water items in between each candle to form a circle

    cast a circle

    light all candles excpet the white one

    sing this (no chant) and think truely about your mermaid form and the abilities you have

    oh for sake gods and goddesses listen to me tonight i beg of you give me my wings and let me fly you haved loved these many years and i have sinned, and lied and done my wrongs but i've been forgiven many times with your pardon i will worship thy from the very beginning to the last chapter with your guidance permission and my granted will you know what i strive for you know what i wish you know the answer to make my legs a fish come to me and stay until morning please change me change it at my command please misure madam and dear poseidon bless me i will be true and do the best of worship all i ask for one of many powers please change change im visioning at my call me legs bind to tail

    close your eyes and slowly count until you can feel the numbers floating above your head and you lose track and drain of energy

    with everything you have in you pour the real saltwater in the bowl of rain water and dunk your head in with eyes, nose, mouth closed until 5 seconds have passed and get out of the water and spill it all over yourself and feel it soak in your skin, it should revive your energy. when you feel a higher force coming above you, light the whit candle in front of you light it

    this step is very important light all the elemental candles in order and the already lit white candle should be infront of you

    place all the fish scales in the 4 candles and the last scale in the white

    if youchose to blow out the candles then make sure you let the white die out on its own, the next morning take out the scale of the white candle and carry it with you until you want to reverse the spell

    please message me if this dosent work i want to help!

    Added to on Nov 07, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #479 - Mermaid Spell

    Turn yourself into a mermaid with this spell.
    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Symbol
  • Bath
  • Water
  • Full moon ''optional''
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    You may need:

  • Salt
  • Symbol
  • Bath
  • Water
  • Full moon ''optional''
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    ''Spirits of the sea, grant me this wish, to become a mermaid and swim with the fish. A mermaid with a (color of your tail) tail and the powers of (your 3 powers). A human when dry, a mermaid when wet, so mote it be.''

    Fill your bathtub halfway and pour salt in it. Sit in it and recite spell 3 TIMES. After you have recited the spell 3 times, you put your symbol on.
    If you don't use your symbol, you will be a mermaid forever.

    In this case, symbol is used for you to control when you will become a mermaid. Symbol holds powers. If you don't wear it and you are wet, you will not become a mermaid. If you wear it and you are wet, you will become a mermaid.

    Full moon is optional in this spell. You better do it on full moon, but you can either do it on any other day. If it doesn't work, try doing it on full moon. Also, after spell, don't look at full moon. You will lose your mind and you won't be yourself until moon sets down. This can be a problem - you will act as you are drunk and you might show your tail to someone.

    You will get bra, but do everything right. A girl who claims for this spell to work on her says she didn't get her bra in mermaid form. If this happens to you, choose a upper swimming costume to use for your mermaid spell.

    Spell works in 1 week.

    - Belive
    - Never take your symbol off until it works
    - If you lose your symbol after spell worked, you are in trouble
    - To stop being mermaid forever, break the symbol
    - You can choose up to 3 powers to use. It can be any power, a girl that claims for this spell to work on her chose: pain manipulation, psyhcic shield and magic/mystokinesis
    - You can tell to your best friends or family you are a mermaid. Nothing will happen and you won't lose your tail
    - You will breath underwater. It feels kinda weird at first, but you'll get used to it.

    - Headaches
    - Dizzyness
    - Stomache
    - Trouble walking
    - Fatigue
    - Legs feeling tired and itchy
    - Big thirstiness
    - Attraction to water

    If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I will be glad to help you ^^

    Added to on Nov 02, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #480 - Shape-Shift

    A spell to shape-shift.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go outside and get into a calm state of mind. Start thinking like the animal you want to shift into.


    "I call on the gods and goddesses of the universe to grant my wish. My wish is to become a shape shifter. I can control myself in my (enter animal) form. From human to (enter animal) and back to human at will. This is my will, so mote it be."

    Added to on Oct 30, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 20, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters