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1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1522 Fantasy Spells
1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1522 Fantasy Spells
  1. Vampire
  2. A Very Real Vampire
  3. Turn into a Mermaid
  4. Wolf Transformation Ritual
  5. How to Be a Fairy
  6. Werewolf Transformation for Girls
  7. Mermaid
  8. Ugly WereWolf Spell: For You & OTHERS!
  9. Become a Vampire That Controls Themself
  10. Twilight Vampire Spell

#1361 - Vampire

Turn into a vampire instantly using this spell.
You may need:

  • Sink
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Sink
  • Water
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    Go in the bathroom and undress then you plug the sink and fill it up with water. You should imagine yourself with red eyes and long razorsharp fangs then cover yourself in water from head to toe and say:

    "Hear me Satan
    Hear me Dark Lord.
    Turn me into a vampire.
    I shall burn in sun light without my ring.
    I will drag to hell when the bell rings.
    I want to be a vampire so make it true.
    I will have cold skin and 3 cm sharp fangs.
    To this is what I want most in life so mote it be"

    Side effects

    • really blurry vision
    • head ache
    • cold skin
    • large very sharp fangs
    • dizziness
    • tooth aches


    • run faster
    • fump higher
    • see better
    • hearbetter
    • smell better
    • mind control

    Added to on May 21, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1362 - A Very Real Vampire

    This will make you a vampire.
    You may need:

  • Red drink
  • Cup
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    You may need:

  • Red drink
  • Cup
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    Pour the red drink into a cup. Imagine yourself as a vampire, with the powers you want. Chant: "Red blood, cold skin. Vampire mistress, turn me into your kin. Long fangs, blood thirst. This shall be mine, as I asked first".

    You may feel weak, and experience tooth pain as you canine teeth sharpen. You may also experience headaches when outside. But your physical abilities and senses will enhance.

    Added to on May 20, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1363 - Turn into a Mermaid

    Turn into a mermaid. Good luck!
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Turn me into a mermaid
    As pretty as can be,
    Turn me into a mermaid,
    Who will swim in the sea."

    Added to on May 20, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1364 - Wolf Transformation Ritual

    Helps transformations go smoothly.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 purple candle
  • 1 brown candle
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 silver or white candle
  • 1 sandalwood insense
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 green candle
  • 1 purple candle
  • 1 brown candle
  • 1 black candle
  • 1 silver or white candle
  • 1 sandalwood insense
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    Light all the candles around a bed. Burn the incense near you. It needs to be pure dark in the room. Lay on the bed, and chant:

    "I feel fur immensely.
    I become Inspired.
    I don't give up.
    As I say, dear moon, belief is key.
    The moon draws its light from the energy within.
    I draw my energy from the wolf within.
    Come wolf spirit! Come Great Unknown!
    From the home of the wolf, the massive hill of bones!"

    Imagine your body shifting into a wolf. Then say:

    "Humans fear the beast within the wolf,
    Because they do not understand
    The beast within themselves."

    Feel yourself shifting more and more. This just helps with shifting.

    Added to on May 19, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1365 - How to Be a Fairy

    Follow the instructions to become a fairy.
    You may need:

  • A piece of the elemental fairy you want to be(like a flower petal for a flower fairy)
  • Your birthstone
  • An open mind
  • Daylight
  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • A piece of the elemental fairy you want to be(like a flower petal for a flower fairy)
  • Your birthstone
  • An open mind
  • Daylight
  • 1 white candle
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    Step 1: When in the day light, take the birthstone and place it in the path of the sun.
    Step 2: Take the element piece and say this spell.

    Oh gods and goddesses, hear my plea
    Make me be a magical fairy
    With the power of(your power)

    Step 3: Hold up the element piece.
    Step 4: Burn the piece in the flames.
    The reverse spell is going to be posted later.

    Added to on May 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1366 - Werewolf Transformation for Girls

    This is a werewolf spell for girls. It turns any normal girl into a werewolf.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go outside on a full moon and stare at the moon as you chant thee times:

    "Werewolves, werewolves, one and all. I call you forth to hear my call. Turn me into a what I wish to be. Turn me into a werewolf, so mote it be".

    Added to on May 08, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1367 - Mermaid

    Turn into a mermaid.
    You may need:

  • 1 swimsuit top
  • 2 flippers
  • Some body lotion
  • 1 coconut shell
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    You may need:

  • 1 swimsuit top
  • 2 flippers
  • Some body lotion
  • 1 coconut shell
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    Put on the swimsuit top and flippers. Turn on some relaxing music as you scrub lotion onto your legs. Cut the coconut in half, putting one half on each knee. Say, "I wish to be a mermaid and swim in the sea".

    Added to on May 04, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1368 - Ugly WereWolf Spell: For You & OTHERS!

    You may need:

  • worms
  • lake water
  • 2 inches of your hair
  • Stress
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    You may need:

  • worms
  • lake water
  • 2 inches of your hair
  • Stress
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    Casting On YOU: (do this everyday for a week)

    Get lake water and put the worms in there, then put your hair in there.

    An hour later take the worms out, and your hair, and put the lake water on your face, legs, etc. as if it's lotion! Then be in the sun for 2 hours, and think about negative stuff and have stress, then eat ONLY fat foods every day!!

    then on the last day of the week, say:

    I want to look so ugly,
    I want it to be a pity,
    I want the boys to say,

    Casting On SOMEONE ELSE:

    Get lake water and put the worms in there, then put the person you want to look ugly's hair in there, then take the worms out, and the person's hair then give it to them and say that it is ''SPECIAL LOTION'' and that they should try it on! and give them fat foods every day, take him/her out to the sun for 2 days in a week for 2 hours and talk about stressful stuff!

    *if you've done these, by the end of the week- you/or the person will look so ugly, people won't be able to stand you*

    Added to on Apr 29, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1369 - Become a Vampire That Controls Themself

    Become a vampire quickly.
    You may need:

  • Red drink
  • Water in a bowl
  • Little cup
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    You may need:

  • Red drink
  • Water in a bowl
  • Little cup
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    Get some red drink. Put water into a bowl. Then get a little cup and scoop up the water. Imagine yourself as a vampire as you stare into the water. Drink only a sip of it. Say: "I am a vampire, the darkness of blood is in my hands. I know I can make it. I will not bite whomever I like".

    Added to on Apr 23, 2012
    Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1370 - Twilight Vampire Spell

    Should turn you into a vampire like on twilight. This is my first spell and I don't know the side effects so please tell me if it works or not and the side effects. You should be a vampire by the next morning.
    You may need:

  • Nightime 12 o clock midnight
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    You may need:

  • Nightime 12 o clock midnight
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    Say this chant: Gods and goddesses, hear my plea, on this night I wish to be a vampire, I shall be super fast, strong and able to heal myself quickly. I do not burn in the sunlight but I will sparkle. I will stop ageing at 35, I shall be immortal. I shall not eat or drink anything at all unless I want to. So mote it be.

    Added to on Apr 23, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1522 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters