2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Calming
- Fire Skill Gainer
- Feel like or Become a Cat
- Breast Enhancement
- Grow Wings
- Anthropomorphic Pokemon
- No Fears
- Luck, Health, Fit and Strong
- How To Make A Magic Wand
- Mermaid Beauty
#911 - Calming
Take at least three deep breaths and do what you can to clear your mind. When you are ready say this incantation:"Mother Earth I call to thee, mother earth please answer me. Send to me your calming ways, help me now and all my days."
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#912 - Fire Skill Gainer
Fire Chant:
"Blazing red inferno, hear my call, give me infernal skills so I turn my enemies to ashes, protect the helplessness, and follow the fiery path. This is my duty. This is my wish. So come forward, God of fire".
Side Effects: Higher body temperature, Hot breathe, Hot-tempered.
Chant this 3-5 times each day. Use your clock to help you on the time.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#913 - Feel like or Become a Cat
1. Place the figurine in front of you.
2. Put the music on in the background.
3. Put the cat hair on or touching the figurine.
4. Then say this 3 times:
"I want to be a cat,
no predators,
fast speed,
claws for climbing,
I ask Bastet to make me a cat,
this is my will, so mote it be."
5. Take the cat hair off the figurine and put the hair on your head. keep it there, if it falls off, it's ok, but don't take it off.
6. Kiss the figurine.
7. Listen to the music until the end.
side effects: If you do this perfect, you will become a cat. If not, you will act and be like a cat, which is cool.
Better Climbing
Sharper Nails
Sharper Teeth
Better Speed
Better Night Vision
Better Hearing
Better Smell
Licking Self
How to change into and out of a cat:
This may take from 3 days to a month, and when the side effects get tense try these.
to change into a cat, imagine the cat you want to be and whisper "cat form, cat form, change me". To change back into a human, lick yourself 3 times on the paw and meow in between licks, then flick that paw with your ear.
Contact me if you have questions.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#914 - Breast Enhancement
Boil Fenugreek seeds in water. Strain out the seeds so you get the water once it cools and leave it on the counter. Go to a 3 way crossing on a friday night of the waxing moon with your stuff.
Light the candles and invoke Maria Padilha, then show her the corn. Implore her to empower it to make your breasts grow and increase. Tell her you will pay her well if she takes care of you. Leave the candles burning and go home
Every friday for 7 consecutive fridays (including the current one), bathe your breasts in the fenugreek water and rub each grain of corn into your breasts with massaging motions
The final friday after rubbing, go to a black pidgeon or black dove. Feed it the corn. Return to the crossroad, bringing the anisette, red and black candles, and roses. Light the candles and Invoke Maria Thank her graciously. Open the bottle of anisette, take a mouthful, spray in the direction you uttered your petition. Leave the bottle and the roses.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#915 - Grow Wings
Light the candles in a circle around you and the cup. Chant this 3 times:
Help me float
Help me fly
Wings of (desired color)
Wings of light
This is my will,
So mote it be.
After you are done chanting drink the liquid in the cup. The spell may take up to a month to work. The spell is reversible. To reverse the spell make the liquid again but instead chant this 3 times:
Help me land
Help me walk
Wings of (wing color)
Fly away
This is my will,
So mote it be.
After you are done chanting that drink the liquid again. Your wings should disappear within a day.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#916 - Anthropomorphic Pokemon
Pour the drink into the bowl/cup along with the physical symbol for the type. (For Fire, DO NOT use actual fire, just draw a picture of fire or something, and for Water, you don't need to put anything in.)
Hold the bowl/cup and say, "By drinking this, I will become an anthro Pokemon!" and drink half of the drink, then put the other half away or give it to a friend if you are doing it with a friend who's becoming the same Pokemon, but save some if you're doing that.
Draw a picture of your Pokemon. Every detail must be put on. If your art skills are awful, print out a picture of it. Write "Oh, Arceus, please give me a new appearance- allow me to be an anthropomorphic Pokemon. Please make my ability *put the ability here* and my moveset to be *put the moveset here* and please make my level *put level here*. Assuming you are our Lord God, I will bestow my full love and I will follow your every command my whole life and never let go. This is my only wish. Thank you in advance."
After you're finished, fold it up and put it in the Pokeball, of which you can put near where you sleep so Arceus will find it.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#917 - No Fears
On a paper write one of you fears. It can be anything your scared of. Take the part of the paper with your fear on it and tape it to the candle. Light the candle and chant
"While I'm awake I'll have no fears
Take them and make them disappear
Into my dreams for as long as I live
Down them in the dark abyss
As faint as a sound
As gone as its life
Make my fears disperse tonight"
When you're done picture a black room. In the room is a container. Everyday say this spell 3 times. In Two days the container will be full of your fear. You can do this several times to contain all your fears.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#918 - Luck, Health, Fit and Strong
Chant three time's: "God and godesses, please hear me! Bring me luck on any day, let me become healthy, fit and strong, and let this last forever long."Then chant only one time:"By the force of three, so will it be!"
Last edited on Sep 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#919 - How To Make A Magic Wand
There is no right or wrong way to make a magic wand. I offer my suggestions as a guide to help develop your own method for making magic wands.
Choosing the Wood:
Deciding on the type of wood can be the most challenging or the easiest of tasks when it comes to your wands creation.
Many wand makers prefer to only take wood that has already fallen from a tree. This can be a problem since most fallen wood is already begun rotting, unless you get storm wood (fresh wood that has fallen during a storm). If your wood can be found locally I would suggest getting storm wood, especially since the separation from the tree came during a time of great power of change.
Whenever taking live wood from a tree always ask permission from the tree, an unwilling subject is not going to make a very good magic wand.
To do this simply clear your mind and ask the tree in your mind if you have permission to take some wood to be made into a magic wand, if your heart feels happy then the answer is a "Yes" if your heart drops the answer is "No".
Wood from a tree that has been struck by lightning is VERY powerful, I call it Lightning Wood. This type of wood is so powerful I wouldn't suggest anyone making or using one unless they are experienced.
There is also a lot of wood to choose from that is not of local origin. Oak and Ash can be commonly found at lumber yards being sold as dowels. You can also find more exotic wood from specialty wood stores. If you are going to use rare wood I would suggest doing some research and finding out where the wood came from and make a donation to an conversation project in that area. Most of our exotic wood comes from West Africa and we donate to
Whenever possible give something of value back to the forest or the tree that allowed you to use their wonderful wood. Usually a gemstone or coin in your pocket will do, but dont use pennies because copper can hurt and even kill some trees.
After you have chosen your wood, I would suggest to start awakening your wand. Imagine that your completed wand is a wonderful creature with a beautiful form, imagine this being is now taking life within the wood. Imagine this being beginning to breath within the wood.
Wand Shaping:
Now it is time to allow the wand to take its shape. You may or may not have an idea of how you want your magic wand to look. I have started many wands without having any idea of how I want the magic wand to look, but I just started carving and shaping and before I knew it the wand started taking its own shape. You just have to be quite and listen to the wand. If you do have an idea, then use it. You may find that the idea starts to take a life of its own.
And from my experience many wands tell me of another design or a way to improve the current design. When I make the next wand I use this new information. I like to allow the wands to evolve themselves this way.
There are many wand makers that refuse to use any power tools, they say that the wood will remember the vibration and cutting of the power tool. And right they are, the wood, the wand will remember. If you can get the shape you desire without using any power tools then more power to you, or the wand, depending on how you look at it. However if the wand you intend to make somewhat requires the use of some power tools, then make it. I've seen many beautiful wands that required the use of machinery to make them what they are. All HP style wands are made on a lathe, I'd like to see someone try and make on of those wands without that machine.
I believe the bottom line when using tools is, how does the wand feel when your done with it. And above all, go with your intuition. Please use safety and caution when using power tools, keep your eyes, lungs and fingers protected. You'll need them for when you use your magic wand.
A few ideas for wand shaping:
- Stones?
- Crystal?
- Spiral?
- Leather handle?
- Wood burned?
- Wire?
- Paint?
Tools that can be useful:
- Dremel
- Wood rasp
- Carving knife
- Sand paper
Also making some kind of magic wand wrap or pouch is useful for protecting the wand both physically and energetically. Black, blue and purple seem to work well, but use your intuition. Even a cut piece of fabric can be used to wrap up a wand and protect it.
Protective Coating:
The most accepted practice among magic wand makers is to use Tung Oil or Wax.
But if you want or the wand wants to be stained red, then stain it red. Like I said, there is no wrong way to make a magic wand.
Last edited on Jul 01, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#920 - Mermaid Beauty
Then take the shell ( Preferred the clam kind)and put mixer in the open bit.
''Then Chant 3X : Goddess Aphrodite please make me beautiful in others eyes, Goddess Amphitrite please let the sea magic flow in me. I ask for the blessing to be as beautiful as a mermaid in all my forms.Hair down to my waist, eyes that glisten in the light and lips as red as a rose. Please let me become a charm when the sun rises once again, So mote it'' be.
Then put the sand on your face as much as you can. After 10 minutes wipe it off and the next morning you shall become as beautiful as a mermaid!
Last edited on Jan 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.