2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Full Immortal Demon Spell
- Rebirth
- The Chant Of Enchantment
- Saiyan cells spell
- subliminal affirmations wish spell.
- Dragon transformation
- Confidence Spell
- Real hybrid curse
- A working vampire curse
#471 - Full Immortal Demon Spell
''I want to being fully possesed by a demon to become a 100% immortal Full demon in trade for my soul''
Belief in the occult, Satan and demons.
Say the following Once:
Demon, Demon I call thee!
Possess and take full control of me,
Make me immortal, a Demon i wish to be.
In trade for my soul, it has no use to me!
So make me a immortal Demon! and I thank thee,
Grant this wish! So let it be.
#472 - Rebirth
Say:" Born and renew my heart in the name of rebirth" x3
"Born and renew my soul in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my fingers in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my toes in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my chest in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my hair in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my ears in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my veins in the name of rebirth." x3
"Born and renew my genitals in the name of rebirth." x3
"Sentence my old shape to a new form in the name of renew rebirth and born so mote it be." x3
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#473 - The Chant Of Enchantment
candles of pink, black, and white.
I gaze into the scrying mirror this night.
Before my eyes come and appear
A witch within me she draws me near.
I will not fuss I will not fight
I can't resist the power of her might
surrounded in mist
Her essence strong.
I shall soon know before long.
I am you and you are me
My reflection speaks one are we
Her beauty beckons her spell is cast enchanting our future present past
Recite the chant she says to me
For in you now I come to be
call the number the master sends to the lair I come as the night descends
cocktails brew near the crystal ball candles light the mirror on the wall
Three witches transform
In the mirror yearn
By the power of Three
Three Spells to me return
Place a scrying mirror at the foot of a full body length mirror
Light the candles place them at the foot of the scrying mirror
Place the object of affection in front of the candles
Light the smudge place it at the foot of the item or picture
Stand naked in the mirror and recite the chant over and over and over again until the magic happens
Write the result of the operation in your grimourie
#474 - Saiyan cells spell
#475 - subliminal affirmations wish spell.
#476 - Dragon transformation
Please understand that you will have to become a human again an hour after you change for the first time or you'll be a dragon forever. It gets an hour longer every time you transform. Also, the way you turn back is you write your name on the ground and then roar.
Put the apple in your left hand and put the apple in front of your face doesnt matter where at the front of your face and say I want (insert persons name) to fall in love with me instantly 100% and say you will also know what I look like and know what omi sound like and you will have good dreams of me ever night and then bite the apple then put the part of the apple that you bit near your mouth and say love me forever (insert persons name) by the power of the goddesses this is my love wish so mote it be. And then it should work instantly 100% so have fun trying it and if it doesn't work the first time just keep trying OK PEOPLE :D
Last edited on Jun 05, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#478 - Confidence Spell
#479 - Real hybrid curse
- Blood of your own.
- Day/Night.
- 1 candle (colour does not matter).
Say the following 2-3 times:
Goddess of the immortal, and
Goddess of the wolf.
Grant me thy wisdom,
Grant me my faith.
Make me a Hybrid, both
Vampire, and Werewolf is what thy made.
Make out my plea, For it to be.
Irreversible, So it shall be!
And after that you'll need to drink your own blood
within 3 minutes!!! if not, then it will not work!.
It works within 3 hours.
#480 - A working vampire curse
A Working Vampire Curse: Needs: dim private room. alone time. needle. 6 drops of your own blood. A Bed. Day/Nighttime. Say this 3-5 times: Oh Goddess of the undead, Mother to the immortal. Grant me thy wisdom, Grant me thy help. I wish to be a undead, A Vampire. Irreversible! Then you'll need to prick your left hand (Index Finger), and place 3 drops of your blood on the place where you did the invocation. And drink 3 drops of your own blood. then you'll need to go to bed for 30 minutes. that's it and after 30 minutes you'll be an Immortal Undead Vampire!
Last edited on May 25, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.