2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Love spell not tested
- Become a Neko
- Wing Shifter Spell
- Plant growing elixir
- Beauty
- Tiger Spell!!!!!
- confidence charm
- Inner hearing
- Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type
- skittles love potion
#491 - Love spell not tested
Suitable for the waxing phase, from new moon to full moon.
From north or south or east or west,
Let him/her come who loves (your name) best.
I offer my heart so full of love,
Soon may we meet and fall in love.
If you have a certain person in mind, then add this next sentence in otherwise leave it out!
(If .is the one please show a sign,
If not the plea a soul mate find.)
I call upon the goddess to bring love divine.
As I want so may it be.
#492 - Become a Neko
The Spell:
''Cat Gods and Goddesses, hear me now.
I want the ears and tail of an animal that says meow.
(Due date, must be above 30 days) is the date I'll get these, and I also want pointy, sharp, teeth.
By the power of 3, So let it be.''
(Say the spell 3 times)
Hiding your animal parts:
To hide the ears: you could either tease your hair to the point where it hides your ears, wear a hat, or wear a hoodie.
To hide your tail: you could wrap it around your waist, wear long pants and have your tail down one leg hole, or wear a kinda long, baggy hoodie and keep your tail hidden in there.
Side Effects
- Craving Fish and / or Milk.
- Saying Nya more often
- Wanting to take naps more often.
- Itchiness / Tightness in the place where your cat ears will be on your head and where your tail will be on you.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#493 - Wing Shifter Spell
''By the power of the moon shining bright
I pass and change within its light
Make me a shifter of the blackened night
With two animal forms and beautiful wings of flight.
The form of a/n (animal), the form of a/n (animal)
Both with wings that can grow and retract
By the light of the moon
I shall be nonhuman soon.''
Now focus on your intent again, then blow out the candle.
Side effects:
Getting stronger and faster
Better reflexes, more flexible
More stealthy
Better senses
More endurance, pain resistance, lung capacity and stamina
Skin turning the colour of your species' fur/scales/feathers
Down feathers coming out of your back
Flaky/oily skin, especially on the back
'Pimples' on upper back
Aches in tailbone
Tingling in head, back, tailbone, legs, feet, and arms
Connection to the air and the sky
Connection to your animal types
If your species has any powers, you will develop them soon before your first shift
Angry easily
Occasional mental flares
Short trance when looking at the moon
Dreams of your types and being your types
#494 - Plant growing elixir
If you have any questions mail me :)
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#495 - Beauty
First light the pink candle then go sit in moon light by a lake, take the lake water and rub on your face and your hands you need to believe in yourself then chant three times "I am beautiful on the inside and outside as well but they don't see the beauties in me last them see the real beauties in and in me please mote it be." Then blow out pink candle and say I believe I am beautiful on the outside and inside .
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#496 - Tiger Spell!!!!!
Hope it works! on both you guys and me!
Side affects: sharper teeth, hiss when scared/angry, longer hair, sharper nails, stronger.
this is my first spell so I will take positive criticism.
Again, hope it works! will do more spells soon!!!
By Atheana97
#497 - confidence charm
1. Ligh the candle and place charm infrount of it.
2. chant " Gods and goddesses here my plea. Make me strong and confident.
3. blow out the candle and dip your charm in it
4. now your charm is made.
#498 - Inner hearing
#499 - Become a Neko of Any Animal-Type
Ok, so when you are in your bedroom, you will need to lay down in your bed. You do not have to get in your covers, but rest your head on your pillow. Now close your eyes gently, think of claws and fur, and say this chant:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
There's also a version that is permanent, but NOT reccomended:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to listen to my plea,
To be a neko, half (animal), so mote it be!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
Here's a version specifically for cat-neko transformations:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, as I wish, they will come.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
Here's the permanent version for cat-neko transformations:
A neko I wish, so shall I become,
(color) ears and (color) tail, to never be undone.
Fangs and claws, they'll begin to grow,
My bright (eye color) eyes, they will glow.
I ask of you, God*, to grant me this now,
To be a neko, half cat, meow meow!
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
For all of the above spells, say them 3 times a day for a week. It should work after 9 days.
To change the color of your ears/tail, just say this spell 3 times a day for a week (it should work after a week):
For Ears:
My lovely (animal) ears are a (current color) hue,
But I also adore the color (new color) too.
So they shall change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.
For Tails:
My lovely (animal) tail is a (current color) hue,
But I also adore the color (new color) too.
So it shall change to (new color) now,
For this is my color, and this is how.
Say both chants if you please, but you must say them seperately.
To reverse the spell, just say this chant 3 times a day for a week:
I no longer wish to be a neko now,
I will be only human, and this is how.
My ears and tail will disappear overnight,
and my (color) eyes won't seem so bright.
My fangs and claws will disappear,
God*, please, I hope you hear.
*The use of the word God assumes you are Christian. Use whatever name your religion desires, if you are atheist, just say ''universe''.
~Side Effects~
-Back, head and toothaches
-Brighter eyes
-Purring, hissing and meowing
-Cravings for milk/fish
Credit to PaintMeRed for inventing the spell, I have merely tweaked it and added to it.
Email me at lumalee@juno.com and tell me if it worked/didn't work.
#500 - skittles love potion
Put the skittles in the water by its color(all reds go in one bottle of water etc.), then put the vanilla in all of the water skittles. Take out the skittles from the water once it's a solid color(like the entire thing is green.) Then, put it in the water and bring it to a boil. Lastly put it in the bottle and give it to who you like.
Last edited on Apr 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.