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5 Beauty Spells from The Air Element

Covens The Air Element  ► The Air Element's Spellbooks  ► 5 Beauty Spells
5 Beauty Spells from The Air Element

Included in this list of 5 Beauty Spells
  1. Grow Wings
  2. Healing
  3. For Beauty
  4. Enhance Telepathy
  5. Aerokinesis
#1 - #5

#1 - Grow Wings

Keep in mind that wings grow almost exactly like teeth, and by "almost" I mean "The only difference I can think of is teeth grow in your mouth in a couple weeks to a couple months, whereas wings grow out your back in a couple days to a couple years."
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Wings sprouting out of my back,
    I wish for a painless attack
    As you pierce the skin to peek through,
    Wings, I've been waiting for you

    Please keep the blood in,
    As much as you can
    If you have to bleed,
    I'd much rather that than
    You not come at all;
    I wish nothing more than to fly
    My childhood dream -
    To take to the sky

    Please be quick;
    Come in with haste
    Strong enough to carry
    Me and anything I case
    I chose who of others can see,
    The color of (color), so mote it be."

    Note: You may feel pressure in your back after casting and/or pain while they're growing.

    Added to on Aug 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #2 - Healing

    Healing spell for minor things, such as itchy eyes and paper cuts.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Relax. Still relaxing, place your hands about 4in away from the spot in need of healing. Imagine pure energy flowing from your palms. Chant:

    "Flowers flowing from my palms,
    I request for only good to be done

    Thoroughly cleansing this body, pure
    Not sickened like the state before

    When I am done with my chant,
    The harmful energy shall be bant

    A peaceful state to please the mind,
    Body and soul, in sync from divine."

    Added to on Aug 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #3 - For Beauty

    Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder, it's a reflection of our feelings about ourselves. When we dwell on our "defects" we lessen our inward and outward beauty. This ritual is designed to increase our good feelings for ourselves thus, it increases beauty.
    You may need:

  • 5 pennies
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    You may need:

  • 5 pennies
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    Hold five pennies in your projective hand. Visualize yourself as a beautiful person. Don't see yourself as your favorite movie stars, who have make-up artists, lighting directors and cinematographers to assisted them. Visualize yourself as a loving, open person radiating beauty. Pour this image into the pennies. Toss one into the well while saying:

    "I allow myself to be beautiful.
    I accept beauty".

    Repeat this with the remaining four coins. It is done.

    Added to on Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #4 - Enhance Telepathy

    Strengthens your telepathic ability.
    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Purple candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Purple candle
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    Do this spell before going to sleep and when you wake.

    Place a white and purple candle side by side, light them, chant the spell three times, and as you do so keep your mind open. Feel your mind opening further. It may help to visualize the opening in a way that works for you.

    ''As it be thought in the minds of others
    Those familiar and strange
    Those sisters and brothers
    May it be heard in my own mind
    Loud and clear as if it's spoken.''

    Added to on Apr 12, 2012
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    #5 - Aerokinesis

    Well Aerokinesis is taking ahold of the wind and able to almost grab it an be one with it and tell it what to do!
    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside
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    You may need:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside
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    This is not a spell, it is one of

    my basic tqchniques to help you master Aerokinesis, it works for me so It shall work for you!

    • Step outside
    • Imagine and visualise the following

    "Feel like the wind moves if you move. Try to imagine the wind moving

    in the same direction as your arm does if you mvoed your right arm to the left...

    Visualise a texture in the wind. Imagine that you were in a big clear nothing but

    grass and flowers in a meadow! Feel the slightly gentle breeze blow on the top

    of your head and feel it drag along with your hair/head"

    This technique was completely made by MoonLite800

    this technique is for LEARNERS other advanced

    If you need help just contact me!

    Added to
    Part of the The Air Element Library.

    5 Beauty Spells from The Air Element
    #1 - #5