Making a Cozy Magic Space

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► Making a Cozy Magic Space
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This article will guide you through making a perfect, comfortable, magical space out of your bedroom!

I'm going to guide you through transforming your own bedroom into a cozy magical space.

Lighting is everything.

The first concern is the lighting in your bedroom.

For the main lighting...

Overhead lighting
Bright, harsh lighting

Lamps (They create more light sources and shadows, and have generally softer light.)
Soft, colored light (I prefer pink, but whatever works best for you, e.g. orange, yellow, purple, etc.)
Fake candles (easy to find at a store, and better than real candles, as they never burn out!)

A misty atmosphere.

You don't need real smoke to make a good ambience. There are various ways to make a room seem foggy, including the soft lighting techiques I described above. You can also spray mist around your room (just don't get things wet!).

Bright, widespread light.
Dangerous chemicals
Lots of water
Flashy, loud or distracting things
Unpleasant smells or sights

Gentle mist
Low light levels
Fresh scents
Soft music (if desired)

A key to making a magical room is using it often for magic. The more you practice magic inside it, the more magical it will become. Your energy will flow into the furnishings, surroundings and air of the room.

Keep your secrets, notes, wishes and magic supplies in your room. Another important thing is to keep it clean! Tidy up as often as possible- you could even make cleaning into an enjoyable, magical activity.

If you need any more assistance, feel free to contact me (IzabellaMoon) through SoM mail. I won't always be here to reply, but I check as often as I can. I'd love to hear your bedroom redecoration story.

Added to on Jan 06, 2018
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
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