This will allow you to become a witch, especially if you're a beginner. It'll allow you to become to your full potential. Though you don't become a witch through a spell, one can help you gain the motivation to become actively involved in the practice. You become one through studying, experiencing, and gaining knowledge.
This ritual gives you chance to enhance your abilities,however it will NOT I repeat, will NOT , give you supernatural powers. Although, it'll give you the strength to get those abilities if you work for them and earn the respect of them.
The ritual it's self, if you wish, can include conjuring the elements and you bringing them to the circle that you will be making, nevertheless, bringing the elements to the circle is not necessary in this process.
To do the ritual, the following must take place;
1)Sit on your knees(if you have a neckless place infront of you, if a statue place that infront, if both, place the statue infront of the neckless)
2)Raise your hands, feel your energy connecting and coming through the whole of your body, surrounding you and coming through you (The energy can be whatever you like..the colour, the shape ect)
3)Chant the following;
Hecate, Selene and Artemis, Goddesses three, hear my please,
I ask of this in your name,
Grant this, your child, all the powers you can bestow,
Grant me powers without bounds,
Give me the strength to wreak vengence on my enemies,
Give me the power to overcome,
and the wisdom to do right by this gift,
Give me all you have to give,
Hecate, Selene, Artemis! Hear my plea!
Allow the energy to burst through you and up into the air, imagine it floating into the skies and coming back down more powerful than ever and surging back through you. Feel the energy, Feel the power.
Authorship information for this article was lost when we cast a love spell wrong and all records got destroyed in a fire. Let that be a lesson for us all.
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