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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: I miss My old freinds!
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Original Post:
by: Esctasy_Moon on Jan 24, 2013

I literally have like no Friends anymore. Theyve all got families or just busy in general and We've "fell Out' So i was wondering if there is a Spell for reconnecting with old freinds? mabye even the ones that hate you? I miss alot of people. I just think its so mean to come in and out of someones life so suddenly! And yes there is def one in particular that id want to kind of Direct Back into my life and become close to again. Id work on it Phsyically but we did leave off on a bad foot and shes so stubborn.
So if theres anything of that nature you would share with mii id appreciate it greatly.

Also Wanning is Light to Dark and Waxing is Dark to light Right? Im pretty sure but mii and a freind a while back had argued over that and i need comfirmation. Im pretty sure im right :)

Thanks All!!!