Dark Vampire spell
Ok bare with me on this one some one requested this but i need to know if it works... btw its super long
Casting Instructions for 'Dark Vampire spell'
You will need the following items for this spell:
- All elemental candles- White(spirit), Red(fire), Blue(water), Yellow(air), Green(earth), Black(darkness), Violet(light)
- A black sharp knife
- Black string- 9 inches with one knot in the middle
- New Moon- Night between 10pm-2am
- Blood- Yours and a friends
- a cup/Chalice- Hold your friends blood
You will need the following items for this spell:
- All elemental candles- White(spirit), Red(fire), Blue(water), Yellow(air), Green(earth), Black(darkness), Violet(light)
- A black sharp knife
- Black string- 9 inches with one knot in the middle
- New Moon- Night between 10pm-2am
- Blood- Yours and a friends
- a cup/Chalice- Hold your friends blood
''In the darkest hour I send out my request to the Greek Goddess Nyx. I request that if I have any vampire ancestry that it be brought out in vice of a week. I belong not with the normal humans but belong in the supernatural world where there is always danger. In becoming a vampire I give up my time in the sun, my favorite foods, and most of all the warm blood running in my vains.''
cut the palms of both hands and light each candle while saying
White- ''My spirit I condem you to never live another human life as you are to live with me and die if I ever die.''
Black- ''I condem myself to the darkness to never see another sunrise or sunset.''
Violet- ''The sun light shall slowly burn me to death if I am ever caught in it.''
Red- ''The fire will no longer hurt me for it will become my friend on the darkest of nights.''
Blue- ''Water is no longer need to keep me alive as I only need blood to stay strong.''
Green- ''The earth will become a close friend as I live and move to hide any suspicion and hide from the sun''
Yellow- ''Air, I need you to only speak now because I am no longer part of the living but not quite part of the dead''
Now take the black string and soak one end in your friends blood and the other end in your own blood but not going past the knot.
And now drink what is left of your friends blood. Let your blood drip on to each candle 5 times. For each candle say;
''The night is now my world as I am human no more. I am an ancient fear creature because normal humans fear the unknown.''
Let the candles burn out on there own if your blood hadn't already put them out, and just sit and wait.
Once the candles are out say;
''This is finished. So mote it be.''
At 5 am go to bed
Candle Colors
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Darkneskitty has been a member of the site for 12 years, since Mar 03, 2013
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on Mar 09, 2013
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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You cannot become a vampire.
no, you can not become a vampire, you are born 1. I myself am 1 and I should know. however, the sunlight protection spell works
Roleplaying is against site rules. If you are claiming to be a psi vampire, then I would agree with you. If you are claiming to be a Nosferatu type. Fangs, blood sucking, bat transformation, garlic hating, destroyed by sunlight vampire, I can say with certainly you are lying and need to stop spreading misinformation as it is giving false hope to new members who do not understand how Real Magic works on the physical plane.
it took an hour to cast for my sake, of trying! but instead of using human blood i used the closes of them all pig blood from a shop. i feel energies but no where near transforming into a vampire, just dark energies
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