Two slips of paper that have your wish written on it.
You will need the following items for this spell:
Small mason jar with the lid
A green or gold candle
Green ribbon
Items associated with your wish.
Two slips of paper that have your wish written on it.
Before casting this spell, meditate on your wish, or what exactly it is that you would like this spell to bring into your life.
When you are ready, slowly add the items into the jar, and visualize each one helping to bring your wish into manifestation. You can also say a small chant or statement associated with what it is you want.
For example, if I was doing this spell to attract a lover, I would add in rose petals, violets, paper hearts, and a slip of paper listing the qualities of the ideal lover that I wanted to attract. (Remember to be very specific with what it is you want, but do not name an actual person, in this case.) I would visualize each of these things helping me find the man or woman that had these qualities.
When you are done filling the jar, place the lid on it and tie the ribbon around the lid, now place your candle on top, and focus on your wish. Meditate on it and visualize your wish as clearly as possible, now take the second sheet of paper and burn it in the candles flame. As the paper burns, know that your will has been released into the universe.
You can repeat this daily (I do it as long as I feel it is needed), or until your wish starts to manifest.
Also keep in mind that you will need to take steps to help your wish along its way. For example, if you are doing this for love, try to get out more to meet new people, or work on kindling a relationship with someone you already know or have feelings for. If you do not take action, chances are your spell will not be able to help you much.
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