Love Salad Spell

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Love Salad Spell
This spell enchants a salad to be a love salad.

Casting Instructions for 'Love Salad Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 cup Mango
  • 1/2 cup Pine Nuts (optional)
  • 1 cup Pineapple
  • 1 cup Apple
  • 1 cup Peaches
  • 2 or 3 Bananas
  • 1 small jar Red Cherries
  • 1/2 cup Coconut (if desired)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 cup Mango
  • 1/2 cup Pine Nuts (optional)
  • 1 cup Pineapple
  • 1 cup Apple
  • 1 cup Peaches
  • 2 or 3 Bananas
  • 1 small jar Red Cherries
  • 1/2 cup Coconut (if desired)
Make a salad of the listed ingredients, concentrating on the love you wish to share. Chant the spell incantation as you chop and slice the ingredients into bite sized pieces.
''Fruit of mango, fruit of pine, Let the one I love be mine. Fruit of apple, fruit of peach, Bring him/her close within my reach. Fruit of banana, fruit of cherry, Let his/her love for me not vary. As I work my magick spell, Warmly in his/her heart I dwell. I now invoke the Law of Three: This is my will, so mote it be!''
Mingle the fruits and place your hands on either side of the bowl, while visualizing you and your loved one building a life together. Serve the salad and enjoy.


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