Ridding Negativity Spell

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Ridding Negativity Spell
This spell is good for ridding a room of negativity when Sage is not available.

Casting Instructions for 'Ridding Negativity Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon incense stick
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cinnamon incense stick
Light a cinnamon incense stick in the center of the room and walk to the north east corner or wall. Say:
''Earth and air, purify to good, blow away evil.''
Draw a pentagram of smoke and use the incense stick to stab through the center. Walk to the southeast corner of the room and say:
''Air and fire, blow away evil, burn away pain.''
Repeat the pentagram and stab the center, then walk to the southwest part of the room. Say:
''Fire and water, burn away pain, wash away fear.''
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the northwest part of the room and say:
''Water and earth, wash away fear, bury all negativity, purify to good.''
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the center of the room. Point incense stick to the sky and say:
''As Above...''
Now drop an ash from the incense and say:
''So Below''


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Part of the Spirit Seers Library.


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Cinnamon is used for many things, but cleansing is not one of them. This idea is excellent and you can simply burn an incense stick and say ''I am blessed'' and it would work. These types of simple spells rely on intention and the witches ability to charge Magikal energy. However, I would either include two different types of incense, or a blend. Cinnamon works for protection. It does not work for cleansing. Cinnamon would be a perfect choice to use after you cleanse so you can bless your space with protection and good fortune. I would either switch this with sandalwood because sandalwood cleanses and protects, or grab a cup of salt water, dip your fingers in, and flick it around your room in a clockwise motion while saying a cleansing chant. Then, light the cinnamon incense and say this to keep the negativity out. One final thing, make sure your window is open. If you are still in the broom closet, you do not need to have your door open, but the negative energy needs a way to escape. Then, shut the window and bless your space to keep the positive energy in.

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