Collect Thy Soul of an Enemy

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Collect Thy Soul of an Enemy
from NekroN_black

Casting Instructions for 'Collect Thy Soul of an Enemy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • bones from any animal or human
  • Black candle, set on a black alter if you can it will increase the power of the curse.
  • photograph of the person you wish to harm
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • bones from any animal or human
  • Black candle, set on a black alter if you can it will increase the power of the curse.
  • photograph of the person you wish to harm

This spell is a curse and should be used with extreme caution! The results may be devastating for those who are not prepared for the outcome. A warning your thoughts must be clear in order to make this curse work.

Follow the curse..if it says to scatter the bones do so at the time you repeat that line. Introduce the picture of the enemy when it says I see thy...etc.

Repeat only once!

Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust Twist and bend the bones to bust I scatter these bones, these bones full of my rage Take them as an offering to bring thy enemy pain I see thy enemy before me now I bind him, crush him, and knock him down With these bones I now do crush Grind thy enemies into dust With the eternal fires out of control With this curse I take thy soul This is my will let it be done


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Last edited on Mar 31, 2016
Part of the Random Magic Library.


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