Dark Entity Banishment

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SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► Dark Entity Banishment
This spell isn't specifically directed at demons by any wording and can be used against any entity you feel is a threat.

Casting Instructions for 'Dark Entity Banishment'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Chant the following as many times as you feel necessary:

"I summon forth my inner light
To rid myself of this foul sight.
Let their life force wither and depart
From my sight, mind, and heart.
Let them now cease to be
Returning to their damned eternity.
So I will it, so mote it be."


Added to on Jun 27, 2012
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Raven's Gate Library.


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I would tweak the chant a little so it flows better. This could be used as a generic protection against negative energy, but not for demons and other negative entities. You would need something more potent to banish a demon than a chant.

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