Healing some one from afar

SpellsBeauty  ► Cure  ► Healing some one from afar
to heal someone far away.

Casting Instructions for 'Healing some one from afar'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • picture or name of the person you want to heal.
  • trust in yourself.
  • 1 white candle.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • picture or name of the person you want to heal.
  • trust in yourself.
  • 1 white candle.
make your self at ease relax a little bit. put the picture or the name near the candle. Light the candle then say the following with your voice multiple time or if you think it think more often. By the wind, by the air, by the earth, by the water , spirit and the gods and goddess i demand that you heal (imput name) from her (kind of illness) that he/she makes a full recovery without any damage to his/her body nor mind may you bless him/her with all you divine strengh and kindness. This is my wish so mote it be.


Added to on Feb 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Greetings Brother. I want to perform this spell to heal many of my loved ones. I would like to alter the spell a little bit, by writing the type of illness under the person's name and burning it on the white candle. Will this make it more powerful? And would I need to leave the candle burning?

Sep 12, 2023
It definitely wouldn't weaken the spell. I would suggest writing the name, the illness, and a statement of your desired outcome like ''May this harm be healed''.

Burning the paper would be akin to releasing your wish/prayer to the aether for the gods to receive. ... Like mailing a letter. And once the paper is burned and the working complete I would say that leaving the candle to burn down or no is up to you. Obviously a longer burn and the longer time you spend observing it burn while in contemplation of your prayer means a greater input of effort and care on your part. So take it as you will and decide for yourself how much time you feel you should dedicate to the process.

One suggestion though. Don't 'demand' action from your patron. That is generally rude and also presumptive/hubristic. Imagine you are an adult with a candy, and two children you don't know well (but know... the neighbour's kids or something) walk up to you. One SAS ''I'm hungry and I would like some candy, may I please have a piece?'' While the other says ''I need your candy, give it!'' ... Who would you give it to?

If you work with a deity or guide, or have one you plan to appeal to in mind, address them directly and with respect. Recognize them for who they are and the importance of what they do. And, if you want to garner better favor then having an offering with you to give, regardless of potential response, goes a very long way. Hand-bake some bread. Pour a shot of bourbon. Bring some flowers from your garden that you have worked to grow. Whatever it is as long as it is something your deity likes and as long as it took effort from you to get grow or make, then it will be meaningful.

Imagine if one of those children came to you and said ''HI Wolfwitch, My friend is having a really bad day and I think he would be much happier if I could give him some candy. But I don't have any and don't know where to get it. I bet he would be really happy if you were to go over and give him some of what you have though. ...by the way, here! I planted some seeds with mom in spring, and looked after them all summer. They made lots of roses so I wanted to give one to you. You can have it either way.''

None of these kids exist. They are just words, and the voices you attached to them in your head. But think about how they made you feel as you read them. Which you would help. ... food for thought.

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