
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Conundrum

Post # 1
I have been astrally dating my soulmate since december. For a very long time, I've wanted to meet his physical incarnation. Then high school starts, and my wish gets granted. Sort of.

Just a couple weeks ago I realized my astral boyfriend's physican incarnation went to my school, and I actually had one class with him. Since then, I've been watching him, but haven't even been able to talk to him yet. :-( I know however, that he has a girlfriend, and definately doesn't remember his astral self, or me for that matter. Since I saw him at school, his astral self vanished and I haven't been able to magickally reach him since. I feel completely alone and abandoned. What makes matters worse is he's a popular jock, and I'm the average lowly bookworm. I want to talk to him, but it's very hard to when he's constantly surrounded by people, I only have one class with him, and whenever I see him I get all shy and butterflies invade my stomach preventing me from saying or doing anything. I don't know what to do. Can anyone help me?
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 2
ok try this :take a deep breath and just talk to him
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 3
This is why I say foreknoweldge is a beep

As for ur question
The reason why the dude don't remember u becuase unless he's aware of his astral self. U said he's a jock?its been most my exp that most jocks aren't even aware anything beyond their self and maybe just maybe christ.
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 4
truedreamer: That's good adivce :-) however, it isn't that easy for me... cuz I'm so shy. :P But I'll try.

mr.hanson: I agree, jocks have no sense. But I did kinda know him astrally...and he wasn't like that before. He probably just needs his memory jogged.
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 5
wat about a love potion
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 6
I personally think love potions are going against free will. Besides, I want him to truly love me, not just be acting off the potions effects. Because once, he *did* truly love me.
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 7
Maybe you should try to focus on what it was that caused him to be so drawn to you in the A.P...If you can figure that out then you might be able to recreate it in this plain.I know speeking as a man,sometimes just a slight movement out of the corner of my eye,or a familiar perfume that smells like someone I love, can instantly take me to another place and time.Maybe it would for him as well...Peace
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 8
Thanks nordk :-) that's a really good idea, I think I'll try it.
Blessed be,
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 9
true love never dies i only true loved one women in my life but she gone i would have gave up any thing to save that means my soul my mind bod any thing but is told me do not do what i need to then she was gone she was no morethere are some things that never heal if you feel the same way about your husband a i still feel about my love and would do any thing and i many any thing to save go after him and naver let him go brcose life is to short to last
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Re: Conundrum
Post # 10
That's a very sad story jinaxm :-( I'm really sorry to hear about that. Let me tell u this though: u deserve someone who'll love u back. And u'll find that person eventually. It may take some time, but true love always finds a way.
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