Please someone help

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Please someone help
Post # 1
My mother broke up with my psychotic father. He does black magic and we did a protection spell, is there any way he could've undid the spell we did? The teeth she has that he broke is infected for no reason and she's been spitting up blood for awhile now. If someone could please give me a simple and REAL protection spell or do one on her that would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Please someone help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Welcome.
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Re: Please someone help
Post # 3
First, could he have undone your protection spell somehow? Yes. No protection spell is guaranteed to be 100% effective, and almost all need to be refreshed at some point. If there are still things of his in the house and nothing's been cleansed, that'll definitely act as a backdoor of sorts.

As far as her broken teeth being infected for no reason goes, there's always a reason for an infection. Could he have hastened that process along with magic? Possibly, but we're talking about broken teeth here, and the mouth is filled with bacteria. I know this is a scary time for you right now and it's easy to blame magic for everything that goes wrong, but it's likely that this would have happened even if magic weren't involved. If she hasn't already done so, she needs to see a dentist as soon as possible and get that taken care of.
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Re: Please someone help
By: / Novice
Post # 4
As was already said, Mouth infections can and do happen quite easily when there is serious damage like a broken tooth. The mouth is hot, wet, full of nooks and crannies for stuff to build up in, and constantly bombarded with new materials every time you eat. An infection to the gums can get under the root of a broken tooth, forming an incredibly painful absess (a pocket of infection). If un-treated, and if the body can't fight it off and break it down, it has to have somewhere to drain to exit the body. If not, it can instead go deeper into the jaw. It could further damage tissue, kill nerves, or get into your blood and make you extremely sick.

In this regard, a -little- bleeding is to be expected, and a little favorable as it is a sign the infection is being expelled/has a path of escape. However you absolutely need to get to either a dentist or hospital where they will likely x-ray the issue to see how bad it is, and likely should get you on antibiotics.

What you can do at home is entirely centered on cleaning the mouth while avoiding things that can cause more damage -like brushing too hard. Every morning and evening, and especially after every meal, it is a very good idea to rinse with a proper antiseptic. Scope or listening, whatever is on sale. Put some in the mouth and vigorously swish for at -least- 30 seconds. Ideally a minute or more. And try to avoid food or drink anything for at least a half-hour after.

In addition to this, twice a day soak your mouth with salt-water. It tastes kinda gross, but take a shot glass with warm water and dissolve as much salt as the water will hold. Put it in your mouth for as long as you can stand. 5-10 minutes minimum. If you can make it longer, all the better. Do NOT swallow. Spit and rinse with water or mouthwash. If your mouth gets over-full with saliva, spit and just repeat with a fresh 'shot'.

The effect will not be immediate, but it will help. Do this for at least two weeks, even if your mouth is feeling better. The vulnerable areas need to be protected and given a chance to heal and close off. Otherwise it will just come back again.

Remember that your body is a physical thing with physical processes. Look after the mundane, then the spiritual after as it is the lesser of your concerns right now.
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Re: Please someone help
Post # 5
As Draq and Spiritwitch have stated, the infection is a physical thing and requires physical care.

Now for magickal protection (which you should only focus on once you've gotten medical help for the infection) you could look into spell jars and cord magick.

Spell jars would be for the direct protection. You use it to act as a kind of spiritual decoy where it contains your energy (usually people fill it with saliva or urine for this) and therefore any negative energies sent to you get sent to it instead. You could even set up the spell jars to send negativity back at the sender with a little extra kick. However, if you are being attacked by someone actively then I recommend you replace the jar with a new one every month or so to ensure it keeps working.

The cord magick is for banishing and stopping him from affecting you. You could use it to energetically tie him down and stop his attempts at harming you two. You could also use it to tie him away from you. If you want to, you could even tie protective crystals into it to incorporate their energies and use cobwebs to symbolise him getting tangled up.

I've also heard of a method where you take a picture of someone and/or write their name on paper and put it in the freezer to freeze them in their tracks.

You'd also likely want to cleanse yourselves of any remaining energy he may have set on you. I don't really know any specific cleansing methods so you'll have to research this on your own.

Remember. Get medical attention for the infection first. Take care of your physical body with physical means. Then you can do this.

I hope this is helpful ^^
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