i need money fast

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i need money fast
Post # 1
i found a bird feather outside my door i brung it inside i was wondering how could i do a easy and basic spell that works and i also do music how can i get fortune and fame
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Re: i need money fast
Post # 2
Simple in spells don't mix as all spells require the same basic techniques , its just that highly levels of spell manipulation require a higher level of the same type of abilities. Such as if you can't do addition and subtraction then you won't be able to do multiplication and division. The thing with money spells is that they work like fate manipulation, meaning when you bring money into your life or the life of another you are creating a situation where money /can/ be brought into your life. Of course, specifics of the situation will require a spell for that situation as you should write spells for the specific situation at hand. The thing with spells working is that they have to follow the "formula" of witchcraft, so if you need to ask for one that works then that means that you don't know how to write spells , as its better if you write a spell for your specific situation rather then finding a general solution for a specific problem you need to solve. In terms of feathers, you can use items as "extra energy" for spells but the energy of the item needs to align with the spell otherwise it's like adding mayonnaise to your pasta, its going to ruin the meal. In terms of getting fortune and fame you wouldn't get that overnight as if it was that easy then everyone would do it. Please let me know if this is useful to you and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask me.

Thank you

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Re: i need money fast
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Introduce Yourself.
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