Magic combined with Qi

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Magic combined with Qi
Post # 1
Could I use my qi to strengthen spells and practices I use.
I've thought that I've heard that Magic comes from energy so basically would using my Qi make the energy more stronger.
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Re: Magic combined with Qi
Post # 2
From a quick search, Qi is a form of life energy, right? The Chinese counterpart of the Japanese Ki or the Indian Prana. (Please correct me if I'm wrong)

If it's energy then it could be used in spells as spells are just a method of directing energy. The more energy you put into a spell the stronger it is. Using that logic you could definitely use Qi to strengthen spells.

Just make sure you don't use too much and that you replenish it afterwards. I don't know what happens when you use too much of your own Qi but I know using too much of my personal energy leaves me feeling tired and drained so be careful lol.
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Re: Magic combined with Qi
Post # 3
Ok thanks
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Re: Magic combined with Qi
Post # 4
My understanding is that qi/ki/chi and magic both use energy, but qi differs in that you're using your own body energy and aren't really using it for spells to affect the world around you. Can you add your own energy to a spell? Sure. Just don't use too much or there could be side effects. This is why it's recommended that you raise energy and pull/channel it from other sources when casting spells, because spells can take a good amount of energy depending on what you're trying to do.
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