Incomplete Spell

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Incomplete Spell
Post # 1
Name of spell: Spectral Delight Day End Broadcast

Take 1 quantity myrrh for every 13 amount of frankincense and mix with oil (olive oil and/or almond oil) and apply to broom.

Take 1 quantity of coriander, 1 of same quantity of bay leaf and 16 of that quantity of curry leaf and place in cauldron. For best results, rinse and allow ingredients to dry, before adding ingredients to cauldron.

Look to the left of the cauldron while raising your right hand and press your right thumb to your right index finger, press your right index finger to right middle finger and then press your right middle finger to the right little finger. If you are having difficulty doing this play with your left thumb and left middle finger until you can manage to do this. Breath in. Blow out your mouth onto the cauldron.

Visualize a crescent moon, and a log of wood. Place your left hand over the cauldron, and imagine blue; while touching your right thumb together with right middle finger.

Imagine a full moon. Imagine a cabinet. If you are having difficulty imagining the cabinet, you can visualize gold and silver to aid your imagining of the cabinet.

Now grab the broom and wave it over the cauldron while touching the pole-end with right hand and the middle of pole with left hand. Imagine wood connecting with metal and say "stave". Now imagine a frog.

That is all that is required for this spell. Once you get a sense for this spell you can astral travel easier.

I feel that this is an incomplete spell, because without finesse or a grand message, it doesn't accomplish what I feel it is capable of. Aim for the stars.
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Re: Incomplete Spell
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I would say that, not only is the spell incomplete, it isn't really a spell at all. There is no focus or intent in the spell, just random actions and visualizations. None of the visualizations have anything to do with a final goal or outcome. Just reading the spell there is no indication as to what it is supposed to accomplish, and a clear goal is the very basis of any spellwork.

I think it could be tinkered with (a lot) to make it into a spell, but it would probably be easier to simply start over with something that includes focus, intent, raising energy, directing that energy towards your goal and then releasing the energy into the Universe to do its work.

This post addresses a lot of the issues found in this spell:

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Re: Incomplete Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I agree that there is some confusion with the process, which would make it feel incomplete. ...Perhaps it might help to inform the purpose behind the actions... What do the hand poses signify? Is it symbolic, or do the pressure points correspond with other things? (For example different points in the hands can associate with different energy centers in reflexology.. or different planets/astrolgical signs in palmistry)

Why visualize a frog, wood, and a cabinet? What goals or actions are we meant to associate them with?

Why are we applying infused oils to a broom, when it is not used in the remainder of the spell? Was it meant to be used to cleanse the cauldron, or the space around it? A step is missing there.

Working magic is about fitting action to purpose. Maybe revisit the spell with this in mind and it will help you reach a more solid second draft.
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